"""Convert between ActivityStreams 1 and 2, including ActivityPub.
* AS2:
* http://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/
* https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/
* https://activitypub.rocks/
* AS1:
* http://activitystrea.ms/specs/json/1.0/
* http://activitystrea.ms/specs/json/schema/activity-schema.html
import copy
import datetime
import logging
from os.path import splitext
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
from . import as1
from .source import html_to_text, Source
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# ActivityPub Content-Type details:
# https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#retrieving-objects
CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/activity+json'
CONTENT_TYPE_LD = 'application/ld+json'
CONTENT_TYPE_LD_PROFILE = 'application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"'
# https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept
CONTEXT = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
MISSKEY_QUOTE_CONTEXT = {'_misskey_quote': 'https://misskey-hub.net/ns#_misskey_quote'}
# https://swicg.github.io/miscellany/#sensitive
SENSITIVE_CONTEXT = {'sensitive': 'as:sensitive'}
'schema': 'http://schema.org#',
'PropertyValue': 'schema:PropertyValue'
# https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/5feb/fep-5feb.md#specifying-search-indexing-consent-at-the-actor-level
# https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#discoverable
'discoverable': 'http://joinmastodon.org/ns#discoverable',
'indexable': 'http://joinmastodon.org/ns#indexable',
PUBLIC_AUDIENCE = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
# All known Public values, cargo culted from:
# https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/visibility-to-cc-mapping/284
# https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#properties-used
PUBLICS = frozenset((
def _invert(d):
return {v: k for k, v in d.items()}
# https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#object-types
'application': 'Application',
'article': 'Article',
'audio': 'Audio',
'collection': 'Collection',
'comment': 'Note',
'event': 'Event',
'group': 'Group',
# not in AS2 spec; needed for correct round trip conversion
'hashtag': 'Tag',
'image': 'Image',
'link': 'Link',
# not in AS1 spec; needed to identify mentions in eg Bridgy Fed
'mention': 'Mention',
'note': 'Note',
'organization': 'Organization',
'page': 'Page',
'person': 'Person',
'place': 'Place',
'question': 'Question',
'service': 'Service',
'video': 'Video',
TYPE_TO_OBJECT_TYPE['Note'] = 'note' # disambiguate
ACTOR_TYPES = {as2_type for as1_type, as2_type in OBJECT_TYPE_TO_TYPE.items()
if as1_type in as1.ACTOR_TYPES}
# https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#object-types
URL_AS2_TYPES = ['Article', 'Audio', 'Image', 'Mention', 'Video']
LINK_AS1_TYPES = ['hashtag', 'link', 'mention']
'accept': 'Accept',
'add': 'Add',
'block': 'Block',
'delete': 'Delete',
'favorite': 'Like',
# not in AS1 spec
# https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#Flag
'flag': 'Flag',
'follow': 'Follow',
'invite': 'Invite',
'like': 'Like',
'post': 'Create',
'rsvp-maybe': 'TentativeAccept',
'reject': 'Reject',
'rsvp-no': 'Reject',
'rsvp-yes': 'Accept',
'share': 'Announce',
'tag': 'Add',
# not in AS1 spec; undo isn't a real AS1 verb
# https://activitystrea.ms/specs/json/schema/activity-schema.html#verbs
'undo': 'Undo',
'update': 'Update',
# disambiguate
'Accept': 'accept',
'Add': 'add',
'Like': 'like',
'Reject': 'reject',
if v in VERB_TO_TYPE}
# https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/b4c332104a8b3748f619de250f77c0acc8e80628/app/models/concerns/account/avatar.rb#L6
MASTODON_ALLOWED_IMAGE_EXTS = ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif', '.webp')
MASTODON_ALLOWED_IMAGE_TYPES = ('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/webp')
# https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/e232/fep-e232.md#user-content-examples
QUOTE_RE_SUFFIX = re.compile(r'\s+RE: <?[^\s]+>?\s?$')
# https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/fep-d556-server-level-actor-discovery-using-webfinger/3861/3
# https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/d556/fep-d556.md
def get_urls(obj, key='url'):
"""Returns ``link['href']`` or ``link``, for each ``link`` in ``obj[key]``."""
return util.dedupe_urls(link.get('href') if isinstance(link, dict) else link
for link in util.get_list(obj, key))
def from_as1(obj, type=None, context=CONTEXT, top_level=True):
"""Converts an ActivityStreams 1 activity or object to ActivityStreams 2.
obj (dict): AS1 activity or object
type (str): default type if type inference can't determine a type.
context (str): included as ``@context``
dict: AS2 activity or object
if not obj:
return {}
elif isinstance(obj, str):
if type in URL_AS2_TYPES:
obj = {'type': type, 'url': obj}
return obj
elif not isinstance(obj, dict):
raise ValueError(f'Expected dict, got {obj!r}')
obj = copy.deepcopy(obj)
actor = obj.get('actor')
verb = obj.pop('verb', None)
obj_type = obj.pop('objectType', None)
type = (OBJECT_TYPE_TO_TYPE.get(verb or obj_type) or
VERB_TO_TYPE.get(verb or obj_type) or
obj['@context'] = []
if context:
if not isinstance(context, (tuple, set, list)):
context = [context]
for elem in context:
util.add(obj['@context'], elem)
def all_from_as1(field, type=None, top_level=False, compact=False):
got = [from_as1(elem, type=type, context=None, top_level=top_level)
for elem in util.pop_list(obj, field)]
return got[0] if compact and len(got) == 1 else got
inner_objs = all_from_as1('object', top_level=top_level, compact=True)
if verb == 'stop-following':
type = 'Undo'
inner_objs = {
'@context': context,
'type': 'Follow',
'actor': actor.get('id') if isinstance(actor, dict) else actor,
'object': inner_objs.get('id') if isinstance(inner_objs, dict) else inner_objs,
replies = obj.get('replies', {})
# to/cc audience, all ids, special caste public/unlisted
to = sorted(as1.get_ids(obj, 'to'))
cc = sorted(as1.get_ids(obj, 'cc'))
to_aliases = [to.get('alias') for to in util.pop_list(obj, 'to')
if isinstance(to, dict)]
if '@public' in to_aliases and PUBLIC_AUDIENCE not in to:
elif '@unlisted' in to_aliases and PUBLIC_AUDIENCE not in cc:
in_reply_to = util.trim_nulls(all_from_as1('inReplyTo', compact=True))
# tags and attachments. extract quoted posts from attachments
# https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/e232/fep-e232.md
tags = all_from_as1('tags')
atts = util.pop_list(obj, 'attachments')
attachments = []
quotes = []
quote_url = None
for att in atts:
id = att.get('id')
url = att.get('url')
href = id or url
if att.get('objectType') == 'note' and href:
quote = from_as1(att, context=None, top_level=False)
'type': 'Link',
'href': href,
if not quotes:
# first quote, add it to top level object
# https://misskey-hub.net/ns#_misskey_quote
'_misskey_quote': href,
# https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/repost-share-with-quote-a-k-a-attach-someone-elses-post-to-your-own-post/659/19
'quoteUrl': href,
util.add(obj['@context'], MISSKEY_QUOTE_CONTEXT)
content = obj.setdefault('content', '')
if not QUOTE_RE_SUFFIX.search(html_to_text(content)):
if content:
obj['content'] += '<br><br>'
url = url or id
obj['content'] += f'RE: <a href="{url}">{url}</a>'
quote['name'] = f'RE: {url}'
quote.pop('id', None)
quote.pop('url', None)
else: # not a quote
attachments.append(from_as1(att, context=None, top_level=False))
if obj_type in as1.ACTOR_TYPES and top_level:
# default discoverable and indexable on for actors
# https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/5feb/fep-5feb.md#specifying-search-indexing-consent-at-the-actor-level
# https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#discoverable
obj.setdefault('discoverable', True)
obj.setdefault('indexable', True)
util.add(obj['@context'], DISCOVERABLE_INDEXABLE_CONTEXT)
# Mastodon profile metadata fields into attachments
# https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#PropertyValue
# https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/323
# Note that the *anchor text* in the HTML in value, not just the href, must
# contain the full URL! Mastodon requires that for profile link verification,
# so that the visible URL people see matches the actual link.
# https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/560
links = {}
for link in as1.get_objects(obj, 'url') + as1.get_objects(obj, 'urls'):
url = link.get('value') or link.get('id')
name = link.get('displayName')
if util.is_web(url):
parsed = urlparse(url)
if parsed.path == '/':
url = url.removesuffix('/')
scheme = f'{parsed.scheme}://'
visible = url.removeprefix(scheme)
links[url] = {
'type': 'PropertyValue',
'name': name or 'Link',
'value': f'<a rel="me" href="{url}"><span class="invisible">{scheme}</span>{visible}</a>',
util.add(obj['@context'], PROPERTY_VALUE_CONTEXT)
# urls
urls = as1.object_urls(obj)
if len(urls) == 1:
urls = urls[0]
display_name = obj.pop('displayName', None)
title = obj.pop('title', None)
'type': type,
'name': display_name or title,
'actor': from_as1(actor, context=None, top_level=False),
'attachment': attachments,
'attributedTo': all_from_as1('author', type='Person', compact=True),
'inReplyTo': in_reply_to,
'object': inner_objs,
'tag': tags,
# note that preferredUsername comes from ActivityPub, not AS2
# https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#actor-objects
# ...and username isn't officially in AS1
'preferredUsername': obj.pop('username', None),
'url': urls,
'urls': None,
'replies': from_as1(replies, context=None),
'mediaType': obj.pop('mimeType', None),
'to': to,
'cc': cc,
# question (poll) responses
# HACK: infer single vs multiple choice from whether
# votersCount matches the sum of votes for each option. not ideal!
voters = obj.get('votersCount')
votes = sum(opt.get('replies', {}).get('totalItems', 0)
for opt in util.get_list(obj, 'options'))
vote_field = 'oneOf' if voters == votes else 'anyOf'
obj[vote_field] = all_from_as1('options')
# images. separate featured (aka header) and non-featured, prioritize types
# that Mastodon allowlists
images = util.get_list(obj, 'image')
if images:
featured = []
non_featured = []
icon = None
for img in images:
# objectType featured is non-standard; granary uses it for u-featured
# microformats2 images
if isinstance(img, dict) and img.get('objectType') == 'featured':
if not icon:
img_url = img if isinstance(img, str) else img.get('url')
ext = splitext(urlparse(img_url).path)[1]
if ((isinstance(img, dict)
and img.get('mimeType') in MASTODON_ALLOWED_IMAGE_TYPES)
icon = img
# prefer non-featured first for icon, featured for image. ActivityPub/Mastodon
# use icon for profile picture, image for header.
if obj_type in as1.ACTOR_TYPES:
obj['icon'] = from_as1(icon or (non_featured + featured)[0], type='Image',
context=None, top_level=False)
obj['image'] = [from_as1(img, type='Image', context=None)
for img in featured + non_featured]
if len(obj['image']) == 1:
obj['image'] = obj['image'][0]
# other type-specific fields
if obj_type in LINK_AS1_TYPES:
obj['href'] = util.get_first(obj, 'url')
obj.pop('url', None)
elif obj_type in ('audio', 'video'):
stream = util.pop_list(obj, 'stream')
if stream:
'url': stream[0].get('url'),
# file size in bytes. nonstandard, not in AS2 proper
'size': stream[0].get('size'),
duration = stream[0].get('duration')
if duration:
# ISO 8601 duration
# https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-duration
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations
obj['duration'] = util.to_iso8601_duration(
except TypeError:
logger.warning(f'Dropping unexpected duration {duration!r}; expected int, is {duration.__class__}')
# location
loc = obj.get('location')
if loc:
obj['location'] = from_as1(loc, type='Place', context=None)
# sensitive
# https://swicg.github.io/miscellany/#sensitive
if 'sensitive' in obj:
util.add(obj['@context'], SENSITIVE_CONTEXT)
obj = util.trim_nulls(obj)
if list(obj.keys()) == ['url']:
return obj['url']
return obj
def to_as1(obj, use_type=True):
"""Converts an ActivityStreams 2 activity or object to ActivityStreams 1.
obj (dict): AS2 activity or object
use_type (bool): whether to include ``objectType`` and ``verb``
dict: AS1 activity or object
def all_to_as1(field):
return [to_as1(elem) for elem in util.pop_list(obj, field)
if not (type in ACTOR_TYPES and elem.get('type') == 'PropertyValue')]
if not obj:
return {}
elif isinstance(obj, str):
return obj
elif not isinstance(obj, dict):
raise ValueError(f'Expected dict, got {obj!r}')
obj = copy.deepcopy(obj)
for field in '@context', 'discoverable', 'indexable':
obj.pop(field, None)
# type to objectType + verb
type = obj.pop('type', None)
if use_type:
if type and not isinstance(type, str):
raise ValueError(f'Expected type to be string, got {type!r}')
obj['objectType'] = TYPE_TO_OBJECT_TYPE.get(type)
obj['verb'] = TYPE_TO_VERB.get(type)
inner_obj = as1.get_object(obj)
if obj.get('inReplyTo') and obj['objectType'] in ('note', 'article'):
obj['objectType'] = 'comment'
elif inner_obj.get('type') == 'Event':
if type == 'Accept':
obj['verb'] = 'rsvp-yes'
elif type == 'Reject':
obj['verb'] = 'rsvp-no'
if obj['verb'] and not obj['objectType']:
obj['objectType'] = 'activity'
# attachments: media, with mediaType image/... or video/..., override type. Eg
# Mastodon video attachments have type Document (!)
# https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#properties-used
media_type = obj.pop('mediaType', None)
if media_type:
media_type_prefix = media_type.split('/')[0]
if media_type_prefix in ('audio', 'image', 'video'):
type = media_type_prefix.capitalize()
obj['mimeType'] = media_type
# don't override featured objectType for banner
if obj.get('objectType') != 'featured':
obj['objectType'] = media_type_prefix
# attachments: Mastodon profile metadata fields, with type PropertyValue.
# https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#PropertyValue
# populate into corresponding URL in url/urls fields. have to do this one one
# level up, in the parent's object, because its data goes into the parent's
# url/urls fields
names = {}
attachments = util.get_list(obj, 'attachment')
for att in attachments:
name = att.get('name')
value = att.get('value')
if (att.get('type') == 'PropertyValue' and name and name != 'Link'
and value and isinstance(value, str)):
a = util.parse_html(value).find('a')
if a and a.get('href'):
names[a['href']] = name
urls = [{'displayName': names[url], 'value': url} if url in names else url
for url in get_urls(obj)]
# media links. more for them is populated below!
if type in ('Audio', 'Video'):
for link in util.get_list(obj, 'url'):
if isinstance(link, dict):
for tag in util.get_list(link, 'tag'):
media_type = tag.get('mediaType') or ''
href = tag.get('href')
if media_type.split('/')[0] == type.lower():
obj['stream'] = {'url': href}
obj['mimeType'] = media_type
# ActivityPub/Mastodon uses icon for profile picture, image for header.
as1_images = []
image_urls = set()
icons = util.pop_list(obj, 'icon')
images = util.pop_list(obj, 'image')
# by convention, first element in AS2 images field is banner/header
if type in ACTOR_TYPES and images:
if isinstance(images[0], str):
images[0] = {'url': images[0]}
images[0]['objectType'] = 'featured'
img_atts = [a for a in attachments
if a.get('type') == 'Image'
or (a.get('mediaType') or '').startswith('image/')]
for as2_img in icons + images + img_atts:
as1_img = to_as1(as2_img, use_type=False)
url = util.get_url(as1_img)
if url not in image_urls:
# inner objects
inner_objs = all_to_as1('object')
actor = to_as1(as1.get_object(obj, 'actor'))
if type in ('Create', 'Update'):
for inner_obj in inner_objs:
if (isinstance(inner_obj, dict)
and inner_obj.get('objectType') not in as1.ACTOR_TYPES):
author = inner_obj.setdefault('author', {})
if isinstance(author, dict):
if len(inner_objs) == 1:
inner_objs = inner_objs[0]
# special case Undo Follow
if (type == 'Undo' and isinstance(inner_objs, dict)
and inner_objs.get('verb') == 'follow'):
obj['verb'] = 'stop-following'
inner_inner_obj = as1.get_object(inner_objs)
inner_objs = (inner_inner_obj.get('id') or util.get_url(inner_inner_obj, 'url')
if isinstance(inner_inner_obj, dict) else inner_inner_obj)
# audience, public or unlisted or neither
to = sorted(as1.get_ids(obj, 'to'))
cc = sorted(as1.get_ids(obj, 'cc'))
as1_to = [{'id': val} for val in to]
as1_cc = [{'id': val} for val in cc]
if PUBLICS.intersection(to):
as1_to.append({'objectType': 'group', 'alias': '@public'})
elif PUBLICS.intersection(cc):
as1_to.append({'objectType': 'group', 'alias': '@unlisted'})
# note that preferredUsername is in ActivityPub, not AS2
# https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#actor-objects
preferred_username = obj.pop('preferredUsername', None)
displayName = obj.pop('name', None) or preferred_username
if not displayName and obj.get('objectType') in as1.ACTOR_TYPES:
displayName = address(obj)
# attachments, tags
attachments = all_to_as1('attachment')
tags_as1 = []
quote_urls = []
for tag in util.pop_list(obj, 'tag'):
if isinstance(tag, str):
elif (tag.get('type') == 'Link' # TODO: Link subtypes?
and tag.get('mediaType') in (CONTENT_TYPE_LD_PROFILE, CONTENT_TYPE)
and tag.get('href')):
# quoted post
# https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/e232/fep-e232.md
quote = to_as1(tag)
url = quote.pop('href')
'objectType': 'note',
'id': url,
'displayName': None,
# remove RE: ... text suffix if it's there
# TODO: do full HTML parsing of content, look for innerText that matches
# name, and update those links' targets. that's technically FEP-e232's
# intent, but way too complicated for right now.
# https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/fep-e232-object-links/2722/29
obj.setdefault('content', '')
obj['content'] = re.sub(
fr'(\s|(<br>)+)?RE: (</span>)?(<a href="{url}">)?<?{url}>?(</a>)?\s?$', '',
# other tag
'url': tag.pop('href', None),
'name': tag.pop('tag', None), # rare
# check quote post fields on the top level object
# https://misskey-hub.net/ns#_misskey_quote
# https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/repost-share-with-quote-a-k-a-attach-someone-elses-post-to-your-own-post/659/19
for quote_field in '_misskey_quote', 'quoteUrl':
if quote_url := obj.pop(quote_field, None):
if quote_url not in quote_urls:
'objectType': 'note',
'url': quote_url,
'displayName': displayName,
# username isn't officially in AS1
'username': preferred_username,
'actor': actor['id'] if actor.keys() == set(['id']) else actor,
'attachments': attachments,
'image': as1_images,
'inReplyTo': [to_as1(orig) for orig in util.get_list(obj, 'inReplyTo')],
'location': to_as1(obj.get('location')),
'object': inner_objs,
'tags': tags_as1,
'to': as1_to,
'cc': as1_cc,
# question (poll) responses
'options': all_to_as1('anyOf') + all_to_as1('oneOf'),
'replies': to_as1(obj.get('replies')),
'url': urls[0] if urls else None,
'urls': urls if len(urls) > 1 else None,
# enforce that lat/lon are float. (Pixelfed currently returns them as strings)
for field in 'latitude', 'longitude':
val = obj.get(field)
if val:
if not util.is_float(val):
raise ValueError(f'Expected float for {field} in {obj.get("id")}; got {val}')
obj[field] = float(val)
# media
if type in ('Audio', 'Video'): # this may have been set above
duration_val = obj.pop('duration', None)
duration = None
if duration_dt := util.parse_iso8601_duration(duration_val):
duration = duration_dt.total_seconds()
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# some AP implementations incorrectly use integer seconds for duration,
# eg Funkwhale: https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/-/issues/1566
if util.is_int(duration_val):
duration = int(duration_val)
obj.setdefault('stream', {
# file size in bytes. nonstandard, not in AS1 proper
'size': obj.pop('size', None),
'duration': duration or None,
obj['stream'].setdefault('url', obj.pop('url', None))
# object author
attrib = util.pop_list(obj, 'attributedTo')
if attrib:
if len(attrib) > 1:
logger.warning(f'ActivityStreams 1 only supports single author; dropping extra attributedTo values: {attrib[1:]}')
attrib_as1 = to_as1(attrib[0])
obj.setdefault('author', {}).update(attrib_as1 if isinstance(attrib_as1, dict)
else {'id': attrib_as1})
return util.trim_nulls(Source.postprocess_object(obj))
def is_public(activity, unlisted=True):
"""Returns True if the given AS2 object or activity is public or unlisted.
activity (dict): AS2 activity or object
unlisted (bool): whether unlisted, ie public in cc instead of to counts as
public or not
if not isinstance(activity, dict):
return False
audience = util.get_list(activity, 'to')
obj = as1.get_object(activity)
audience.extend(util.get_list(obj, 'to'))
if unlisted:
audience.extend(util.get_list(obj, 'cc') + util.get_list(activity, 'cc'))
return bool(PUBLICS.intersection(audience))
def address(actor):
"""Returns an actor's fediverse handle aka WebFinger address aka @-@.
There's no standard for this, it's just a heuristic that uses
``preferredUsername`` and ``id`` or ``url`` if available,
otherwise detects and transforms common user profile URLs.
actor (dict): AS2 JSON actor or str actor id
str: handle, eg ``@user@example.com``, or None
if not actor:
return None
if isinstance(actor, dict):
host = (urlparse(actor.get('id')).netloc
or urlparse(util.get_url(actor)).netloc)
username = actor.get('preferredUsername')
if username and host:
return f'@{username}@{host}'
urls = ([actor.get('id'), util.get_url(actor)] if isinstance(actor, dict)
else [actor])
for url in urls:
if url:
match = re.match(r'^https?://(.+)/(users/|profile/|@)(.+)$', url)
if match:
return match.expand(r'@\3@\1')
def is_server_actor(actor):
"""Returns True if this is the instance's server actor, False otherwise.
Server actors are non-user actors used for fetching remote objects, sending
``Flag`` activities, etc. Background:
* https://seb.jambor.dev/posts/understanding-activitypub-part-4-threads/#the-instance-actor
* https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/d556/fep-d556.md
Right now, this just uses a well-known set of paths as a heuristic.
TODO: actually do a WebFinger lookup of the root path, eg
``webfinger?resource=https://example.com/``, and use FEP-d556 to determine the
server actor.
actor (dict): AS2 actor
id = actor.get('id')
if not id:
return False
return urlparse(id).path in SERVER_ACTOR_PREFIXES