Source code for granary.nostr



NIPS implemented:

* 01: base protocol, events, profile metadata
* 02: contacts/followings
* 05: domain identifiers
* 09: deletes
* 10: replies, mentions
* 12: hashtags, locations
* 14: subject tag in notes
* 18: reposts, including 10 for e/p tags
* 19: bech32-encoded ids
* 21: nostr: URI scheme
* 23: articles
* 25: likes, emoji reactions
* 27: text notes
* 39: external identities
* 50: search


* 05: DNS verification
* 11: relay info (like nodeinfo)
* 12: tag queries
* 16, 33: ephemeral/replaceable events
* 27: user mentions, note/event mentions
*     the difficulty is that the Nostr tags don't include human-readable
*     text. clients are supposed to get that from their local database.
* 32: tag activities
* 46: "Nostr Connect," signing proxy that holds user's keys
* 65: user relays. what would this be in AS1? anything?
from datetime import datetime
from hashlib import sha256
import logging
import secrets

import bech32
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import HTTP_TIMEOUT, json_dumps, json_loads
from websockets.exceptions import ConnectionClosedOK
from websockets.sync.client import connect

from . import as1
from .source import creation_result, FRIENDS, INCLUDE_LINK, OMIT_LINK, Source

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# NIP-19

# NIP-39
# maps NIP-39 platform to base URL
  'github': '',
  'telegram': '',
  'twitter': '',
  'mastodon': 'https://',

[docs] def id_for(event): """Generates an id for a Nostr event. Args: event (dict): Nostr event Returns: str: 32-character hex-encoded sha256 hash of the event, serialized according to NIP-01 """ event.setdefault('tags', []) assert event.keys() == set(('content', 'created_at', 'kind', 'pubkey', 'tags')) return sha256(json_dumps([ 0, event['pubkey'], event['created_at'], event['kind'], event['tags'], event['content'], ]).encode()).hexdigest()
def is_bech32(id): if not id: return False id = id.removeprefix('nostr:') for prefix in BECH32_PREFIXES: if id.startswith(prefix): return True
[docs] def uri_to_id(uri): """Converts a nostr: URI with bech32-encoded id to a hex sha256 hash id. Based on NIP-19 and NIP-21. Args: uri (str) Returns: str: """ if not uri or not is_bech32(uri): return uri prefix, data = bech32.bech32_decode(uri.removeprefix('nostr:')) return bytes(bech32.convertbits(data, 5, 8, pad=False)).hex()
[docs] def id_to_uri(prefix, id): """Converts a hex sha256 hash id to a nostr: URI with bech32-encoded id. Based on NIP-19 and NIP-21. Args: prefix (str) id (str) Returns: str: """ if not id: return id data = bech32.convertbits(bytes.fromhex(id), 8, 5) return 'nostr:' + bech32.bech32_encode(prefix, data)
[docs] def from_as1(obj): """Converts an ActivityStreams 1 activity or object to a Nostr event. Args: obj (dict): AS1 activity or object Returns: dict: Nostr event """ type = as1.object_type(obj) inner_obj = as1.get_object(obj) event = { 'id': uri_to_id(obj.get('id')), 'pubkey': uri_to_id(as1.get_owner(obj)), 'content': obj.get('content') or obj.get('summary') or obj.get('displayName'), 'tags': [], } published = obj.get('published') if published: event['created_at'] = int(util.parse_iso8601(published).timestamp()) # types if type in as1.ACTOR_TYPES: nip05 = obj.get('username', '') if '@' not in nip05: nip05 = f'_@{nip05}' event.update({ 'kind': 0, 'pubkey': event['id'], 'content': json_dumps({ 'name': obj.get('displayName'), 'about': obj.get('description'), 'picture': util.get_url(obj, 'image'), 'nip05': nip05, }, sort_keys=True), }) for url in as1.object_urls(obj): for platform, base_url in PLATFORMS.items(): # we don't known which URLs might be Mastodon, so don't try to guess if platform != 'mastodon' and url.startswith(base_url): event['tags'].append( ['i', f'{platform}:{url.removeprefix(base_url)}', '-']) elif type in ('post', 'update'): return from_as1(inner_obj) elif type in ('article', 'note'): event.update({ 'kind': 1 if type == 'note' else 30023, }) # TODO: convert HTML to Markdown in_reply_to = as1.get_object(obj, 'inReplyTo') if in_reply_to: id = uri_to_id(in_reply_to.get('id')) event['tags'].append(['e', id, 'TODO relay', 'reply']) author = as1.get_object(in_reply_to, 'author').get('id') if author: event['tags'].append(['p', uri_to_id(orig_event.get('pubkey'))]) if type == 'article' and published: event['tags'].append(['published_at', str(event['created_at'])]) if title := obj.get('title'): event['tags'].extend([ ['title', title], ['subject', title], # NIP-14 subject tag ]) if summary := obj.get('summary'): event['tags'].append(['summary', summary]) for tag in util.get_list(obj, 'tags'): name = tag.get('displayName') if name and tag.get('objectType') == 'hashtag': event['tags'].append(['t', name]) if location := as1.get_object(obj, 'location').get('displayName'): event['tags'].append(['location', location]) elif type == 'share': event.update({ 'kind': 6, }) if inner_obj: orig_event = from_as1(inner_obj) event['content'] = json_dumps(orig_event, sort_keys=True) event['tags'] = [ ['e', orig_event.get('id'), 'TODO relay', 'mention'], ['p', orig_event.get('pubkey')], ] elif type in ('like', 'dislike', 'react'): liked = inner_obj.get('id') event.update({ 'kind': 7, 'content': '+' if type == 'like' else '-' if type == 'dislike' else obj.get('content'), 'tags': [['e', uri_to_id(liked)]], }) elif type == 'delete': event.update({ 'kind': 5, 'tags': [['e', uri_to_id(as1.get_object(obj).get('id'))]], }) elif type == 'follow': event.update({ 'kind': 3, 'tags': [ ['p', uri_to_id(o['id']), 'TODO relay', o.get('displayName') or ''] for o in as1.get_objects(obj) if o.get('id') ], }) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported activity/object type: {type}') return util.trim_nulls(event, ignore=['tags'])
[docs] def to_as1(event): """Converts a Nostr event to an ActivityStreams 2 activity or object. Args: event (dict): Nostr event Returns: dict: AS1 activity or object """ if not event: return {} kind = event['kind'] id = event.get('id') tags = event.get('tags', []) content = event.get('content') obj = { 'id': id_to_uri('nevent', id) } if kind == 0: # profile content = json_loads(content) or {} nip05_domain = (content['nip05'].removeprefix('_@') if isinstance(content.get('nip05'), str) else '') obj.update({ 'objectType': 'person', 'id': id_to_uri('npub', event['pubkey']), 'displayName': content.get('name'), 'description': content.get('about'), 'image': content.get('picture'), 'username': nip05_domain, 'urls': [], }) for tag in tags: if tag[0] == 'i': platform, identity = tag[1].split(':') base_url = PLATFORMS.get(platform) if base_url: obj['urls'].append(base_url + identity) elif kind in (1, 30023): # note, article obj.update({ 'objectType': 'note' if kind == 1 else 'article', 'id': id_to_uri('note', id), # TODO: render Markdown to HTML 'content': event.get('content'), 'tags': [], }) pubkey = event.get('pubkey') if pubkey: obj['author'] = id_to_uri('npub', pubkey) for tag in tags: type = tag[0] if type == 'e' and tag[-1] == 'reply': obj['inReplyTo'] = id_to_uri('nevent', tag[1]) elif type == 't' and len(tag) >= 2: obj['tags'].extend({'objectType': 'hashtag', 'displayName': t} for t in tag[1:]) elif type in ('title', 'summary'): obj[type] = tag[1] elif type == 'subject': # NIP-14 subject tag obj.setdefault('title', tag[1]) elif type == 'location': obj['location'] = {'displayName': tag[1]} elif kind in (6, 16): # repost obj.update({ 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': 'share', }) for tag in tags: if tag[0] == 'e' and tag[-1] == 'mention': obj['object'] = id_to_uri('note', tag[1]) if content and content.startswith('{'): obj['object'] = to_as1(json_loads(content)) elif kind == 7: # like/reaction obj.update({ 'objectType': 'activity', }) if content == '+': obj['verb'] = 'like' elif content == '-': obj['verb'] = 'dislike' else: obj['verb'] = 'react' obj['content'] = content for tag in tags: if tag[0] == 'e': obj['object'] = id_to_uri('nevent', tag[1]) elif kind == 5: # delete obj.update({ 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': 'delete', 'object': [], 'content': content, }) for tag in tags: # TODO: support NIP-33 'a' tags if tag[0] == 'e': obj['object'].append(id_to_uri('nevent', tag[1])) elif kind == 3: # follow obj.update({ 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': 'follow', 'object': [], 'content': content, }) for tag in tags: if tag[0] == 'p': name = tag[3] if len(tag) >= 4 else None id = id_to_uri('npub', tag[1]) obj['object'].append({'id': id, 'displayName': name} if name else id) # common fields created_at = event.get('created_at') if created_at: obj['published'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(created_at).isoformat() if isinstance(obj.get('object'), list) and len(obj['object']) == 1: obj['object'] = obj['object'][0] if obj.get('objectType') == 'activity': obj['actor'] = id_to_uri('npub', event.get('pubkey')) return util.trim_nulls(Source.postprocess_object(obj))
[docs] class Nostr(Source): """Nostr source class. See file docstring and :class:`Source` for details. Attributes: relays (sequence of str): relay hostnames """ DOMAIN = None BASE_URL = None NAME = 'Nostr'
[docs] def __init__(self, relays): """Constructor.""" assert relays self.relays = relays
[docs] def get_actor(self, user_id=None): """Fetches and returns a Nostr user profile. Args: user_id (str): NIP-21 ``nostr:npub...`` Returns: dict: AS1 actor object """ if not user_id or not user_id.removeprefix('nostr:').startswith('npub'): raise ValueError(f'Expected nostr:npub..., got {user_id}') id = uri_to_id(user_id) # query for activities with connect(self.relays[0], open_timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT, close_timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT, ) as websocket: events = self.query(websocket, { 'authors': [id], 'kinds': [0], }) if events: # will we ever get multiple here? if so, assume the last is the most recent? return to_as1(events[-1])
[docs] def get_activities_response(self, user_id=None, group_id=None, app_id=None, activity_id=None, fetch_replies=False, fetch_likes=False, fetch_shares=False, include_shares=True, fetch_events=False, fetch_mentions=False, search_query=None, start_index=None, count=None, cache=None, **kwargs): """Fetches events and converts them to AS1 activities. See :meth:`Source.get_activities_response` for more information. """ assert not start_index assert not cache assert not fetch_mentions assert not fetch_events # build query filter filter = { 'limit': count or 20, } if activity_id: if is_bech32(activity_id): activity_id = uri_to_id(activity_id) filter['ids'] = [activity_id] if user_id: if is_bech32(user_id): user_id = uri_to_id(user_id) filter['authors'] = [user_id] if search_query: filter['search'] = search_query events = []'Connecting to {self.relays[0]}') # query for activities with connect(self.relays[0], open_timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT, close_timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT, ) as websocket: events = self.query(websocket, filter) event_ids = [e['id'] for e in events] # maps raw Nostr id to activity activities = {uri_to_id(a['id']): a for a in [to_as1(e) for e in events]} assert len(activities) == len(events) # query for replies/shares if event_ids and (fetch_replies or fetch_shares): for event in self.query(websocket, {'#e': event_ids}): obj = to_as1(event) if in_reply_to := obj.get('inReplyTo'): activity = activities.get(uri_to_id(in_reply_to)) if activity: replies = activity.setdefault('replies', { 'items': [], 'totalItems': 0, }) replies['items'].append(obj) replies['totalItems'] += 1 elif obj.get('verb') == 'share': activity = activities.get(uri_to_id(as1.get_object(obj).get('id'))) if activity: activity.setdefault('tags', []).append(obj) return self.make_activities_base_response(util.trim_nulls(activities.values()))
[docs] def query(self, websocket, filter): """Runs a Nostr ``REQ`` query on an open websocket. Sends the query, collects the responses, and closes the ``REQ`` subscription. If ``limit`` is not set on the filter, it defaults to 20. Args: websocket (websockets.sync.client.ClientConnection) filter (dict): NIP-01 ``REQ`` filter limit (int) Returns: list of dict: Nostr events Raises: AssertionError: if the filter ``limit`` field is not set. """ limit = filter.setdefault('limit', 20) subscription = secrets.token_urlsafe(16) req = ['REQ', subscription, filter] logger.debug(f'Sending: {json_dumps(req)}') try: websocket.send(json_dumps(req)) except ConnectionClosedOK as err: logger.warning(err) return [] events = [] while True: try: msg = websocket.recv(timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT) except ConnectionClosedOK as err: logger.warning(err) return events logger.debug(f'Received: {msg[:500]}') resp = json_loads(msg) if resp[:3] == ['OK', subscription, False]: return events elif resp[:2] == ['EVENT', subscription]: events.append(resp[2]) elif len(events) >= limit or resp[:2] == ['EOSE', subscription]: break close = ['CLOSE', subscription] logger.debug(f'Sending: {json_dumps(close)}') try: websocket.send(json_dumps(close)) except ConnectionClosedOK as err: logger.warning(err) return events
[docs] def create(self, obj, include_link=OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Creates a new object: a post, comment, like, repost, etc. See :meth:`Source.create` docstring for details. """ type = as1.object_type(obj) url = obj.get('url') is_reply = type == 'comment' or obj.get('inReplyTo') base_obj = self.base_object(obj) base_url = base_obj.get('url') prefer_content = type == 'note' or (base_url and is_reply) event = from_as1(obj) content = self._content_for_create( obj, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting, prefer_name=not prefer_content) if content: if include_link == INCLUDE_LINK and url: content += '\n' + url event['content'] = content with connect(self.relays[0], open_timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT, close_timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT, ) as websocket: create = ['EVENT', event] logger.debug(f'Sending: {json_dumps(create)}') try: websocket.send(json_dumps(create)) msg = websocket.recv(timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT) except ConnectionClosedOK as cc: logger.warning(cc) return logger.debug(f'Received: {msg}') resp = json_loads(msg) if resp[:3] == ['OK', event['id'], True]: return creation_result(event) return creation_result(error_plain=resp[-1], abort=True)