Source code for granary.as1

"""Utilities for ActivityStreams 1 objects.

import collections
import copy
import logging
from operator import itemgetter
import re

from oauth_dropins.webutil import util

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/stream+json'

# maps each AS1 RSVP verb to the collection inside an event object that the
# RSVPing actor would go into.
RSVP_VERB_TO_COLLECTION = collections.OrderedDict((  # in priority order
  ('rsvp-yes', 'attending'),
  ('rsvp-no', 'notAttending'),
  ('rsvp-maybe', 'maybeAttending'),
  ('rsvp-interested', 'interested'),
  ('invite', 'invited'),
VERBS_WITH_OBJECT = frozenset((
)) | set(RSVP_VERB_TO_COLLECTION.keys())
CRUD_VERBS = frozenset((
  # not in AS1 spec, undo isn't a real AS1 verb, but we map it to AS2 Undo

# objectTypes that can be actors. technically this is based on AS2 semantics,
# since it's unspecified in AS1.
ACTOR_TYPES = frozenset((

# this isn't well defined 🤷
POST_TYPES = frozenset((

# used in original_post_discovery
_PERMASHORTCITATION_RE = re.compile(r'\(([^:\s)]+\.[^\s)]{2,})[ /]([^\s)]+)\)$')

HASHTAG_RE = re.compile(r'(^|\s)[##](\w+)\b', re.UNICODE)

[docs] def object_type(obj): """Returns the object type, or the verb if it's an activity object. Details: Args: obj (dict): decoded JSON ActivityStreams object Returns: str: ActivityStreams object type """ type = obj.get('objectType') return type if type and type != 'activity' else obj.get('verb')
[docs] def get_object(obj, field='object'): """Extracts and returns a field value as an object. If the field value is a string, returns an object with it as the id, eg ``{'id': val}``. If the field value is a list, returns the first element. Args: obj (dict): decoded JSON ActivityStreams object field (str) Returns: dict: """ if not obj: return {} val = util.get_first(obj, field, {}) or {} return {'id': val} if isinstance(val, str) else val
[docs] def get_objects(obj, field='object'): """Extracts and returns a field's values as objects. If a field value is a string, generates an object with it as the id, eg ``{'id': val}``. Args: obj (dict): decoded JSON ActivityStreams object field (str) Returns: sequence of dict: """ if not obj: return [] return [{'id': val} if isinstance(val, str) else val for val in util.get_list(obj, field)]
[docs] def get_owner(obj): """Returns an object's author or actor. Prefers author, then actor. If that's an object, returns its id, if available. If neither field exists, but ``obj.objectType`` is in ``ACTOR_TYPES``, returns its own id, if available. For posts, updates, and deletes, falls back to the inner object's owner if the outer activity has no actor. Args: obj (dict): decoded JSON ActivityStreams object Returns: str: """ if not obj: return None elif not isinstance(obj, dict): raise ValueError(f'{obj} is not a dict') ids = get_ids(obj, 'author') or get_ids(obj, 'actor') if ids: return ids[0] if obj.get('objectType') in ACTOR_TYPES: ids = util.get_list(obj, 'id') if ids: return ids[0] if obj.get('verb') in ('post', 'update', 'delete'): return get_owner(get_object(obj))
[docs] def get_url(obj): """Returns the url field's first text value, or ``''``. Somewhat duplicates :func:`microformats2.get_text`. """ if not obj: return '' urls = object_urls(obj) if not urls: return '' return (urls[0] if isinstance(urls, (list, tuple)) else urls if isinstance(urls, str) else '')
[docs] def get_ids(obj, field): """Extracts and returns a given field's values as ids. Args: obj (dict): decoded JSON ActivityStreams object field (str) Returns string values as is. For dict values, returns their inner ``id`` or ``url`` field value, in that order of precedence. """ ids = set() for elem in util.get_list(obj, field): if elem and isinstance(elem, str): ids.add(elem) elif isinstance(elem, dict): id = elem.get('id') or elem.get('url') if id: ids.add(id) return sorted(ids)
[docs] def get_id(obj, field): """Extracts and returns a given field's id value. Args: obj (dict): decoded JSON ActivityStreams object field (str) Returns a string value as is. For dict values, returns its inner ``id``. """ return get_object(obj, field).get('id')
[docs] def merge_by_id(obj, field, new): """Merges new items by id into a field in an existing AS1 object, in place. Merges new items by id into the given field. If it exists, it must be a list. Requires all existing and new items in the field to have ids. Args: obj (dict): AS1 object field (str): name of field to merge new items into new (sequence of dict): new values to merge in """ merged = {o['id']: o for o in obj.get(field, []) + new} obj[field] = sorted(merged.values(), key=itemgetter('id'))
[docs] def is_public(obj, unlisted=True): """Returns True if the object is public, False if private, None if unknown. ...according to the Audience Targeting extension: Expects values generated by this library: ``objectType`` ``group``, ``alias`` ``@public``, ``@unlisted``, or ``@private``. Also, important point: this defaults to True, ie public. Bridgy depends on that and prunes the to field from stored activities in Response objects (in ``bridgy/util.prune_activity``). If the default here ever changes, be sure to update Bridgy's code. Args: obj (dict): AS1 activity or object unlisted (bool): whether `@unlisted` counts as public or not Returns: bool: """ if obj is None: return None inner_obj = get_object(obj) to = get_objects(obj, 'to') or get_objects(inner_obj, 'to') or [] aliases = util.trim_nulls([t.get('alias') for t in to]) object_types = util.trim_nulls([t.get('objectType') for t in to]) if '@public' in aliases or ('@unlisted' in aliases and unlisted): return True elif 'unknown' in object_types: return None elif aliases: return False elif 'to' in obj or 'to' in inner_obj: # it does at least have some audience that doesn't include public return False return True
[docs] def recipient_if_dm(obj, actor=None): """If ``obj`` is a DM, returns the recipient actor's id. DMs are ``note``s addressed to a single recipient, ie ``to`` has one value and ``cc``, ``bcc``, and ``bto`` have none. If ``obj`` isn't a DM, returns None. Those fields are based on the Audience Targeting extension: Args: obj (dict): AS1 activity or object actor (dict): optional AS1 actor who sent this object. Its followers collection is used to identify followers-only posts. Returns: bool: """ if not obj or is_public(obj): return None if object_type(obj) == 'post': obj = get_object(obj) if not obj or object_type(obj) not in (None, 'note', 'comment'): return None tos = util.get_list(obj, 'to') others = (util.get_list(obj, 'cc') + util.get_list(obj, 'bto') + util.get_list(obj, 'bcc')) if not (len(tos) == 1 and len(others) == 0): return None follow_collections = [] for a in actor, get_object(obj, 'author'): if a: follow_collections.extend([a.get('followers'), a.get('following')]) to = tos.pop() if isinstance(to, dict): to = to.get('id') or '' to_lower = to.lower() if to and not is_audience(to) and to not in follow_collections: return to
[docs] def is_dm(obj, actor=None): """Returns True if the object is a DM, ie addressed to a single recipient. See :func:`recipient_if_dm` for details. """ return bool(recipient_if_dm(obj, actor=actor))
[docs] def is_audience(val): """Returns True if val is a "special" AS1 or AS2 audience, eg "public." See the AS1 Audience Targeting extension and AS2 spec: * * """ if not val or not isinstance(val, str): return False val = val.lower() return (# val in ('public', 'unlisted', 'private') or val.startswith('') or val.startswith('') or val.startswith('@') # AS1 audience targeting alias, eg @public, @unlisted or val.startswith('as:') # as2 public constant is or val.endswith('#public') # non-standared heuristic for Mastodon and similar followers/following # collections or val.endswith('/followers') or val.endswith('/following'))
[docs] def add_rsvps_to_event(event, rsvps): """Adds RSVP objects to an event's attending fields, in place. Args: event (dict): ActivityStreams event object rsvps (sequence of dict): ActivityStreams RSVP activity objects """ for rsvp in rsvps: field = RSVP_VERB_TO_COLLECTION.get(rsvp.get('verb')) if field: event.setdefault(field, []).append(rsvp.get( 'object' if field == 'invited' else 'actor'))
[docs] def get_rsvps_from_event(event): """Returns RSVP objects for an event's attending fields. Args: event (dict): ActivityStreams event object Returns: sequence of dict: ActivityStreams RSVP activity objects """ id = event.get('id') if not id: return [] parsed = util.parse_tag_uri(id) if not parsed: return [] domain, event_id = parsed url = event.get('url') author = event.get('author') rsvps = [] for verb, field in RSVP_VERB_TO_COLLECTION.items(): for actor in event.get(field, []): rsvp = {'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': verb, 'object' if verb == 'invite' else 'actor': actor, 'url': url, } if event_id and 'id' in actor: _, actor_id = util.parse_tag_uri(actor['id']) rsvp['id'] = util.tag_uri(domain, f'{event_id}_rsvp_{actor_id}') if url: rsvp['url'] = '#'.join((url, actor_id)) if verb == 'invite' and author: rsvp['actor'] = author rsvps.append(rsvp) return rsvps
[docs] def activity_changed(before, after, inReplyTo=True, log=False): """Returns whether two activities or objects differ meaningfully. Only compares a few fields: ``objectType``, ``verb``, ``displayName`, ``content``, ``summary``, ``location``, and ``image``. Notably does *not* compare ``author``, ``published``, or ``updated``. Args: before (dict): ActivityStreams activity or object after (dict): ActivityStreams activity or object inReplyTo (bool): whether to return True if ``inReplyTo`` has changed log (bool): whether to log each changed field Returns: bool: """ def changed(b, a, field, label, ignore=None): b_val = b.get(field) a_val = a.get(field) if ignore and isinstance(b_val, dict) and isinstance(a_val, dict): b_val = copy.copy(b_val) a_val = copy.copy(a_val) for field in ignore: b_val.pop(field, None) a_val.pop(field, None) if b_val != a_val and (a_val or b_val): if log: logger.debug(f'{label}[{field}] {b_val} => {a_val}') return True obj_b = get_object(before) obj_a = get_object(after) if any(changed(before, after, field, 'activity') or changed(obj_b, obj_a, field, 'activity[object]') for field in ('objectType', 'verb', 'to', 'displayName', 'content', 'summary', 'location', 'image')): return True if (inReplyTo and (changed(before, after, 'inReplyTo', 'inReplyTo', ignore=('author',)) or changed(obj_b, obj_a, 'inReplyTo', 'object.inReplyTo', ignore=('author',)))): return True return False
[docs] def append_in_reply_to(before, after): """Appends before's ``inReplyTo`` to ``after``, in place. Args: before (dict): ActivityStreams activity or object after (dict): ActivityStreams activity or object """ obj_b = get_object(before) or before obj_a = get_object(after) or after if obj_b and obj_a: reply_b = util.get_list(obj_b, 'inReplyTo') reply_a = util.get_list(obj_a, 'inReplyTo') obj_a['inReplyTo'] = util.dedupe_urls(reply_a + reply_b)
[docs] def actor_name(actor): """Returns the given actor's name if available, otherwise Unknown.""" if actor: return actor.get('displayName') or actor.get('username') or 'Unknown' return 'Unknown'
[docs] def original_post_discovery( activity, domains=None, include_redirect_sources=True, include_reserved_hosts=True, max_redirect_fetches=None, **kwargs): """Discovers original post links. This is a variation on . It differs in that it finds multiple candidate links instead of one, and it doesn't bother looking for MF2 (etc) markup because the silos don't let you input it. More background: Original post candidates come from the ``upstreamDuplicates``, ``attachments``, and ``tags`` fields, as well as links and permashortlinks/permashortcitations in the text content. Args: activity (dict): activity domains (sequence of str) domains, optional. If provided, only links to these domains will be considered original and stored in ``upstreamDuplicates``. (Permashortcitations are exempt.) include_redirect_sources (bool): whether to include URLs that redirect as well as their final destination URLs include_reserved_hosts (bool): whether to include domains on reserved TLDs (eg foo.example) and local hosts (eg http://foo.local/, http://my-server/) max_redirect_fetches (int): if specified, only make up to this many HTTP fetches to resolve redirects. kwargs: passed to :func:`requests.head` when following redirects Returns: (list of str, list of str) tuple: (original post URLs, mentions) """ obj = get_object(activity) or activity content = obj.get('content', '').strip() # find all candidate URLs tags = [t.get('url') for t in obj.get('attachments', []) + obj.get('tags', []) if t.get('objectType') in ('article', 'link', 'mention', 'note', None)] candidates = (tags + util.extract_links(content) + obj.get('upstreamDuplicates', []) + util.get_list(obj, 'targetUrl')) # Permashortcitations ( are short # references to canonical copies of a given (usually syndicated) post, of # the form (DOMAIN PATH). We consider them an explicit original post link. candidates += [match.expand(r'http://\1/\2') for match in _PERMASHORTCITATION_RE.finditer(content)] candidates = util.dedupe_urls( util.clean_url(url) for url in candidates if url and (url.startswith('http://') or url.startswith('https://')) and # heuristic: ellipsized URLs are probably incomplete, so omit them. not url.endswith('...') and not url.endswith('…')) # check for redirect and add their final urls if max_redirect_fetches and len(candidates) > max_redirect_fetches: logger.warning(f'Found {len(candidates)} original post candidates, only resolving redirects for the first {max_redirect_fetches}') redirects = {} # maps final URL to original URL for redirects for url in candidates[:max_redirect_fetches]: resolved = util.follow_redirects(url, **kwargs) if (resolved.url != url and resolved.headers.get('content-type', '').startswith('text/html')): redirects[resolved.url] = url candidates.extend(redirects.keys()) # use domains to determine which URLs are original post links vs mentions originals = set() mentions = set() for url in util.dedupe_urls(candidates): if url in redirects.values(): # this is a redirected original URL. postpone and handle it when we hit # its final URL so that we know the final domain. continue domain = util.domain_from_link(url) if not domain: continue if not include_reserved_hosts and ( ('.' not in domain or domain.split('.')[-1] in (util.RESERVED_TLDS | util.LOCAL_TLDS))): continue which = (originals if not domains or util.domain_or_parent_in(domain, domains) else mentions) which.add(url) redirected_from = redirects.get(url) if redirected_from and include_redirect_sources: which.add(redirected_from)'Original post discovery found original posts {originals}, mentions {mentions}') return originals, mentions
[docs] def prefix_urls(activity, field, prefix): """Adds a prefix to all matching URL fields, eg to inject a caching proxy. Generally used with the ``image`` or ``stream`` fields. For example:: >>> prefix_urls({'actor': {'image': 'http://image'}}, 'image', 'https://proxy/') {'actor': {'image': 'https://proxy/http://image'}} Skips any URL fields that already start with the prefix. URLs are *not* URL-encoded before adding the prefix. (This is currently used with our caching-proxy Cloudflare worker and , neither of which URL-decodes.) Args: activity (dict): AS1 activity; modified in place prefix (str) """ a = activity for elem in ([a, a.get('object'), a.get('author'), a.get('actor')] + a.get('replies', {}).get('items', []) + a.get('attachments', []) + a.get('tags', [])): if elem: for obj in util.get_list(elem, field): url = obj.get('url') if url and not url.startswith(prefix): # Note that url isn't URL-encoded here, that's intentional, since # and the caching-proxy Cloudflare worker don't decode. obj['url'] = prefix + url if elem is not a: prefix_urls(elem, field, prefix)
[docs] def object_urls(obj): """Returns an object's unique URLs, preserving order.""" if isinstance(obj, str): return obj def value(obj): got = obj.get('value') if isinstance(obj, dict) else obj return got.strip() if got else None return util.uniquify(util.trim_nulls( value(u) for u in util.get_list(obj, 'url') + util.get_list(obj, 'urls')))
[docs] def targets(obj): """Collects an AS1 activity or object's targets. This is all ids/URLs that are direct "targets" of the activity, eg: * the post it's replying to * the post it's sharing * the post it's reacting to * the actor or other object it's tagging * the event it's inviting someone to * the event it's RSVPing to * the link or object it's bookmarking etc... Args: obj (dict): AS1 object or activity Returns: list of str: targets """ if not obj: return [] targets = [] for o in [obj] + get_objects(obj): targets.extend(get_ids(o, 'inReplyTo') + get_ids(o, 'tags') + util.get_urls(o, 'tags')) verb = o.get('verb') if verb in VERBS_WITH_OBJECT: # prefer id or url, if available # o_targets = get_ids(o, 'object') or util.get_urls(o, 'object') targets.extend(o_targets) if not o_targets: logger.warning(f'{verb} missing target id/URL') return util.dedupe_urls(targets)