Source code for

# coding=utf-8
"""Flickr source class.

Uses Flickr's REST API

TODO: Fetching feeds with comments and/or favorites is very request
intensive right now. It would be ideal to find a way to batch
requests, make requests asynchronously, or make better calls to the
API itself. Maybe use flickr.activity.userPhotos
when group_id=SELF.
import copy
import logging
import requests
import mf2util
import urllib.parse

from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
from oauth_dropins import flickr_auth

from . import as1
from . import source

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Flickr(source.Source): """Flickr source class. See file docstring and Source class for details.""" DOMAIN = '' BASE_URL = '' NAME = 'Flickr' OPTIMIZED_COMMENTS = False API_EXTRAS = ','.join(('date_upload', 'date_taken', 'views', 'media', 'description', 'tags', 'machine_tags', 'geo', 'path_alias'))
[docs] def __init__(self, access_token_key, access_token_secret, user_id=None, path_alias=None): """Constructor. If they are not provided, user_id and path_alias will be looked up via the API on first use. Args: access_token_key: string, OAuth access token key access_token_secret: string, OAuth access token secret user_id: string, the logged in user's Flickr nsid. (optional) path_alias: string, the logged in user's path_alias, replaces user_id in canonical profile and photo urls (optional) """ self.access_token_key = access_token_key self.access_token_secret = access_token_secret self._user_id = user_id self._path_alias = path_alias
[docs] def call_api_method(self, method, params=None): """Call a Flickr API method. """ return flickr_auth.call_api_method( method, params or {}, self.access_token_key, self.access_token_secret)
[docs] def upload(self, params, file): """Upload a photo or video via the Flickr API. """ return flickr_auth.upload( params, file, self.access_token_key, self.access_token_secret)
[docs] def create(self, obj, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Creates a photo, comment, or favorite. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object include_link: string ignore_formatting: boolean Returns: a CreationResult whose content will be a dict with 'id', 'url', and 'type' keys (all optional) for the newly created Flickr object (or None) """ return self._create(obj, preview=False, include_link=include_link, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting)
[docs] def preview_create(self, obj, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Preview creation of a photo, comment, or favorite. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object include_link: string ignore_formatting: boolean Returns: a CreationResult whose description will be an HTML summary of what publishing will do, and whose content will be an HTML preview of the result (or None) """ return self._create(obj, preview=True, include_link=include_link, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting)
def _create(self, obj, preview, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Creates or previews creating for the previous two methods. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object preview: boolean include_link: string ignore_formatting: boolean Return: a CreationResult """ # photo, comment, or like type = as1.object_type(obj) logger.debug(f'publishing object type {type} to Flickr') link_text = f"(Originally published at: {obj.get('url')})" image_url = util.get_first(obj, 'image', {}).get('url') video_url = util.get_first(obj, 'stream', {}).get('url') content = self._content_for_create(obj, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting, strip_first_video_tag=bool(video_url)) if (video_url or image_url) and type in ('note', 'article'): name = obj.get('displayName') people = self._get_person_tags(obj) hashtags = [t.get('displayName') for t in obj.get('tags', []) if t.get('objectType') == 'hashtag' and t.get('displayName')] lat = obj.get('location', {}).get('latitude') lng = obj.get('location', {}).get('longitude') # if name does not represent an explicit title, then we'll just # use it as the title and wipe out the content if name and content and not mf2util.is_name_a_title(name, content): name = content content = None # add original post link if include_link == source.INCLUDE_LINK: content = ((content + '\n\n') if content else '') + link_text if preview: preview_content = '' if name: preview_content += f'<h4>{name}</h4>' if content: preview_content += f'<div>{content}</div>' if hashtags: preview_content += f"<div> {' '.join('#' + t for t in hashtags)}</div>" if people: preview_content += '<div> with %s</div>' % ', '.join( ('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % ( p.get('url'), p.get('displayName') or 'User %s' % p.get('id')) for p in people)) if lat and lng: preview_content += f'<div> at <a href="{lat},{lng}">{lat}, {lng}</a></div>' if video_url: preview_content += f'<video controls src="{video_url}"><a href="{video_url}">this video</a></video>' else: preview_content += f'<img src="{image_url}" />' return source.creation_result(content=preview_content, description='post') params = [] if name: params.append(('title', name)) if content: params.append(('description', content.encode('utf-8'))) if hashtags: params.append(('tags', ','.join((f'"{t}"' if ' ' in t else t) for t in hashtags))) file = util.urlopen(video_url or image_url) try: resp = self.upload(params, file) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: if str(e.args[0]).startswith('Request exceeds 10 MiB limit'): msg = 'Sorry, photos and videos must be under 10MB.' return source.creation_result(error_plain=msg, error_html=msg) else: raise photo_id = resp.get('id') resp.update({ 'type': 'post', 'url': self.photo_url(self.path_alias() or self.user_id(), photo_id), }) if video_url: resp['granary_message'] = \ "Note that videos take time to process before they're visible." # add person tags for person_id in sorted(p.get('id') for p in people): self.call_api_method('', { 'photo_id': photo_id, 'user_id': person_id, }) # add location if lat and lng: self.call_api_method('', { 'photo_id': photo_id, 'lat': lat, 'lon': lng, }) return source.creation_result(resp) base_obj = self.base_object(obj) base_id = base_obj.get('id') base_url = base_obj.get('url') if type == 'tag': if not base_id: return source.creation_result( abort=True, error_plain='Could not find a photo to tag.', error_html='Could not find a photo to <a href="">tag</a>. ' 'Check that your post has a <a href="">tag-of</a> ' 'link to a Flickr photo or to an original post that publishes a ' '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Flickr.') tags = sorted(set(util.trim_nulls(t.get('displayName', '').strip() for t in util.get_list(obj, 'object')))) if not tags: return source.creation_result( abort=True, error_plain='No tags found (with p-category) in tag-of post.', error_html='No <a href="">tags</a> found (with p-category) in <a href="">tag-of post</a>.') if preview: return source.creation_result( content=content, description='add the tag%s %s to <a href="%s">this photo</a>.' % ('s' if len(tags) > 1 else '', ', '.join('<em>%s</em>' % tag for tag in tags), base_url)) resp = self.call_api_method('', { 'photo_id': base_id, # multiply valued fields are space separated. not easy to find in the # Flickr API docs, this is the closest I found: # 'tags': ' '.join(tags), }) if not resp: resp = {} resp.update({ 'type': 'tag', 'url': f'{base_url}#tagged-by-{self.user_id()}', 'tags': tags, }) return source.creation_result(resp) # maybe a comment on a flickr photo? if type == 'comment' or obj.get('inReplyTo'): if not base_id: return source.creation_result( abort=True, error_plain='Could not find a photo to comment on.', error_html='Could not find a photo to <a href="">comment on</a>. ' 'Check that your post has an <a href="">in-reply-to</a> ' 'link to a Flickr photo or to an original post that publishes a ' '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Flickr.') if include_link == source.INCLUDE_LINK: content += '\n\n' + link_text if preview: return source.creation_result( content=content, description=f'comment on <a href="{base_url}">this photo</a>.') resp = self.call_api_method('', { 'photo_id': base_id, 'comment_text': content.encode('utf-8'), }) resp = resp.get('comment', {}) resp.update({ 'type': 'comment', 'url': resp.get('permalink'), }) return source.creation_result(resp) if type in ('like', 'favorite'): if not base_id: return source.creation_result( abort=True, error_plain='Could not find a photo to favorite.', error_html='Could not find a photo to <a href="">favorite</a>. ' 'Check that your post has an <a href="">like-of</a> ' 'link to a Flickr photo or to an original post that publishes a ' '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Flickr.') if preview: return source.creation_result( description=f'favorite <a href="{base_url}">this photo</a>.') # this method doesn't return any data self.call_api_method('flickr.favorites.add', { 'photo_id': base_id, }) # TODO should we canonicalize the base_url (e.g. removing trailing path # info like "/in/contacts/") return source.creation_result({ 'type': 'like', 'url': f'{base_url}#favorited-by-{self.user_id()}', }) return source.creation_result( abort=False, error_plain=f'Cannot publish type={type} to Flickr.', error_html=f'Cannot publish type={type} to Flickr.') def _get_person_tags(self, obj): """Extract person tags that refer to Flickr users. Uses to find the NSID for a particular URL. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object that may contain person targets Returns: a sequence of ActivityStream person objects augmented with 'id' equal to the Flickr user's NSID """ people = {} # maps id to tag for tag in obj.get('tags', []): url = tag.get('url', '') if (util.domain_from_link(url) == '' and tag.get('objectType') == 'person'): resp = self.call_api_method('flickr.urls.lookupUser', {'url': url}) id = resp.get('user', {}).get('id') if id: tag = copy.copy(tag) tag['id'] = id people[id] = tag return list(people.values())
[docs] def delete(self, id): """Deletes a photo. The authenticated user must have created it. Args: id: int or string, photo id to delete Returns: CreationResult, content is Flickr API response dict """ # delete API call has no response self.call_api_method('', {'photo_id': id}) return source.creation_result({ 'type': 'delete', 'url': self.photo_url(self.user_id(), id), })
[docs] def preview_delete(self, id): """Previews deleting a photo. Args: id: int or string, photo id to delete Returns: CreationResult """ return source.creation_result( description=f'<span class="verb">delete</span> <a href="{self.photo_url(self.user_id(), id)}">this photo</a>.')
[docs] def get_activities_response(self, user_id=None, group_id=None, app_id=None, activity_id=None, start_index=0, count=0, etag=None, min_id=None, cache=None, fetch_replies=False, fetch_likes=False, fetch_shares=False, fetch_events=False, fetch_mentions=False, search_query=None, **kwargs): """Fetches Flickr photos and converts them to ActivityStreams activities. See method docstring in for details. Mentions are not fetched or included because they don't exist in Flickr. """ if user_id is None: user_id = 'me' if group_id is None: group_id = source.FRIENDS params = {} method = None if activity_id: params['photo_id'] = activity_id method = '' else: params['extras'] = self.API_EXTRAS params['per_page'] = count if group_id == source.SELF: params['user_id'] = user_id method = 'flickr.people.getPhotos' if group_id == source.FRIENDS: method = '' if group_id == source.ALL: method = '' if not method: raise NotImplementedError() photos_resp = self.call_api_method(method, params) result = {'items': []} if activity_id: photos = [photos_resp.get('photo', {})] else: photos = photos_resp.get('photos', {}).get('photo', []) for photo in photos: activity = self.photo_to_activity(photo) # TODO consider using 'flickr.activity.userPhotos' when group_id=@self, # gives all recent comments and faves, instead of hitting the API for # each photo if fetch_replies: comments_resp = self.call_api_method('', { 'photo_id': photo.get('id'), }) replies = [ self.comment_to_object(comment, photo.get('id')) for comment in comments_resp.get('comments', {}).get('comment', []) ] activity['object']['replies'] = { 'items': replies, 'totalItems': len(replies), } if fetch_likes: faves_resp = self.call_api_method('', { 'photo_id': photo.get('id'), }) for person in faves_resp.get('photo', {}).get('person', []): activity['object'].setdefault('tags', []).append( self.like_to_object(person, activity)) result['items'].append(activity) return util.trim_nulls(result)
[docs] def get_actor(self, user_id=None): """Get an ActivityStreams object of type 'person' given a Flickr user's nsid. If no user_id is provided, this method will make another API request to find out the currently logged in user's id. Args: user_id: string, optional Returns: dict, an ActivityStreams object """ resp = self.call_api_method('flickr.people.getInfo', { 'user_id': user_id or self.user_id(), }) return self.user_to_actor(resp)
[docs] def user_to_actor(self, resp): """Convert a Flickr user dict into an ActivityStreams actor. """ person = resp.get('person', {}) username = person.get('username', {}).get('_content') obj = util.trim_nulls({ 'objectType': 'person', 'displayName': person.get('realname', {}).get('_content') or username, 'image': { 'url': self.get_user_image(person.get('iconfarm'), person.get('iconserver'), person.get('nsid')), }, 'id': self.tag_uri(username), # numeric_id is our own custom field that always has the source's numeric # user id, if available. 'numeric_id': person.get('nsid'), 'location': { 'displayName': person.get('location', {}).get('_content'), }, 'username': username, 'description': person.get('description', {}).get('_content'), }) # fetch profile page to get url(s) profile_url = person.get('profileurl', {}).get('_content') if profile_url: try: profile_json = util.fetch_mf2(url=profile_url) urls = profile_json.get('rels', {}).get('me', []) if urls: obj['url'] = urls[0] if len(urls) > 1: obj['urls'] = [{'value': u} for u in urls] except requests.RequestException as e: util.interpret_http_exception(e) logger.warning(f'could not fetch user homepage {profile_url}') return self.postprocess_object(obj)
[docs] def get_comment(self, comment_id, activity_id=None, activity_author_id=None, activity=None): """Returns an ActivityStreams comment object. Args: comment_id: string comment id activity_id: string activity id, optional activity_author_id: string activity author id, ignored activity: activity object, optional. Avoids fetching the activity. """ if activity: # TODO: unify with instagram, maybe in source.get_comment() logger.debug('Looking for comment in inline activity') tag_id = self.tag_uri(comment_id) for reply in activity.get('object', {}).get('replies', {}).get('items', []): if reply.get('id') == tag_id: return reply resp = self.call_api_method('', { 'photo_id': activity_id, }) for comment in resp.get('comments', {}).get('comment', []): logger.debug(f"checking comment id {comment.get('id')}") # comment id is the in form ###-postid-commentid if (comment.get('id') == comment_id or comment.get('id').split('-')[-1] == comment_id): logger.debug(f'found comment matching {comment_id}') return self.comment_to_object(comment, activity_id)
[docs] def photo_to_activity(self, photo): """Convert a Flickr photo to an ActivityStreams object. Takes either data in the expanded form returned by or the abbreviated form returned by flickr.people.getPhotos. Args: photo: dict response from Flickr Returns: dict, an ActivityStreams object """ owner = photo.get('owner') if isinstance(owner, dict): owner_id = owner.get('nsid') path_alias = owner.get('path_alias') else: owner_id = owner path_alias = photo.get('pathalias') created = photo.get('dates', {}).get('taken') or photo.get('datetaken') published = util.maybe_timestamp_to_rfc3339( photo.get('dates', {}).get('posted') or photo.get('dateupload')) # TODO replace owner_id with path_alias? photo_permalink = self.photo_url(path_alias or owner_id, photo.get('id')) title = photo.get('title') if isinstance(title, dict): title = title.get('_content', '') public = (photo.get('visibility') or photo).get('ispublic') activity = { 'id': self.tag_uri(photo.get('id')), 'flickr_id': photo.get('id'), 'url': photo_permalink, 'actor': { 'numeric_id': owner_id, }, 'object': { 'displayName': title, 'url': photo_permalink, 'id': self.tag_uri(photo.get('id')), 'image': { 'url': 'https://farm{}{}/{}_{}_{}.jpg'.format( photo.get('farm'), photo.get('server'), photo.get('id'), photo.get('secret'), 'b'), }, 'content': '\n'.join(( title, photo.get('description', {}).get('_content', ''))), 'objectType': 'photo', 'created': created, 'published': published, 'to': [{'objectType': 'group', 'alias': '@public' if public else '@private'}], }, 'verb': 'post', 'created': created, 'published': published, } if isinstance(owner, dict): username = owner.get('username') # Flickr API is evidently inconsistent in what it puts in realname vs # username vs path_alias. if username has spaces, it's probably actually # real name, so use path alias instead. # # if not username or ' ' in username: username = owner.get('path_alias') activity['object']['author'] = { 'objectType': 'person', 'displayName': owner.get('realname') or username, 'username': username, 'id': self.tag_uri(username), 'image': { 'url': self.get_user_image(owner.get('iconfarm'), owner.get('iconserver'), owner.get('nsid')), }, } if isinstance(photo.get('tags'), dict): activity['object']['tags'] = [{ 'objectType': 'hashtag', 'id': self.tag_uri(tag.get('id')), 'url': '{}'.format( tag.get('_content')), 'displayName': tag.get('raw'), } for tag in photo.get('tags', {}).get('tag', [])] elif isinstance(photo.get('tags'), str): activity['object']['tags'] = [{ 'objectType': 'hashtag', 'url': f'{tag.strip()}', 'displayName': tag.strip(), } for tag in photo.get('tags').split(' ') if tag.strip()] # location is represented differently in a list of photos vs a # single photo info lat = photo.get('latitude') or photo.get('location', {}).get('latitude') lng = photo.get('longitude') or photo.get('location', {}).get('longitude') if lat and lng and float(lat) != 0 and float(lng) != 0: activity['object']['location'] = { 'objectType': 'place', 'latitude': float(lat), 'longitude': float(lng), } self.postprocess_object(activity['object']) self.postprocess_activity(activity) return activity
[docs] def like_to_object(self, person, photo_activity): """Convert a Flickr favorite into an ActivityStreams like tag. Args: person: dict, the person object from Flickr photo_activity: dict, the ActivityStreams object representing the photo this like belongs to Returns: dict, an ActivityStreams object """ return { 'author': { 'objectType': 'person', 'displayName': person.get('realname') or person.get('username'), 'username': person.get('username'), 'id': self.tag_uri(person.get('nsid')), 'image': { 'url': self.get_user_image(person.get('iconfarm'), person.get('iconserver'), person.get('nsid')), }, }, 'created': util.maybe_timestamp_to_rfc3339(photo_activity.get('favedate')), 'url': '{}#liked-by-{}'.format( photo_activity.get('url'), person.get('nsid')), 'object': {'url': photo_activity.get('url')}, 'id': self.tag_uri('{}_liked_by_{}'.format( photo_activity.get('flickr_id'), person.get('nsid'))), 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': 'like', }
[docs] def comment_to_object(self, comment, photo_id): """Convert a Flickr comment json object to an ActivityStreams comment. Args: comment: dict, the comment object from Flickr photo_id: string, the Flickr ID of the photo that this comment belongs to Returns: dict, an ActivityStreams object """ obj = { 'objectType': 'comment', 'url': comment.get('permalink'), 'id': self.tag_uri(comment.get('id')), 'inReplyTo': [{'id': self.tag_uri(photo_id)}], 'content': comment.get('_content', ''), 'published': util.maybe_timestamp_to_rfc3339(comment.get('datecreate')), 'updated': util.maybe_timestamp_to_rfc3339(comment.get('datecreate')), 'author': { 'objectType': 'person', 'displayName': comment.get('realname') or comment.get('authorname'), 'username': comment.get('authorname'), 'id': self.tag_uri(comment.get('author')), 'url': self.user_url(comment.get('path_alias') or comment.get('author')), 'image': { 'url': self.get_user_image(comment.get('iconfarm'), comment.get('iconserver'), comment.get('author')), }, } } self.postprocess_object(obj) return obj
[docs] def get_user_image(self, farm, server, author): """Convert fields from a typical Flickr response into the buddy icon URL. ref: """ if server == 0: return '' return f'https://farm{farm}{server}/buddyicons/{author}.jpg'
[docs] def user_id(self): """Get the nsid of the currently authorized user. The first time this is called, it will invoke the flickr.people.getLimits api method. Return: a string """ if not self._user_id: resp = self.call_api_method('flickr.people.getLimits') self._user_id = resp.get('person', {}).get('nsid') return self._user_id
[docs] def path_alias(self): """Get the path_alias of the currently authorized user. The first time this is called, it will invoke the flickr.people.getInfo api method. Return: a string """ if not self._path_alias: resp = self.call_api_method('flickr.people.getInfo', { 'user_id': self.user_id(), }) self._path_alias = resp.get('person', {}).get('path_alias') return self._path_alias
[docs] def user_url(self, user_id): """Convert a user's path_alias to their Flickr profile page URL. Args: user_id (string): user's alphanumeric nsid or path alias Returns: string, a profile URL """ return user_id and f'{user_id}/'
[docs] def photo_url(self, user_id, photo_id): """Construct a url for a photo given user id and the photo id Args: user_id (string): alphanumeric user ID or path alias photo_id (string): numeric photo ID Returns: string, the photo URL """ return f'{user_id}/{photo_id}/'
[docs] @classmethod def base_id(cls, url): """Used when publishing comments or favorites. Flickr photo ID is the 3rd path component rather than the first. """ parts = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path.split('/') if len(parts) >= 4 and parts[1] == 'photos': return parts[3]