Source code for granary.bluesky

"""Bluesky source class.
import copy
import logging
import urllib.parse

from granary.source import Source, OMIT_LINK
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util

[docs]def url_to_did_web(url): """Converts a URL to a did:web. Examples: * '' => '' * '' => '' * '' => '' TODO: require https? Args: url: str Returns: str """ parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if not parsed.netloc: raise ValueError(f'Invalid URL: {url}') did = f'did:web:{urllib.parse.quote(parsed.netloc)}' if parsed.path: did += f'{parsed.path.replace("/", ":")}' return did.strip(':')
[docs]def did_web_to_url(did): """Converts a did:web to a URL. Examples: * '' => '' * '' => '' * '' => '' Args: did: str Returns: str """ if not did or not did.startswith('did:web:'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid did:web: {did}') did = did.removeprefix('did:web:') if ':' in did: host, path = did.split(':', 1) else: host = did path = '' host = urllib.parse.unquote(host) path = urllib.parse.unquote(path.replace(':', '/')) return f'https://{host}/{path}'
[docs]def from_as1(obj, from_url=None): """Converts an AS1 object to a Bluesky object. The objectType field is required. Args: obj: dict, AS1 object or activity from_url: str, optional URL the original object was fetched from. Currently unused. TODO: remove? Returns: dict, app.bsky.* object Raises: ValueError if the objectType or verb fields are missing or unsupported """ activity = obj verb = activity.get('verb') or 'post' inner_obj = activity.get('object') if inner_obj and verb == 'post': obj = inner_obj type = obj.get('objectType') or 'note' actor = activity.get('actor') # TODO: once we're on Python 3.10, switch this to a match statement! if type == 'person': # banner is featured image, if available banner = None for img in util.get_list(obj, 'image'): url = img.get('url') if img.get('objectType') == 'featured' and url: banner = url break url = util.get_url(obj) or obj.get('id') or '' try: did_web = url_to_did_web(url) except ValueError as e:"Couldn't generate did:web: {e}") did_web = '' # handle is username@domain or domain/path, no scheme or query username = obj.get('username') parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) domain = parsed.netloc if username: handle = username if domain: handle += f'@{domain}' elif url: handle = domain if parsed.path not in ('', '/'): handle += parsed.path else: handle = '' ret = { '$type': '', 'displayName': obj.get('displayName'), 'description': obj.get('summary'), 'avatar': util.get_url(obj, 'image'), 'banner': banner, 'did': did_web, # this is a DID # atproto/packages/pds/src/api/app/bsky/actor/getProfile.ts#38 'creator': did_web, 'declaration': { '$type': 'app.bsky.system.declRef', # Content ID, aka content-hash fingerprint. Immutable hash that # identifies a node in a PDS. # # # # atproto/lexicons/com/atproto/repo/strongRef.json 'cid': 'TODO', 'actorType': 'app.bsky.system.actorUser', }, # TODO: should be more specific than domain, many users will be on shared # domains 'handle': handle, 'followersCount': 0, 'followsCount': 0, 'membersCount': 0, 'postsCount': 0, } elif verb == 'share': ret = from_as1(inner_obj) ret['reason'] = { '$type': 'app.bsky.feed.feedViewPost#reasonRepost', 'by': actor_to_ref(actor), 'indexedAt':, } elif verb == 'follow': assert actor ret = { '$type': 'app.bsky.graph.follow', 'subject': actor.get('id') or actor.get('url'), 'createdAt': obj.get('published', ''), } elif verb == 'post' and type in ('article', 'mention', 'note', 'comment'): # convert text to HTML and truncate src = Bluesky() text = src._content_for_create(obj) is_html = text != (obj.get('summary') or obj.get('content') or obj.get('name')) text = src.truncate(text, None, OMIT_LINK) # text tags entities = [] content = obj.get('content') for tag in util.get_list(obj, 'tags'): url = tag.get('url') if url: try: start = int(tag.get('startIndex')) if is_html and start: raise NotImplementedError('HTML content is not supported with index tags') end = start + int(tag.get('length')) tag_text = content[start:end] if content else None except (ValueError, IndexError): tag_text = start = end = None entities.append({ 'type': 'link', 'value': url, 'text': tag_text, 'index': { 'start': start, 'end': end, }, }) # images post_embed = record_embed = None images = util.get_list(obj, 'image') if images: post_embed = { '$type': 'app.bsky.embed.images#presented', 'images': [{ '$type': 'app.bsky.embed.images#presentedImage', 'thumb': img.get('url'), 'fullsize': img.get('url'), 'alt': img.get('displayName'), } for img in images[:4]], } record_embed = { '$type': 'app.bsky.embed.images', 'images': [{ '$type': 'app.bsky.embed.images#image', 'image': img.get('url'), 'alt': img.get('displayName'), } for img in images[:4]], } elif entities: post_embed = { '$type': 'app.bsky.embed.external#presented', 'external': [{ '$type': 'app.bsky.embed.external#presentedExternal', 'uri': entity['value'], 'title': entity['text'], 'description': '', } for entity in entities], } record_embed = { '$type': 'app.bsky.embed.external', 'external': [{ '$type': 'app.bsky.embed.external#external', 'uri': entity['value'], 'title': entity['text'], 'description': '', } for entity in entities], } author = obj.get('author') ret = { '$type': 'app.bsky.feed.feedViewPost', 'post': { '$type': '', 'uri': util.get_url(obj), 'cid': 'TODO', 'record': { '$type': '', 'text': text, 'createdAt': obj.get('published', ''), 'embed': record_embed, 'entities': entities, }, 'author': actor_to_ref(author) if author else None, 'embed': post_embed, 'replyCount': 0, 'repostCount': 0, 'upvoteCount': 0, 'downvoteCount': 0, 'indexedAt':, 'viewer': {}, }, } in_reply_to = util.get_url(obj, 'inReplyTo') if in_reply_to: ret['post']['record']['reply'] = { '$type': '', 'root': { '$type': 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', 'uri': in_reply_to, 'cid': 'TODO', }, 'parent': { '$type': 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', 'uri': in_reply_to, 'cid': 'TODO', }, } else: raise ValueError(f'AS1 object has unknown objectType {type} or verb {verb}') # keep some fields that are required by lexicons return util.trim_nulls(ret, ignore=( 'createdAt', 'description', 'did', 'handle', 'text', 'viewer', ))
[docs]def actor_to_ref(actor): """Converts an AS1 actor to a Bluesky ``. Args: actor: dict, AS1 actor Returns: dict, `` object """ if not actor: return None actor = copy.deepcopy(actor) actor.setdefault('objectType', 'person') ref = { k: v for k, v in from_as1(actor).items() if k in ('avatar', 'declaration', 'did', 'displayName', 'handle', 'indexedAt') } ref['$type'] = '' return ref
[docs]def to_as1(obj): """Converts a Bluesky object to an AS1 object. The $type field is required. Args: profile: dict, app.bsky.* object Returns: dict, AS1 object Raises: ValueError if the $type field is missing or unsupported """ if not obj: return {} type = obj.get('$type') if not type: raise ValueError('Bluesky object missing $type field') # TODO: once we're on Python 3.10, switch this to a match statement! if type in ('', ''): images = [{'url': obj.get('avatar')}] banner = obj.get('banner') if banner: images.append({'url': obj.get('banner'), 'objectType': 'featured'}) did = obj.get('did') ret = { 'objectType': 'person', 'displayName': obj.get('displayName'), 'summary': obj.get('description'), 'image': images, 'url': did_web_to_url(did) if did else None, } elif type == '': tags = [] for entity in obj.get('entities', []): if entity.get('type') == 'link': index = entity.get('index') start = index.get('start', 0) end = index.get('end', 0) tags.append({ 'url': entity.get('value'), 'startIndex': start, 'length': end - start, }) in_reply_to = obj.get('reply', {}).get('parent', {}).get('uri') ret = { 'objectType': 'comment' if in_reply_to else 'note', 'content': obj.get('text', ''), 'inReplyTo': [{'url': in_reply_to}], 'published': obj.get('createdAt', ''), 'tags': tags, } elif type == '': ret = to_as1(obj.get('record')) ret.update({ 'url': obj.get('uri'), 'author': to_as1(obj.get('author')), 'image': to_as1(obj.get('embed')), }) elif type == 'app.bsky.embed.images#presented': ret = [{ 'url': img.get('fullsize'), 'displayName': img.get('alt'), } for img in obj.get('images', [])] elif type == 'app.bsky.feed.feedViewPost': ret = to_as1(obj.get('post')) reason = obj.get('reason') if reason and reason.get('$type') == 'app.bsky.feed.feedViewPost#reasonRepost': ret = { 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': 'share', 'object': ret, 'actor': to_as1(reason.get('by')), } elif type == 'app.bsky.graph.follow': ret = { 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': 'follow', 'actor': { 'url': obj.get('subject'), }, } else: raise ValueError(f'Bluesky object has unknown $type: {type}') return util.trim_nulls(ret)
[docs]class Bluesky(Source): """Bluesky source class. See file docstring and Source class for details.""" DOMAIN = '' BASE_URL = '' NAME = 'Bluesky' TRUNCATE_TEXT_LENGTH = 256 # TODO: load from lexicon