Source code for granary.twitter

# coding=utf-8
"""Twitter source class.

Uses the v1.1 REST API:

The Audience Targeting 'to' field is set to @public or @private based on whether
the tweet author's 'protected' field is true or false.
import collections
import datetime
import http.client
import itertools
import logging
import mimetypes
import re
import socket
import time
import urllib.parse, urllib.request

from oauth_dropins import twitter_auth
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads
from requests import RequestException

from . import as1
from . import source

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# common to all API calls that fetch tweets
API_TWEET_PARAMS = '&include_entities=true&tweet_mode=extended&include_ext_alt_text=true'

API_BLOCK_IDS = 'blocks/ids.json?count=5000&stringify_ids=true&cursor=%s'
API_BLOCKS = 'blocks/list.json?skip_status=true&count=5000&cursor=%s'
API_CURRENT_USER = 'account/verify_credentials.json'
API_DELETE_TWEET = 'statuses/destroy.json'
API_DELETE_FAVORITE = 'favorites/destroy.json'
API_FAVORITES = 'favorites/list.json?screen_name=%s'
API_LIST_TIMELINE = 'lists/statuses.json?count=%(count)d&slug=%(slug)s&owner_screen_name=%(owner_screen_name)s' + API_TWEET_PARAMS
API_LIST_ID_TIMELINE = 'lists/statuses.json?count=%(count)d&list_id=%(list_id)s' + API_TWEET_PARAMS
API_LOOKUP = 'statuses/lookup.json?id=%s' + API_TWEET_PARAMS
API_POST_FAVORITE = 'favorites/create.json'
API_POST_MEDIA = 'statuses/update_with_media.json'
API_POST_RETWEET = 'statuses/retweet/%s.json'
API_POST_TWEET = 'statuses/update.json'
API_RETWEETS = 'statuses/retweets.json?id=%s' + API_TWEET_PARAMS
API_SEARCH = 'search/tweets.json?q=%(q)s&result_type=recent&count=%(count)d' + API_TWEET_PARAMS
API_STATUS = 'statuses/show.json?id=%s' + API_TWEET_PARAMS
API_TIMELINE = 'statuses/home_timeline.json?count=%d' + API_TWEET_PARAMS
API_USER = 'users/show.json?screen_name=%s'
API_USER_TIMELINE = 'statuses/user_timeline.json?count=%(count)d&screen_name=%(screen_name)s' + API_TWEET_PARAMS

TWEET_URL_RE = re.compile(r'https://twitter\.com/[^/?]+/status(es)?/[^/?]+$')

# Don't hit the RETWEETS endpoint more than this many times per
# get_activities() call.
# TODO: sigh. figure out a better way. dammit twitter, give me a batch API!!!

# Number of IDs to search for at a time

# For read requests only.

# Config constants, as of 2017-11-08:
# * Current max tweet length and expected length of a URL.
# * Max media per tweet.
# * Allowed image formats:
# * Allowed video formats, max video size, and upload chunk size:
# * Max alt text length.
# Update by running help/configuration.json manually in
# TODO: pull these from /help/configuration.json instead (except max tweet length)
IMAGE_MIME_TYPES = frozenset(('image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png',
                              'image/gif', 'image/webp',))
VIDEO_MIME_TYPES = frozenset(('video/mp4',))
MB = 1024 * 1024

# username requirements and limits:
USERNAME = r'\w{1,15}'
USERNAME_RE = re.compile(USERNAME + '$')
MENTION_RE = re.compile(r'(^|[^\w@/\!?=&])@(' + USERNAME + r')\b', re.UNICODE)

# hashtag requirements and limits:
HASHTAG_RE = re.compile(r'(^|\s)[##](\w+)\b', re.UNICODE)

# alias allows unit tests to mock this function
sleep_fn = time.sleep

[docs] class OffsetTzinfo(datetime.tzinfo): """A simple, DST-unaware tzinfo from given utc offset in seconds. """
[docs] def __init__(self, utc_offset=0): """Constructor. Args: utc_offset: Offset of time zone from UTC in seconds """ self._offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=utc_offset)
[docs] def utcoffset(self, dt): return self._offset
[docs] def dst(self, dt): return datetime.timedelta(0)
[docs] class Twitter(source.Source): """Twitter source class. See file docstring and Source class for details.""" DOMAIN = '' BASE_URL = '' NAME = 'Twitter' FRONT_PAGE_TEMPLATE = 'templates/twitter_index.html' POST_ID_RE = re.compile('^[0-9]+$') OPTIMIZED_COMMENTS = True # HTML snippet for embedding a tweet. # EMBED_POST = """ <script async defer src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <br /> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en" data-dnt="true"> <p>%(content)s <a href="%(url)s">#</a></p> </blockquote> """ URL_CANONICALIZER = util.UrlCanonicalizer( domain=DOMAIN, approve=TWEET_URL_RE, reject=r'https://twitter\.com/.+\?protected_redirect=true') # These use the Twitter-based defaults in Source.truncate() (and brevity). # TRUNCATE_TEXT_LENGTH = None # TRUNCATE_URL_LENGTH = None
[docs] def __init__(self, access_token_key, access_token_secret, username=None, scrape_headers=None): """Constructor. Twitter now requires authentication in v1.1 of their API. You can get an OAuth access token by creating an app here: Args: access_token_key: string, OAuth access token key access_token_secret: string, OAuth access token secret username: string, optional, the current user. Used in e.g. preview/create. scrape_headers: dict, optional, with string HTTP header keys and values to use when scraping likes """ self.access_token_key = access_token_key self.access_token_secret = access_token_secret self.username = username self.scrape_headers = scrape_headers
[docs] def get_actor(self, screen_name=None): """Returns a user as a JSON ActivityStreams actor dict. Args: screen_name: string username. Defaults to the current user. """ url = API_CURRENT_USER if screen_name is None else API_USER % screen_name return self.user_to_actor(self.urlopen(url))
[docs] def get_activities_response(self, user_id=None, group_id=None, app_id=None, activity_id=None, start_index=0, count=0, etag=None, min_id=None, cache=None, fetch_replies=False, fetch_likes=False, fetch_shares=False, include_shares=True, fetch_events=False, fetch_mentions=False, search_query=None, scrape=False, **kwargs): """Fetches posts and converts them to ActivityStreams activities. XXX HACK: this is currently hacked for bridgy to NOT pass min_id to the request for fetching activity tweets themselves, but to pass it to all of the requests for filling in replies, retweets, etc. That's because we want to find new replies and retweets of older initial tweets. TODO: find a better way. See :meth:`source.Source.get_activities_response()` for details. app_id is ignored. min_id is translated to Twitter's since_id. The code for handling ETags (and 304 Not Changed responses and setting If-None-Match) is here, but unused right now since Twitter evidently doesn't support ETags. From : "I've confirmed with our team that we're not explicitly supporting this family of features." Likes (nee favorites) are scraped from, since Twitter's REST API doesn't offer a way to fetch them. You can also get them from the Streaming API, though, and convert them with streaming_event_to_object(). Shares (ie retweets) are fetched with a separate API call per tweet: However, retweets are only fetched for the first 15 tweets that have them, since that's Twitter's rate limit per 15 minute window. :( Quote tweets are fetched by searching for the possibly quoted tweet's ID, using the OR operator to search up to 5 IDs at a time, and then checking the quoted_status_id_str field Use the group_id @self to retrieve a user_id’s timeline. If user_id is None or @me, it will return tweets for the current API user. group_id can be used to specify the slug of a list for which to return tweets. By default the current API user’s lists will be used, but lists owned by other users can be fetched by explicitly passing a username to user_id, e.g. to fetch tweets from the list @exampleuser/example-list you would call get_activities(user_id='exampleuser', group_id='example-list'). Twitter replies default to including a mention of the user they're replying to, which overloads mentions a bit. When fetch_mentions is True, we determine that a tweet mentions the current user if it @-mentions their username and: * it's not a reply, OR * it's a reply, but not to the current user, AND * the tweet it's replying to doesn't @-mention the current user Raises: NotImplementedError: if fetch_likes is True but scrape_headers was not provided to the constructor. """ if fetch_likes and not self.scrape_headers: raise NotImplementedError('fetch_likes requires scrape_headers') if group_id is None: group_id = source.FRIENDS if user_id: if user_id.startswith('@'): user_id = user_id[1:] if not USERNAME_RE.match(user_id): raise ValueError(f'Invalid Twitter username: {user_id}') # nested function for lazily fetching the user object if we need it user = [] def _user(): if not user: user.append(self.urlopen(API_USER % user_id if user_id else API_CURRENT_USER)) return user[0] if count: count += start_index activities = [] if activity_id: self._validate_id(activity_id) tweets = [self.urlopen(API_STATUS % int(activity_id))] total_count = len(tweets) else: if group_id == source.SELF: if user_id in (None, source.ME): user_id = '' url = API_USER_TIMELINE % { 'count': count, 'screen_name': user_id, } if fetch_likes: liked = self.urlopen(API_FAVORITES % user_id) if liked: activities += [self._make_like(tweet, _user()) for tweet in liked] elif group_id == source.SEARCH: if not search_query: raise ValueError('search requires search_query parameter') url = API_SEARCH % { 'q': urllib.parse.quote_plus(search_query.encode('utf-8')), 'count': count, } elif group_id in (source.FRIENDS, source.ALL): url = API_TIMELINE % (count) else: if util.is_int(group_id): # it's a list id url = API_LIST_ID_TIMELINE % { 'count': count, 'list_id': group_id, } else: # it's a list slug if not user_id: user_id = _user().get('screen_name') url = API_LIST_TIMELINE % { 'count': count, 'slug': urllib.parse.quote(group_id), 'owner_screen_name': user_id, } headers = {'If-None-Match': etag} if etag else {} total_count = None try: resp = self.urlopen(url, headers=headers, parse_response=False) etag ='ETag') tweet_obj = source.load_json(, url) if group_id == source.SEARCH: tweet_obj = tweet_obj.get('statuses', []) tweets = tweet_obj[start_index:] except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: if e.code == 304: # Not Modified, from a matching ETag tweets = [] else: raise if cache is None: # for convenience, throwaway object just for this method cache = {} if fetch_shares: retweet_calls = 0 for tweet in tweets: # don't fetch retweets if the tweet is itself a retweet or if the # author's account is protected. /statuses/retweets 403s with error # code 200 (?!) for protected accounts. # if tweet.get('retweeted') or tweet.get('user', {}).get('protected'): continue elif retweet_calls >= RETWEET_LIMIT: logger.warning(f"Hit Twitter's retweet rate limit ({RETWEET_LIMIT}) with more to fetch! Results will be incomplete!") break # store retweets in the 'retweets' field, which is handled by # tweet_to_activity(). # TODO: make these HTTP requests asynchronous. not easy since we don't # (yet) require threading support or use a non-blocking HTTP library. # # twitter limits this API endpoint to one call per minute per user, # which is easy to hit, so we stop before we hit that. # # # can't use the statuses/retweets_of_me endpoint because it only # returns the original tweets, not the retweets or their authors. id = tweet['id_str'] count = tweet.get('retweet_count') if count and count != cache.get('ATR ' + id): url = API_RETWEETS % id if min_id is not None: url = util.add_query_params(url, {'since_id': min_id}) try: tweet['retweets'] = self.urlopen(url) except urllib.error.URLError as e: code, body = util.interpret_http_exception(e) try: # duplicates code in interpret_http_exception :( error_code = json_loads(body).get('errors')[0].get('code') except BaseException: error_code = None if not (code == '404' or # tweet was deleted (code == '403' and error_code == 200)): # tweet is protected? raise retweet_calls += 1 cache['ATR ' + id] = count if not include_shares: tweets = [t for t in tweets if not t.get('retweeted_status')] tweet_activities = [self.tweet_to_activity(t) for t in tweets] if fetch_replies: self.fetch_replies(tweet_activities, min_id=min_id) if fetch_mentions: # fetch mentions *after* replies so that we don't get replies to mentions # mentions = self.fetch_mentions(_user().get('screen_name'), tweets, min_id=min_id) tweet_activities += [self.tweet_to_activity(m) for m in mentions] if fetch_likes: for tweet, activity in zip(tweets, tweet_activities): id = tweet['id_str'] count = tweet.get('favorite_count') if as1.is_public(activity) and count and count != cache.get('ATF ' + id): try: resp = util.requests_get(SCRAPE_LIKES_URL % id, headers=self.scrape_headers) resp.raise_for_status() except RequestException as e: util.interpret_http_exception(e) # just log it continue likes = [self._make_like(tweet, author) for author in resp.json().get('globalObjects', {}).get('users', {}).values()] activity['object'].setdefault('tags', []).extend(likes) cache['ATF ' + id] = count activities += tweet_activities response = self.make_activities_base_response(activities) response.update({'total_count': total_count, 'etag': etag}) return response
[docs] def fetch_replies(self, activities, min_id=None): """Fetches and injects Twitter replies into a list of activities, in place. Includes indirect replies ie reply chains, not just direct replies. Searches for @-mentions, matches them to the original tweets with in_reply_to_status_id_str, and recurses until it's walked the entire tree. Args: activities: list of activity dicts Returns: same activities list """ # cache searches for @-mentions for individual users. maps username to dict # mapping tweet id to ActivityStreams reply object dict. mentions = {} # find replies for activity in activities: # list of ActivityStreams reply object dict and set of seen activity ids # (tag URIs). seed with the original tweet; we'll filter it out later. replies = [activity] _, id = util.parse_tag_uri(activity['id']) seen_ids = set([id]) for reply in replies: # get mentions of this tweet's author so we can search them for replies to # this tweet. can't use statuses/mentions_timeline because i'd need to # auth as the user being mentioned. # # # note that these HTTP requests are synchronous. you can make async # requests by using urlfetch.fetch() directly, but not with urllib2. # author = reply['actor']['username'] if author not in mentions: url = API_SEARCH % { 'q': urllib.parse.quote_plus('@' + author), 'count': 100, } if min_id is not None: url = util.add_query_params(url, {'since_id': min_id}) mentions[author] = self.urlopen(url)['statuses'] # look for replies. add any we find to the end of replies. this makes us # recursively follow reply chains to their end. (python supports # appending to a sequence while you're iterating over it.) for mention in mentions[author]: id = mention['id_str'] if (mention.get('in_reply_to_status_id_str') in seen_ids and id not in seen_ids): replies.append(self.tweet_to_activity(mention)) seen_ids.add(id) items = [r['object'] for r in replies[1:]] # filter out seed activity activity['object']['replies'] = { 'items': items, 'totalItems': len(items), }
[docs] def fetch_mentions(self, username, tweets, min_id=None): """Fetches a user's @-mentions and returns them as ActivityStreams. Tries to only include explicit mentions, not mentions automatically created by @-replying. See the :meth:`get_activities()` docstring for details. Args: username: string tweets: list of Twitter API objects. used to find quote tweets quoting them. min_id: only return activities with ids greater than this Returns: list of activity dicts """ # get @-name mentions url = API_SEARCH % { 'q': urllib.parse.quote_plus('@' + username), 'count': 100, } if min_id is not None: url = util.add_query_params(url, {'since_id': min_id}) candidates = self.urlopen(url)['statuses'] # fetch in-reply-to tweets (if any) in_reply_to_ids = util.trim_nulls( [c.get('in_reply_to_status_id_str') for c in candidates]) origs = { o.get('id_str'): o for o in self.urlopen(API_LOOKUP % ','.join(in_reply_to_ids)) } if in_reply_to_ids else {} # filter out tweets that we don't consider mentions mentions = [] for c in candidates: if (c.get('user', {}).get('screen_name') == username or c.get('retweeted_status')): continue reply_to = origs.get(c.get('in_reply_to_status_id_str')) if not reply_to: mentions.append(c) else: reply_to_user = reply_to.get('user', {}).get('screen_name') mentioned = [u.get('screen_name') for u in reply_to.get('entities', {}).get('user_mentions', [])] if username != reply_to_user and username not in mentioned: mentions.append(c) # search for quote tweets # Guideline ("Limit your searches to 10 keywords and operators.") # implies fewer, but 20 IDs seems to work in practice. # for batch in [ tweets[i:i + QUOTE_SEARCH_BATCH_SIZE] for i in range(0, len(tweets), QUOTE_SEARCH_BATCH_SIZE) ]: batch_ids = [t['id_str'] for t in batch] url = API_SEARCH % { 'q': urllib.parse.quote_plus(' OR '.join(batch_ids)), 'count': 100, } if min_id is not None: url = util.add_query_params(url, {'since_id': min_id}) candidates = self.urlopen(url)['statuses'] for c in candidates: quoted_status_id = c.get('quoted_status_id_str') if (quoted_status_id and quoted_status_id in batch_ids and not c.get('retweeted_status')): mentions.append(c) return mentions
[docs] def get_comment(self, comment_id, activity_id=None, activity_author_id=None, activity=None): """Returns an ActivityStreams comment object. Args: comment_id: string comment id activity_id: string activity id, optional activity_author_id: string activity author id. Ignored. activity: activity object, optional """ self._validate_id(comment_id) url = API_STATUS % comment_id return self.tweet_to_object(self.urlopen(url))
[docs] def get_share(self, activity_user_id, activity_id, share_id, activity=None): """Returns an ActivityStreams 'share' activity object. Args: activity_user_id: string id of the user who posted the original activity activity_id: string activity id share_id: string id of the share object activity: activity object, optional """ self._validate_id(share_id) url = API_STATUS % share_id return self.retweet_to_object(self.urlopen(url))
[docs] def get_blocklist(self): """Returns the current user's block list. May make multiple API calls, using cursors, to fully fetch large blocklists. Block lists may have up to 10k users, but each API call only returns 100 at most, and the API endpoint is rate limited to 15 calls per user per 15m. So if a user has >1500 users on their block list, we can't get the whole thing at once. :( Returns: sequence of actor objects Raises: :class:`source.RateLimited` if we hit the rate limit. The partial attribute will have the list of user ids we fetched before hitting the limit. """ return self._get_blocklist_fn(API_BLOCKS, lambda resp: (self.user_to_actor(user) for user in resp.get('users', [])))
[docs] def get_blocklist_ids(self): """Returns the current user's block list as a list of Twitter user ids. May make multiple API calls, using cursors, to fully fetch large blocklists. Subject to the same rate limiting as get_blocklist(), but each API call returns ~4k ids, so realistically this can actually fetch blocklists of up to 75k users at once. Beware though, many Twitter users have even more! Returns: sequence of string Twitter user ids Raises: :class:`source.RateLimited` if we hit the rate limit. The partial attribute will have the list of user ids we fetched before hitting the limit. """ return self._get_blocklist_fn(API_BLOCK_IDS, lambda resp: resp.get('ids', []))
def _get_blocklist_fn(self, api_endpoint, response_fn): values = [] cursor = '-1' while cursor and cursor != '0': try: resp = self.urlopen(api_endpoint % cursor) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: if e.code in HTTP_RATE_LIMIT_CODES: raise source.RateLimited(str(e), partial=values) raise values.extend(response_fn(resp)) cursor = resp.get('next_cursor_str') return values
[docs] def create(self, obj, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Creates a tweet, reply tweet, retweet, or favorite. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object include_link: string ignore_formatting: boolean Returns: a CreationResult whose content will be a dict with 'id', 'url', and 'type' keys (all optional) for the newly created Twitter object (or None) """ return self._create(obj, preview=False, include_link=include_link, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting)
[docs] def preview_create(self, obj, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Previews creating a tweet, reply tweet, retweet, or favorite. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object include_link: string ignore_formatting: boolean Returns: a CreationResult whose content will be a unicode string HTML snippet (or None) """ return self._create(obj, preview=True, include_link=include_link, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting)
def _create(self, obj, preview=None, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Creates or previews creating a tweet, reply tweet, retweet, or favorite. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object preview: boolean include_link: string ignore_formatting: boolean Returns: a CreationResult If preview is True, the content will be a unicode string HTML snippet. If False, it will be a dict with 'id' and 'url' keys for the newly created Twitter object. """ assert preview in (False, True) type = obj.get('objectType') verb = obj.get('verb') base_obj = self.base_object(obj) base_id = base_obj.get('id') base_url = base_obj.get('url') is_reply = type == 'comment' or 'inReplyTo' in obj is_rsvp = (verb and verb.startswith('rsvp-')) or verb == 'invite' images = util.get_list(obj, 'image') video_url = util.get_first(obj, 'stream', {}).get('url') has_media = (images or video_url) and (type in ('note', 'article') or is_reply) lat = obj.get('location', {}).get('latitude') lng = obj.get('location', {}).get('longitude') # prefer displayName over content for articles type = obj.get('objectType') prefer_content = type == 'note' or (base_url and (type == 'comment' or obj.get('inReplyTo'))) preview_description = '' quote_tweet_url = None for att in obj.get('attachments', []): url = self.URL_CANONICALIZER(att.get('url', '')) if url and TWEET_URL_RE.match(url): quote_tweet_url = url preview_description += f"""<span class="verb">quote</span> <a href="{url}">this tweet</a>:<br> {self.embed_post(att)} <br>and """ break content = self._content_for_create( obj, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting, prefer_name=not prefer_content, strip_first_video_tag=bool(video_url), strip_quotations=bool(quote_tweet_url)) if not content: if type == 'activity' and not is_rsvp: content = verb elif has_media: content = '' else: return source.creation_result( abort=False, # keep looking for things to publish, error_plain='No content text found.', error_html='No content text found.') if is_reply and base_url: # Twitter *used* to require replies to include an @-mention of the # original tweet's author # # ...but now we use the auto_populate_reply_metadata query param instead: # # the embed URL in the preview can't start with mobile. or www., so just # hard-code it to index #1 is netloc. parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(base_url) parts = parsed.path.split('/') if len(parts) < 2 or not parts[1]: raise ValueError(f'Could not determine author of in-reply-to URL {base_url}') reply_to_prefix = f'@{parts[1].lower()} ' if content.lower().startswith(reply_to_prefix): content = content[len(reply_to_prefix):] parsed = list(parsed) parsed[1] = self.DOMAIN base_url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(parsed) # need a base_url with the tweet id for the embed HTML below. do this # *after* checking the real base_url for in-reply-to author username. if base_id and not base_url: base_url = '' + base_id # truncate and ellipsize content if it's over the character # count. URLs will be, so include that when counting. content = self.truncate(content, obj.get('url'), include_link, type=type, quote_url=quote_tweet_url) # linkify defaults to Twitter's link shortening behavior preview_content = util.linkify(content, pretty=True, skip_bare_cc_tlds=True) preview_content = MENTION_RE.sub( r'\1<a href="\2">@\2</a>', preview_content) preview_content = HASHTAG_RE.sub( r'\1<a href="\2">#\2</a>', preview_content) if type == 'activity' and verb in ('like', 'favorite'): if not base_url: return source.creation_result( abort=True, error_plain='Could not find a tweet to like.', error_html='Could not find a tweet to <a href="">like</a>. ' 'Check that your post has a like-of link to a Twitter URL or to an original post that publishes a ' '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Twitter.') if preview: preview_description += f"""<span class="verb">like</span> <a href="{base_url}">this tweet</a>: {self.embed_post(base_obj)}""" return source.creation_result(description=preview_description) else: data = urllib.parse.urlencode({'id': base_id}) self.urlopen(API_POST_FAVORITE, data=data) resp = {'type': 'like'} elif type == 'activity' and verb == 'share': if not base_url: return source.creation_result( abort=True, error_plain='Could not find a tweet to retweet.', error_html='Could not find a tweet to <a href="">retweet</a>. ' 'Check that your post has a repost-of link to a Twitter URL or to an original post that publishes a ' '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Twitter.') if preview: preview_description += f"""<span class="verb">retweet</span> <a href="{base_url}">this tweet</a>: {self.embed_post(base_obj)}""" return source.creation_result(description=preview_description) else: data = urllib.parse.urlencode({'id': base_id}) resp = self.urlopen(API_POST_RETWEET % base_id, data=data) resp['type'] = 'repost' elif (type in ('note', 'article') or is_reply or is_rsvp or (type == 'activity' and verb == 'post')): # probably a bookmark content = str(content).encode('utf-8') data = [('status', content)] if is_reply and base_url: preview_description += f"""<span class="verb">@-reply</span> to <a href="{base_url}">this tweet</a>: {self.embed_post(base_obj)}""" data.extend([ ('in_reply_to_status_id', base_id), ('auto_populate_reply_metadata', 'true'), ]) else: preview_description += '<span class="verb">tweet</span>:' if video_url: preview_content += f'<br /><br /><video controls src="{video_url}"><a href="{video_url}">this video</a></video>' if not preview: ret = self.upload_video(video_url) if isinstance(ret, source.CreationResult): return ret data.append(('media_ids', ret)) elif images: num = len(images) if num > MAX_MEDIA: images = images[:MAX_MEDIA] logger.warning(f'Found {num} photos! Only using the first {MAX_MEDIA}: {images}') preview_content += '<br /><br />' + ' &nbsp; '.join( f"<img src=\"{img.get('url')}\" alt=\"{util.ellipsize(img.get('displayName', ''), words=1000, chars=MAX_ALT_LENGTH)}\" />" for img in images) if not preview: ret = self.upload_images(images) if isinstance(ret, source.CreationResult): return ret data.append(('media_ids', ','.join(ret))) if lat and lng: preview_content += ( f'<div>at <a href="{lat},{lng}">{lat}, {lng}</a></div>') data.extend([ ('lat', lat), ('long', lng), ]) if preview: return source.creation_result(content=preview_content, description=preview_description) resp = self.urlopen(API_POST_TWEET, data=urllib.parse.urlencode(sorted(data))) resp['type'] = 'comment' if is_reply and base_url else 'post' else: return source.creation_result( abort=False, error_plain=f'Cannot publish type={type}, verb={verb} to Twitter', error_html=f'Cannot publish type={type}, verb={verb} to Twitter') id_str = resp.get('id_str') if id_str: resp.update({'id': id_str, 'url': self.tweet_url(resp)}) elif 'url' not in resp: resp['url'] = base_url return source.creation_result(resp)
[docs] def upload_images(self, images): """Uploads one or more images from web URLs. Note that files and JSON bodies in media POST API requests are *not* included in OAuth signatures. Args: images: sequence of AS image objects, eg: [{'url': 'http://picture', 'displayName': 'a thing'}, ...] Returns: list of string media ids or :class:`CreationResult` on error """ ids = [] for image in images: url = image.get('url') if not url: continue image_resp = util.urlopen(url) error = self._check_media(url, image_resp, IMAGE_MIME_TYPES, 'JPG, PNG, GIF, and WEBP images', MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) if error: return error headers = twitter_auth.auth_header( API_UPLOAD_MEDIA, self.access_token_key, self.access_token_secret, 'POST') resp = util.requests_post(API_UPLOAD_MEDIA, files={'media': image_resp}, headers=headers) resp.raise_for_status()'Got: {resp.text}') media_id = source.load_json(resp.text, API_UPLOAD_MEDIA)['media_id_string'] ids.append(media_id) alt = image.get('displayName') if alt: alt = util.ellipsize(alt, words=1000, chars=MAX_ALT_LENGTH) headers = twitter_auth.auth_header( API_MEDIA_METADATA, self.access_token_key, self.access_token_secret, 'POST') resp = util.requests_post( API_MEDIA_METADATA, json={'media_id': media_id, 'alt_text': {'text': alt}}, headers=headers) resp.raise_for_status()'Got: {resp.text}') return ids
[docs] def upload_video(self, url): """Uploads a video from web URLs using the chunked upload process. Chunked upload consists of multiple API calls: * command=INIT, which allocates the media id * command=APPEND for each 5MB block, up to 15MB total * command=FINALIZE Args: url: string URL of images Returns: string media id or :class:`CreationResult` on error """ video_resp = util.urlopen(url) error = self._check_media(url, video_resp, VIDEO_MIME_TYPES, 'MP4 videos', MAX_VIDEO_SIZE) if error: return error # INIT media_id = self.urlopen(API_UPLOAD_MEDIA, data=urllib.parse.urlencode({ 'command': 'INIT', 'media_type': 'video/mp4', # 'media_category': 'tweet_video', # _check_media checked that Content-Length is set 'total_bytes': video_resp.headers['Content-Length'], }))['media_id_string'] # APPEND headers = twitter_auth.auth_header( API_UPLOAD_MEDIA, self.access_token_key, self.access_token_secret, 'POST') i = 0 while True: chunk = util.FileLimiter(video_resp, UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE) data = { 'command': 'APPEND', 'media_id': media_id, 'segment_index': i, } resp = util.requests_post(API_UPLOAD_MEDIA, data=data, files={'media': chunk}, headers=headers) resp.raise_for_status() if chunk.ateof: break i += 1 # FINALIZE resp = self.urlopen(API_UPLOAD_MEDIA, data=urllib.parse.urlencode({ 'command': 'FINALIZE', 'media_id': media_id, })) total_delay = 0 for _ in range(API_MEDIA_STATUS_MAX_POLLS): info = resp.get('processing_info', {}) state = info.get('state') if not state or state == 'succeeded': return media_id elif state == 'failed': # TODO test return source.creation_result(abort=True, error_plain=str(info.get('error'))) # STATUS delay = min(info.get('check_after_secs', 0), API_MEDIA_STATUS_MAX_DELAY_SECS) total_delay += delay'video still processing, waiting {delay}s to check status') sleep_fn(delay) params = urllib.parse.urlencode({ 'command': 'STATUS', 'media_id': media_id, }) resp = self.urlopen(f'{API_UPLOAD_MEDIA}?{params}') msg = f'Twitter still processing uploaded video after {total_delay}s' return source.creation_result(abort=True, error_plain=msg)
@staticmethod def _check_media(url, resp, types, label, max_size): """Checks that an image or video is an allowed type and size. Args: url: string resp: urlopen result object types: sequence of allowed string MIME types label: string, human-readable description of the allowed MIME types, to be used in an error message max_size: integer, maximum allowed size, in bytes Returns: None if the url's type and size are valid, :class:`CreationResult` with abort=True otherwise """ type = resp.headers.get('Content-Type') if not type: type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(url) if type and type not in types: msg = f'Twitter only supports {label}; {util.pretty_link(url)} looks like {type}' return source.creation_result(abort=True, error_plain=msg, error_html=msg) length = resp.headers.get('Content-Length') if not util.is_int(length): msg = f"Couldn't determine the size of {util.pretty_link(url)}" return source.creation_result(abort=True, error_plain=msg, error_html=msg) length = int(length) if int(length) > max_size: msg = f"Your {length // MB:.2f}MB file is larger than Twitter's {max_size // MB}MB limit: {util.pretty_link(url)}" return source.creation_result(abort=True, error_plain=msg, error_html=msg)
[docs] def delete(self, id): """Deletes a tweet. The authenticated user must have authored it. Args: id: int or string, tweet id to delete Returns: CreationResult, content is Twitter API response dict """ resp = self.urlopen(API_DELETE_TWEET, data=urllib.parse.urlencode({'id': id})) return source.creation_result(resp)
[docs] def preview_delete(self, id): """Previews deleting a tweet. Args: id: int or string, tweet id to delete Returns: CreationResult """ url = self.status_url(self.username or '_', id) return source.creation_result(description=f"""<span class="verb">delete</span> <a href="{url}">this tweet</a>: {self.embed_post({'url': url})}""")
[docs] def urlopen(self, url, parse_response=True, **kwargs): """Wraps :func:`urllib2.urlopen()` and adds an OAuth signature.""" if not url.startswith('http'): url = API_BASE + url def request(): resp = twitter_auth.signed_urlopen( url, self.access_token_key, self.access_token_secret, **kwargs) return source.load_json(, url) if parse_response else resp if ('data' not in kwargs and not (isinstance(url, urllib.request.Request) and url.get_method() == 'POST')): # this is a GET. retry up to 3x if we deadline. for _ in range(RETRIES): try: return request() except http.client.HTTPException as e: if not str(e).startswith('Deadline exceeded'): raise except socket.timeout: pass except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: code, body = util.interpret_http_exception(e) if code is None or int(code) not in (500, 501, 502): raise'Twitter API call failed! Retrying...') # last try. if it deadlines, let the exception bubble up. return request()
[docs] def base_object(self, obj): """Returns the 'base' silo object that an object operates on. Includes special handling for Twitter photo and video URLs, e.g. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object Returns: dict, minimal ActivityStreams object. Usually has at least id and url fields; may also have author. """ base_obj = super(Twitter, self).base_object(obj) url = base_obj.get('url') if url: try: parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) parts = parsed.path.split('/') if len(parts) >= 3 and parts[-2] in ('photo', 'video'): base_obj['id'] = parts[-3] parsed = list(parsed) parsed[2] = '/'.join(parts[:-2]) base_obj['url'] = urllib.parse.urlunparse(parsed) except BaseException as e: logger.error( "Couldn't parse object URL %s : %s. Falling back to default logic.", url, e) return base_obj
[docs] def tweet_to_activity(self, tweet): """Converts a tweet to an activity. Args: tweet: dict, a decoded JSON tweet Returns: an ActivityStreams activity dict, ready to be JSON-encoded """ obj = self.tweet_to_object(tweet) activity = { 'verb': 'post', 'published': obj.get('published'), 'id': obj.get('id'), 'url': obj.get('url'), 'actor': obj.get('author'), 'object': obj, } retweeted = tweet.get('retweeted_status') if retweeted: activity['verb'] = 'share' activity['object'] = self.tweet_to_object(retweeted) in_reply_to = obj.get('inReplyTo') if in_reply_to: activity['context'] = {'inReplyTo': in_reply_to} # yes, the source field has an embedded HTML link. bleh. # parsed ='<a href="([^"]+)".*>(.+)</a>', tweet.get('source', '')) if parsed: url, name = parsed.groups() activity['generator'] = {'displayName': name, 'url': url} return self.postprocess_activity(activity)
[docs] def tweet_to_object(self, tweet): """Converts a tweet to an object. Args: tweet: dict, a decoded JSON tweet Returns: an ActivityStreams object dict, ready to be JSON-encoded """ obj = {} # always prefer id_str over id to avoid any chance of integer overflow. # usually shouldn't matter in Python, but still. id = tweet.get('id_str') if not id: return {} created_at = tweet.get('created_at') try: published = self.rfc2822_to_iso8601(created_at) except ValueError: # this is probably already ISO 8601, likely from the archive export. # # published = created_at obj = { 'id': self.tag_uri(id), 'objectType': 'note', 'published': published, 'to': [], } retweeted = tweet.get('retweeted_status') base_tweet = retweeted or tweet entities = self._get_entities(base_tweet) # text content text = util.WideUnicode( base_tweet.get('full_text') or base_tweet.get('text') or '') text_start, text_end = (base_tweet.get('display_text_range') or (0, len(text))) # author user = tweet.get('user') if user: obj['author'] = self.user_to_actor(user) username = obj['author'].get('username') if username: obj['url'] = self.status_url(username, id) protected = user.get('protected') if protected is not None: obj['to'].append({ 'objectType': 'group', 'alias': '@public' if not protected else '@private', }) # media! into attachments. # media = entities.get('media', []) if media: types = { 'photo': 'image', 'video': 'video', 'animated_gif': 'video', } obj['attachments'] = [{ 'objectType': types.get(m.get('type')), 'image': { 'url': m.get('media_url_https') or m.get('media_url'), 'displayName': m.get('ext_alt_text'), }, 'stream': {'url': self._video_url(m)}, 'displayName': m.get('ext_alt_text'), } for m in media] first = obj['attachments'][0] if first['objectType'] == 'video': obj['stream'] = first['stream'] else: obj['image'] = first['image'] # if this tweet is quoting another tweet, include it as an attachment quoted = tweet.get('quoted_status') quoted_url = None if quoted: quoted_obj = self.tweet_to_object(quoted) obj.setdefault('attachments', []).append(quoted_obj) quoted_url = (quoted_obj.get('url') or tweet.get('quoted_status_permalink', {}).get('expanded')) # remove quoted tweet URL from text, tags url_entities = entities.get('urls', []) for i, entity in enumerate(url_entities): indices = entity.get('indices') if indices and entity.get('expanded_url') == quoted_url: start, end = indices text = text[:start] + text[end:] del url_entities[i] if start >= text_start and end <= text_end: text_end -= (end - start) # tags obj['tags'] = [ {'objectType': 'mention', 'id': self.tag_uri(t.get('screen_name')), 'url': self.user_url(t.get('screen_name')), 'displayName': t.get('name'), 'indices': t.get('indices') } for t in entities.get('user_mentions', []) ] + [ {'objectType': 'hashtag', 'url': '' + t.get('text'), 'indices': t.get('indices'), } for t in entities.get('hashtags', []) ] + [ {'objectType': 'article', 'url': t.get('expanded_url'), 'displayName': t.get('display_url'), 'indices': t.get('indices'), } for t in entities.get('urls', []) ] # media. these are only temporary, to get rid of the image links. the tag # elements are removed farther down below. # # when there are multiple, twitter usually (always?) only adds a single # media link to the end of the tweet text, and all of the media objects will # have the same indices. so de-dupe based on indices. indices_to_media = { tuple(t['indices']): { 'objectType': 'image', 'displayName': '', 'indices': t['indices'], } for t in media if t.get('indices')} obj['tags'].extend(indices_to_media.values()) # sort tags by indices, since they need to be processed (below) in order. obj['tags'].sort(key=lambda t: (t.get('indices') or [])) # RT @username: prefix for retweets rt_prefix = '' if retweeted and retweeted.get('text'): rt_prefix = 'RT <a href="">@%s</a>: ' % ( (retweeted.get('user', {}).get('screen_name'),) * 2) # person mentions obj['to'].extend(tag for tag in obj['tags'] if tag.get('objectType') in ('person', 'mention') and tag.get('indices')[1] <= text_start) # replace entities with display URLs, convert start/end indices to start/length content = util.WideUnicode(rt_prefix + text[text_start:text_end]) offset = len(rt_prefix) - text_start for t in obj['tags']: start, end = t.pop('indices', None) or (0, 0) if start >= text_start and end <= text_end: start += offset end += offset length = end - start if t['objectType'] in ('article', 'image'): tag_text = t.get('displayName', t.get('url')) if tag_text is not None: content = util.WideUnicode(content[:start] + tag_text + content[end:]) offset += len(tag_text) - length length = len(tag_text) t.update({'startIndex': start, 'length': length}) obj.update({ 'tags': [t for t in obj['tags'] if t['objectType'] != 'image'] + [self.retweet_to_object(r) for r in tweet.get('retweets', [])], 'content': content, }) # location place = tweet.get('place') if place: obj['location'] = { 'displayName': place.get('full_name'), 'id': self.tag_uri(place.get('id')), } # place['url'] is a JSON API url, not useful for end users. get the # lat/lon from geo instead. geo = tweet.get('geo') if geo: coords = geo.get('coordinates') if coords: obj['location']['url'] = (',%s' % tuple(coords)) # inReplyTo reply_to_screenname = tweet.get('in_reply_to_screen_name') reply_to_id = tweet.get('in_reply_to_status_id') if reply_to_id and reply_to_screenname: obj['inReplyTo'] = [{ 'id': self.tag_uri(reply_to_id), 'url': self.status_url(reply_to_screenname, reply_to_id), }] return self.postprocess_object(obj)
@staticmethod def _get_entities(tweet): """Merges and returns a tweet's entities and extended_entities. Most entities are in the entities field - urls, hashtags, user_mentions, symbols, etc. Media are special though: extended_entities is always preferred. It has videos, animated gifs, and multiple photos. entities only has one photo at most, either the first or a thumbnail from the video, and its type is always 'photo' even for videos and animated gifs. (The id and id_str will be the same.) So ignore it unless extended_entities is missing. """ entities = collections.defaultdict(list) # maps kind to set of id_str, url, and text values we've seen, with indices, # for de-duping seen_ids = collections.defaultdict(set) for field in 'extended_entities', 'entities': # prefer extended_entities! # kind is media, urls, hashtags, user_mentions, symbols, etc for kind, values in tweet.get(field, {}).items(): for v in values: id = (v.get('id_str') or v.get('id') or v.get('url') or v.get('text'), tuple(v.get('indices') or [])) if id[0] or id[1]: if id in seen_ids[kind]: continue seen_ids[kind].add(id) entities[kind].append(v) return entities def _video_url(self, media): """Returns the best video URL from a media object. Prefers MIME types that start with video/, then falls back to others. Twitter videos in extended entities currently often have both .m3u8 (HLS) and .mp4 variants. Twitter threatened to drop the MP4s in Aug 2016, but they're still there as of Dec 2017. Args: media: dict, Twitter media object Returns: string URL """ variants = media.get('video_info', {}).get('variants') if not variants: return best_bitrate = 0 best_url = None for variant in variants: url = variant.get('url') bitrate = variant.get('bitrate', 0) type = variant.get('content_type', '') if url and type.startswith('video/') and bitrate >= best_bitrate: best_url = url best_bitrate = bitrate return best_url or variants[0].get('url')
[docs] def user_to_actor(self, user): """Converts a user to an actor. Args: user: dict, a decoded JSON Twitter user Returns: an ActivityStreams actor dict, ready to be JSON-encoded """ username = user.get('screen_name') if not username: return {} urls = [self.user_url(username)] + util.trim_nulls( [e.get('expanded_url') for e in itertools.chain( *(user.get('entities', {}).get(field, {}).get('urls', []) for field in ('url', 'description')))]) image = user.get('profile_image_url_https') or user.get('profile_image_url') if image: # remove _normal for a ~256x256 avatar rather than ~48x48 image = image.replace('_normal.', '.', 1) return util.trim_nulls({ 'objectType': 'person', 'displayName': user.get('name') or username, 'image': {'url': image}, 'id': self.tag_uri(username), # numeric_id is our own custom field that always has the source's numeric # user id, if available. 'numeric_id': user.get('id_str'), 'published': self.rfc2822_to_iso8601(user.get('created_at')), 'url': urls[0], 'urls': [{'value': u} for u in urls] if len(urls) > 1 else None, 'location': {'displayName': user.get('location')}, 'username': username, 'description': user.get('description'), })
[docs] def retweet_to_object(self, retweet): """Converts a retweet to a share activity object. Args: retweet: dict, a decoded JSON tweet Returns: an ActivityStreams object dict """ orig = retweet.get('retweeted_status') if not orig: return None share = self.tweet_to_object(retweet) share.update({ 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': 'share', 'object': {'url': self.tweet_url(orig)}, }) if 'tags' in share: # the existing tags apply to the original tweet's text, which we replaced del share['tags'] return self.postprocess_object(share)
[docs] def streaming_event_to_object(self, event): """Converts a Streaming API event to an object. Right now, only converts favorite events to like objects. Args: event: dict, a decoded JSON Streaming API event Returns: an ActivityStreams object dict """ source = event.get('source') tweet = event.get('target_object') if event.get('event') == 'favorite' and source and tweet: obj = self._make_like(tweet, source) obj['published'] = self.rfc2822_to_iso8601(event.get('created_at')) return obj
def _make_like(self, tweet, liker): """Generates and returns a ActivityStreams like object. Args: tweet: Twitter tweet dict liker: Twitter user dict Returns: ActivityStreams object dict """ # TODO: unify with Mastodon._make_like() tweet_id = tweet.get('id_str') liker_id = liker.get('id_str') id = None url = obj_url = self.tweet_url(tweet) if liker_id: id = self.tag_uri(f'{tweet_id}_favorited_by_{liker_id}') url += f'#favorited-by-{liker_id}' return self.postprocess_object({ 'id': id, 'url': url, 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': 'like', 'object': {'url': obj_url}, 'author': self.user_to_actor(liker), })
[docs] @staticmethod def rfc2822_to_iso8601(time_str): """Converts a timestamp string from RFC 2822 format to ISO 8601. Example RFC 2822 timestamp string generated by Twitter: 'Wed May 23 06:01:13 +0000 2007' Resulting ISO 8610 timestamp string: '2007-05-23T06:01:13' """ if not time_str: return None without_timezone = re.sub(' [+-][0-9]{4} ', ' ', time_str) timezone ='[+-][0-9]{4}', time_str).group(0) # convert offset to seconds offset = 3600 * int(timezone[1:3]) + 60 * int(timezone[3:]) # negative offset if timezone[0] == '-': offset = -offset dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(without_timezone, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y').replace(tzinfo=OffsetTzinfo(offset)) return dt.isoformat()
[docs] def user_url(self, username): """Returns the Twitter URL for a given user.""" return f'https://{self.DOMAIN}/{username}'
[docs] def status_url(self, username, id): """Returns the Twitter URL for a tweet from a given user with a given id.""" return f'{self.user_url(username)}/status/{id}'
[docs] def tweet_url(self, tweet): """Returns the Twitter URL for a tweet given a tweet object.""" return self.status_url(tweet.get('user', {}).get('screen_name'), tweet.get('id_str'))
@staticmethod def _validate_id(id): if not util.is_int(id): raise ValueError(f'Twitter ids must be integers; got {id}')