Source code for granary.source

# coding=utf-8
"""Source base class.

Based on the OpenSocial ActivityStreams REST API:

Uses the 'to' field of the Audience Targeting extension to indicate an
activity's privacy settings. It's set to a group with alias @public or @private,
or unset if unknown.
import collections
import copy
from html import unescape
import logging
import re
import urllib.parse

import brevity
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import html2text
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads

ME = '@me'
SELF = '@self'
ALL = '@all'
FRIENDS = '@friends'
APP = '@app'
SEARCH = '@search'
BLOCKS = '@blocks'

# values for create's include_link param
OMIT_LINK = 'omit'
INCLUDE_LINK = 'include'
INCLUDE_IF_TRUNCATED = 'if truncated'

# maps each AS1 RSVP verb to the collection inside an event object that the
# RSVPing actor would go into.
RSVP_VERB_TO_COLLECTION = collections.OrderedDict((  # in priority order
  ('rsvp-yes', 'attending'),
  ('rsvp-no', 'notAttending'),
  ('rsvp-maybe', 'maybeAttending'),
  ('rsvp-interested', 'interested'),
  ('invite', 'invited'),

HTML_ENTITY_RE = re.compile(r'&#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;')

# maps lower case string short name to Source subclass. populated by SourceMeta.
sources = {}

CreationResult = collections.namedtuple('CreationResult', [
  'content', 'description', 'abort', 'error_plain', 'error_html'])

[docs]class RateLimited(BaseException): """Raised when an API rate limits us, and we may have a partial result. Attributes: partial: the partial result, if any. Usually a list. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.partial = kwargs.pop('partial', None) super(RateLimited, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def html_to_text(html, **kwargs): """Converts string html to string text with html2text. Args: **kwargs: html2text options """ if html: h = html2text.HTML2Text() h.unicode_snob = True h.body_width = 0 # don't wrap lines h.ignore_links = True h.ignore_images = True for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(h, key, val) # hacky monkey patch fix for html2text escaping sequences that are # significant in markdown syntax. the X\\Y replacement depends on knowledge # of html2text's internals, specifically that it replaces RE_MD_*_MATCHER # with \1\\\2. :(:(:( html2text.config.RE_MD_DOT_MATCHER = \ html2text.config.RE_MD_PLUS_MATCHER = \ html2text.config.RE_MD_DASH_MATCHER = \ re.compile(r'(X)\\(Y)') return '\n'.join( # strip trailing whitespace that html2text adds to ends of some lines line.rstrip() for line in unescape(h.handle(html)).splitlines())
[docs]def load_json(body, url): """Utility method to parse a JSON string. Raises HTTPError 502 on failure.""" try: return json_loads(body) except (ValueError, TypeError): msg = 'Non-JSON response! Returning synthetic HTTP 502.\n%s' % body logging.error(msg) raise urllib.error.HTTPError(url, 502, msg, {}, None)
[docs]def creation_result(content=None, description=None, abort=False, error_plain=None, error_html=None): """Create a new :class:`CreationResult`. :meth:`create()` and :meth:`preview_create()` use this to provide a detailed description of publishing failures. If abort is False, we should continue looking for an entry to publish; if True, we should immediately inform the user. error_plain text is sent in response to failed publish webmentions; error_html will be displayed to the user when publishing interactively. Args: content: a string HTML snippet for :meth:`preview_create()` or a dict for :meth:`create()` description: string HTML snippet describing the publish action, e.g. '@-reply' or 'RSVP yes to this event'. The verb itself is surrounded by a <span class="verb"> to allow styling. May also include <a> link(s) and embedded silo post(s). abort: a boolean error_plain: a string error_html: a string Return: a :class:`CreationResult` """ return CreationResult(content, description, abort, error_plain, error_html)
[docs]def object_type(obj): """Returns the object type, or the verb if it's an activity object. Details: Args: obj: decoded JSON ActivityStreams object Returns: string: ActivityStreams object type """ type = obj.get('objectType') return type if type and type != 'activity' else obj.get('verb')
[docs]class SourceMeta(type): """Source metaclass. Registers all source classes in the sources global.""" def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict): cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict) name = getattr(cls, 'NAME', None) if name: sources[name.lower()] = cls return cls
[docs]class Source(object, metaclass=SourceMeta): """Abstract base class for a source (e.g. Facebook, Twitter). Concrete subclasses must override the class constants below and implement :meth:`get_activities()`. Class constants: * DOMAIN: string, the source's domain * BASE_URL: optional, the source's base url * NAME: string, the source's human-readable name * FRONT_PAGE_TEMPLATE: string, the front page child template filename * AUTH_URL: string, the url for the "Authenticate" front page link * EMBED_POST: string, the HTML for embedding a post. Should have a %(url)s placeholder for the post URL and (optionally) a %(content)s placeholder for the post content. * POST_ID_RE: regexp, optional, matches valid post ids. Used in post_id(). * HTML2TEXT_OPTIONS: dict mapping string html2text option names to values * TRUNCATE_TEXT_LENGTH: integer, optional. Character limit to truncate to. Defaults to Twitter's limit, 280 characters as of 2019-10-12. * TRUNCATE_URL_LENGTH: integer, optional. Number of characters that URLs count for. Defaults to Twitter's, 23 as of 2019-10-12. """ POST_ID_RE = None HTML2TEXT_OPTIONS = {} TRUNCATE_TEXT_LENGTH = None TRUNCATE_URL_LENGTH = None
[docs] def user_url(self, user_id): """Returns the URL for a user's profile.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_actor(self, user_id=None): """Fetches and returns a user. Args: user_id: string, defaults to current user Returns: dict, ActivityStreams actor object """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_activities(self, *args, **kwargs): """Fetches and returns a list of activities. See get_activities_response() for args and kwargs. Returns: list, ActivityStreams activity dicts """ return self.get_activities_response(*args, **kwargs)['items']
[docs] def get_activities_response(self, user_id=None, group_id=None, app_id=None, activity_id=None, start_index=0, count=0, etag=None, min_id=None, cache=None, fetch_replies=False, fetch_likes=False, fetch_shares=False, fetch_events=False, fetch_mentions=False, search_query=None, **kwargs): """Fetches and returns ActivityStreams activities and response details. Subclasses should override this. See :meth:`get_activities()` for an alternative that just returns the list of activities. If user_id is provided, only that user's activity(s) are included. start_index and count determine paging, as described in the spec: app id is just object id: group id is string id of group or @self, @friends, @all, @search: The fetch_* kwargs all default to False because they often require extra API round trips. Some sources return replies, likes, and shares in the same initial call, so they may be included even if you don't set their kwarg to True. Args: user_id: string, defaults to the currently authenticated user group_id: string, one of '@self', '@all', '@friends', '@search'. defaults to '@friends' app_id: string activity_id: string start_index: int >= 0 count: int >= 0 etag: string, optional ETag to send with the API request. Results will only be returned if the ETag has changed. Should include enclosing double quotes, e.g. '"ABC123"' min_id: only return activities with ids greater than this cache: object with get(key), set_multi(dict), and delete_multi(list) methods. In practice, this is App Engine's memcache interface: Used to cache data that's expensive to regenerate, e.g. API calls. fetch_replies: boolean, whether to fetch each activity's replies also fetch_likes: boolean, whether to fetch each activity's likes also fetch_shares: boolean, whether to fetch each activity's shares also fetch_events: boolean, whether to fetch the user's events also fetch_mentions: boolean, whether to fetch posts that mention the user search_query: string, an optional search query, only for use with @search group_id kwargs: some sources accept extra kwargs. See their docs for details. Returns: dict: response values based on OpenSocial ActivityStreams REST API. It has these keys: * items: list of activity dicts * startIndex: int or None * itemsPerPage: int * totalResults: int or None (e.g. if it can 't be calculated efficiently) * filtered: False * sorted: False * updatedSince: False * etag: string etag returned by the API's initial call to get activities Raises: :class:`ValueError`: if any argument is invalid for this source :class:`NotImplementedError`: if the source doesn't support the requested operation, e.g. Facebook doesn't support search. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def make_activities_base_response(cls, activities, *args, **kwargs): """Generates a base response dict for :meth:`get_activities_response()`. See :meth:`get_activities()` for args and kwargs. """ return { 'startIndex': kwargs.get('start_index', 0), 'itemsPerPage': len(activities), 'totalResults': None if kwargs.get('activity_id') else len(activities), # TODO: this is just for compatibility with # # the OpenSocial spec says to use entry instead, so switch back # to that eventually 'items': activities, 'filtered': False, 'sorted': False, 'updatedSince': False, }
[docs] def create(self, obj, include_link=OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Creates a new object: a post, comment, like, share, or RSVP. Subclasses should override this. Different sites will support different functionality; check each subclass for details. The actor will usually be the authenticated user. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object. At minimum, must have the content field. objectType is strongly recommended. include_link: string. 'include', 'omit', or 'if truncated'; whether to include a link to the object (if it has one) in the content. ignore_formatting: whether to use content text as is, instead of converting its HTML to plain text styling (newlines, etc.) Returns: CreationResult: contents will be a dict. The dict may be None or empty. If the newly created object has an id or permalink, they'll be provided in the values for 'id' and 'url'. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def preview_create(self, obj, include_link=OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Previews creating a new object: a post, comment, like, share, or RSVP. Returns HTML that previews what :meth:`create()` with the same object will do. Subclasses should override this. Different sites will support different functionality; check each subclass for details. The actor will usually be the authenticated user. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object. At minimum, must have the content field. objectType is strongly recommended. include_link: string. Whether to include a link to the object (if it has one) in the content. ignore_formatting: whether to use content text as is, instead of converting its HTML to plain text styling (newlines, etc.) Returns: CreationResult: contents will be a unicode string HTML snippet (or None) """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def delete(self, id): """Deletes a post. Generally only supports posts that were authored by the authenticating user. Args: id: silo object id Returns: CreationResult """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def preview_delete(self, id): """Previews deleting a post. Args: id: silo object id Returns: CreationResult """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_event(self, event_id): """Fetches and returns an event. Args: id: string, site-specific event id Returns: dict: decoded ActivityStreams activity, or None """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_comment(self, comment_id, activity_id=None, activity_author_id=None, activity=None): """Fetches and returns a comment. Subclasses should override this. Args: comment_id: string comment id activity_id: string activity id, optional activity_author_id: string activity author id, optional. Needed for some sources (e.g. Facebook) to construct the comment permalink. activity: activity object, optional. May avoid an API call if provided. Returns: dict, ActivityStreams comment object Raises: :class:`ValueError`: if any argument is invalid for this source """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_like(self, activity_user_id, activity_id, like_user_id, activity=None): """Fetches and returns a 'like'. Default implementation that fetches the activity and its likes, then searches for a like by the given user. Subclasses should override this if they can optimize the process. Args: activity_user_id: string id of the user who posted the original activity activity_id: string activity id like_user_id: string id of the user who liked the activity activity: activity object, optional. May avoid an API call if provided. Returns: dict, ActivityStreams 'like' activity object """ if not activity: activity = self._get_activity(activity_user_id, activity_id, fetch_likes=True) return self._get_tag(activity, 'like', like_user_id)
[docs] def get_reaction(self, activity_user_id, activity_id, reaction_user_id, reaction_id, activity=None): """Fetches and returns a 'reaction'. Default implementation that fetches the activity and its reactions, then searches for this specific reaction. Subclasses should override this if they can optimize the process. Args: activity_user_id: string id of the user who posted the original activity activity_id: string activity id reaction_user_id: string id of the user who reacted reaction_id: string id of the reaction activity: activity object, optional. May avoid an API call if provided. Returns: dict, ActivityStreams 'reaction' activity object """ if not activity: activity = self._get_activity(activity_user_id, activity_id, fetch_likes=True) return self._get_tag(activity, 'react', reaction_user_id, reaction_id)
[docs] def get_share(self, activity_user_id, activity_id, share_id, activity=None): """Fetches and returns a 'share'. Args: activity_user_id: string id of the user who posted the original activity activity_id: string activity id share_id: string id of the share object or the user who shared it activity: activity object, optional. May avoid an API call if provided. Returns: dict, an ActivityStreams 'share' activity object """ if not activity: activity = self._get_activity(activity_user_id, activity_id, fetch_shares=True) return self._get_tag(activity, 'share', share_id)
[docs] def get_rsvp(self, activity_user_id, event_id, user_id, event=None): """Fetches and returns an RSVP. Args: activity_user_id: string id of the user who posted the event. unused. event_id: string event id user_id: string user id event: AS event activity (optional) Returns: dict, an ActivityStreams RSVP activity object """ if not event: event = self.get_event(event_id) if not event: return None for rsvp in self.get_rsvps_from_event(event['object']): for field in 'actor', 'object': id = rsvp.get(field, {}).get('id') if id and user_id == util.parse_tag_uri(id)[1]: return rsvp
[docs] def get_blocklist(self): """Fetches and returns the current user's block list. the users that the current user is blocking. The exact semantics of "blocking" vary from silo to silo. Returns: sequence of actor objects """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_blocklist_ids(self): """Returns the current user's block list as a list of silo-specific user ids. Returns: sequence of user ids, not globally unique across other sources. May be integers or strings. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def user_to_actor(self, user): """Converts a user to an actor. The returned object will have at least a 'url' field. If the user has multiple URLs, there will also be a 'urls' list field whose elements are dicts with 'value': URL. Args: user: dict, a decoded JSON silo user object Returns: dict: ActivityStreams actor, ready to be JSON-encoded """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _get_activity(self, user_id, activity_id, **kwargs): activities = self.get_activities(user_id=user_id, activity_id=activity_id, **kwargs) if activities: return activities[0] def _get_tag(self, activity, verb, user_id, tag_id=None): if not activity: return None user_tag_id = self.tag_uri(user_id) if tag_id: tag_id = self.tag_uri(tag_id) for tag in activity.get('object', {}).get('tags', []): author = tag.get('author', {}) if (tag.get('verb') == verb and (not tag_id or tag_id == tag.get('id')) and (author.get('id') == user_tag_id or author.get('numeric_id') == user_id)): return tag
[docs] @staticmethod def postprocess_activity(activity): """Does source-independent post-processing of an activity, in place. Right now just populates the title field. Args: activity: activity dict """ activity = util.trim_nulls(activity) # maps object type to human-readable name to use in title TYPE_DISPLAY_NAMES = {'image': 'photo', 'product': 'gift'} # maps verb to human-readable verb DISPLAY_VERBS = { 'give': 'gave', 'like': 'likes', 'listen': 'listened to', 'play': 'watched', 'read': 'read', 'share': 'shared', } actor_name = Source.actor_name(activity.get('actor')) obj = activity.get('object') if obj: activity['object'] = Source.postprocess_object(obj) if not activity.get('title'): verb = DISPLAY_VERBS.get(activity.get('verb')) obj_name = obj.get('displayName') obj_type = TYPE_DISPLAY_NAMES.get(obj.get('objectType')) if obj_name and not verb: activity['title'] = obj_name elif verb and (obj_name or obj_type): app = activity.get('generator', {}).get('displayName') name = obj_name if obj_name else 'a %s' % (obj_type or 'unknown') app = ' on %s' % app if app else '' activity['title'] = '%s %s %s%s.' % (actor_name, verb or 'posted', name, app) return util.trim_nulls(activity)
[docs] @staticmethod def postprocess_object(obj): """Does source-independent post-processing of an object, in place. Populates location.position based on latitude and longitude. Args: object: object dict """ loc = obj.get('location') if loc: lat = loc.get('latitude') lon = loc.get('longitude') if lat and lon and not loc.get('position'): # ISO 6709 location string. details: loc['position'] = '%0+10.6f%0+11.6f/' % (lat, lon) return util.trim_nulls(obj)
_PERMASHORTCITATION_RE = re.compile(r'\(([^:\s)]+\.[^\s)]{2,})[ /]([^\s)]+)\)$')
[docs] @staticmethod def original_post_discovery(activity, domains=None, cache=None, include_redirect_sources=True, **kwargs): """Discovers original post links. This is a variation on . It differs in that it finds multiple candidate links instead of one, and it doesn't bother looking for MF2 (etc) markup because the silos don't let you input it. More background: Original post candidates come from the upstreamDuplicates, attachments, and tags fields, as well as links and permashortlinks/permashortcitations in the text content. Args: activity: activity dict domains: optional sequence of domains. If provided, only links to these domains will be considered original and stored in upstreamDuplicates. (Permashortcitations are exempt.) include_redirect_sources: boolean, whether to include URLs that redirect as well as their final destination URLs cache: deprecated, unused kwargs: passed to requests.head() when following redirects Returns: ([string original post URLs], [string mention URLs]) tuple """ obj = activity.get('object') or activity content = obj.get('content', '').strip() # find all candidate URLs tags = [t.get('url') for t in obj.get('attachments', []) + obj.get('tags', []) if t.get('objectType') in ('article', 'mention', 'note', None)] candidates = tags + util.extract_links(content) + obj.get('upstreamDuplicates', []) # Permashortcitations ( are short # references to canonical copies of a given (usually syndicated) post, of # the form (DOMAIN PATH). We consider them an explicit original post link. candidates += [match.expand(r'http://\1/\2') for match in Source._PERMASHORTCITATION_RE.finditer(content)] candidates = set(util.dedupe_urls( util.clean_url(url) for url in candidates # heuristic: ellipsized URLs are probably incomplete, so omit them. if url and not url.endswith('...') and not url.endswith('…'))) # check for redirect and add their final urls redirects = {} # maps final URL to original URL for redirects for url in candidates: resolved = util.follow_redirects(url, **kwargs) if (resolved.url != url and resolved.headers.get('content-type', '').startswith('text/html')): redirects[resolved.url] = url candidates.update(redirects.keys()) # use domains to determine which URLs are original post links vs mentions originals = set() mentions = set() for url in util.dedupe_urls(candidates): if url in redirects.values(): # this is a redirected original URL. postpone and handle it when we hit # its final URL so that we know the final domain. continue domain = util.domain_from_link(url) which = (originals if not domains or util.domain_or_parent_in(domain, domains) else mentions) which.add(url) redirected_from = redirects.get(url) if redirected_from and include_redirect_sources: which.add(redirected_from)'Original post discovery found original posts %s, mentions %s', originals, mentions) return originals, mentions
[docs] @staticmethod def actor_name(actor): """Returns the given actor's name if available, otherwise Unknown.""" if actor: return actor.get('displayName') or actor.get('username') or 'Unknown' return 'Unknown'
[docs] @staticmethod def is_public(obj): """Returns True if the object is public, False if private, None if unknown. ...according to the Audience Targeting extension: Expects values generated by this library: objectType group, alias @public, @unlisted, or @private. Also, important point: this defaults to true, ie public. Bridgy depends on that and prunes the to field from stored activities in Response objects (in bridgy/util.prune_activity()). If the default here ever changes, be sure to update Bridgy's code. """ to = obj.get('to') or obj.get('object', {}).get('to') or [] aliases = util.trim_nulls([t.get('alias') for t in to]) object_types = util.trim_nulls([t.get('objectType') for t in to]) return (True if '@public' in aliases or '@unlisted' in aliases else None if 'unknown' in object_types else False if aliases else True)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_rsvps_to_event(event, rsvps): """Adds RSVP objects to an event's attending fields, in place. Args: event: ActivityStreams event object rsvps: sequence of ActivityStreams RSVP activity objects """ for rsvp in rsvps: field = RSVP_VERB_TO_COLLECTION.get(rsvp.get('verb')) if field: event.setdefault(field, []).append(rsvp.get( 'object' if field == 'invited' else 'actor'))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_rsvps_from_event(event): """Returns RSVP objects for an event's attending fields. Args: event: ActivityStreams event object Returns: sequence of ActivityStreams RSVP activity objects """ id = event.get('id') if not id: return [] parsed = util.parse_tag_uri(id) if not parsed: return [] domain, event_id = parsed url = event.get('url') author = event.get('author') rsvps = [] for verb, field in RSVP_VERB_TO_COLLECTION.items(): for actor in event.get(field, []): rsvp = {'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': verb, 'object' if verb == 'invite' else 'actor': actor, 'url': url, } if event_id and 'id' in actor: _, actor_id = util.parse_tag_uri(actor['id']) rsvp['id'] = util.tag_uri(domain, '%s_rsvp_%s' % (event_id, actor_id)) if url: rsvp['url'] = '#'.join((url, actor_id)) if verb == 'invite' and author: rsvp['actor'] = author rsvps.append(rsvp) return rsvps
[docs] @staticmethod def activity_changed(before, after, log=False): """Returns whether two activities or objects differ meaningfully. Only compares a few fields: object type, verb, content, location, and image. Notably does *not* compare author and published/updated timestamps. This has been tested on Facebook posts, comments, and event RSVPs (only content and rsvp_status change) and Google+ posts and comments (content, updated, and etag change). Twitter tweets and Instagram photo captions and comments can't be edited. Args: before, after: dicts, ActivityStreams activities or objects Returns: boolean """ def changed(b, a, field, label): b_val = b.get(field) a_val = a.get(field) if b_val != a_val and (a_val or b_val): if log: logging.debug('%s[%s] %s => %s', label, field, b_val, a_val) return True obj_b = before.get('object', {}) obj_a = after.get('object', {}) return any(changed(before, after, field, 'activity') or changed(obj_b, obj_a, field, 'activity[object]') for field in ('objectType', 'verb', 'to', 'content', 'location', 'image'))
[docs] @classmethod def embed_post(cls, obj): """Returns the HTML string for embedding a post object. Args: obj: AS1 dict with at least url, and optionally also content. Returns: string, HTML Raises: ValueError, if obj['content'] contains raw < or > characters. """ obj = copy.copy(obj) for field in 'url', 'content': if field not in obj: obj.setdefault(field, obj.get('object', {}).get(field, '')) if '<' in obj['content'] or '>' in obj['content']: raise ValueError("obj['content'] has unescaped < or > characters!") # escape URL, but not with urllib.parse.quote, because it quotes a ton of # chars we want to pass through, including most unicode chars. obj['url'] = obj['url'].replace('<', '%3C').replace('>', '%3E') return cls.EMBED_POST % obj
[docs] @classmethod def embed_actor(cls, actor): """Returns the HTML string for embedding an actor object.""" return """ <a class="h-card" href="%s"> <img class="profile u-photo" src="%s" width="32px" /> %s</a>""" % ( actor.get('url'), actor.get('image', {}).get('url'), actor.get('displayName'))
[docs] def tag_uri(self, name): """Returns a tag URI string for this source and the given string name.""" return util.tag_uri(self.DOMAIN, name)
[docs] def base_object(self, obj): """Returns the 'base' silo object that an object operates on. For example, if the object is a comment, this returns the post that it's a comment on. If it's an RSVP, this returns the event. The id in the returned object is silo-specific, ie not a tag URI. Subclasses may override this. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object Returns: dict, minimal ActivityStreams object. Usually has at least id; may also have url, author, etc. """ # look at in-reply-tos first, then objects (for likes and reposts). # technically, the ActivityStreams 'object' field is always supposed to be # singular, but microformats2.json_to_object() sometimes returns activities # that have a list value, e.g. likes or reposts of multiple objects. candidates = [] for field in ('inReplyTo', 'object', 'target'): candidates += util.get_list(obj, field) for base_obj in candidates: parsed_id = util.parse_tag_uri(base_obj.get('id', '')) if parsed_id: domain = parsed_id[0] else: domain = util.domain_from_link(base_obj.get('url', '')) if domain == self.DOMAIN: break else: return {} return self._postprocess_base_object(base_obj)
@classmethod def _postprocess_base_object(cls, obj): obj = copy.deepcopy(obj) id = obj.get('id') url = obj.get('url') if id: parsed = util.parse_tag_uri(id) if parsed: obj['id'] = parsed[1] elif url: obj['id'] = cls.base_id(url) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def base_id(cls, url): """Guesses the id of the object in the given URL. Returns: string, or None """ return urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path.rstrip('/').rsplit('/', 1)[-1] or None
[docs] @classmethod def post_id(cls, url): """Guesses the post id of the given URL. Returns: string, or None """ id = cls.base_id(url) if id and (not cls.POST_ID_RE or cls.POST_ID_RE.match(id)): return id
def _content_for_create(self, obj, ignore_formatting=False, prefer_name=False, strip_first_video_tag=False, strip_quotations=False): """Returns content text for :meth:`create()` and :meth:`preview_create()`. Returns summary if available, then content, then displayName. If using content, renders the HTML content to text using html2text so that whitespace is formatted like in the browser. Args: obj: dict, ActivityStreams object ignore_formatting: boolean, whether to use content text as is, instead of converting its HTML to plain text styling (newlines, etc.) prefer_name: boolean, whether to prefer displayName to content strip_first_video_tag: if true, removes the first <video> tag. useful when it will be uploaded and attached to the post natively in the silo. strip_quotations: if true, removes .u-quotation-of tags. useful when creating quote tweets. Returns: string, possibly empty """ summary = obj.get('summary', '').strip() name = obj.get('displayName', '').strip() content = obj.get('content', '').strip() # note that unicode() on a BeautifulSoup object preserves HTML and # whitespace, even after modifying the DOM, which is important for # formatting. # # The catch is that it adds a '<html><head></head><body>' header and # '</body></html>' footer. ah well. harmless. soup = util.parse_html(content) if strip_first_video_tag: video = or soup.find(class_='u-video') if video: video.extract() content = str(soup) if strip_quotations: quotations = soup.find_all(class_='u-quotation-of') if quotations: for q in quotations: q.extract() content = str(soup) # compare to content with HTML tags stripped if summary == soup.get_text('').strip(): # summary and content are the same; prefer content so that we can use its # HTML formatting. summary = None # sniff whether content is HTML or plain text. use html.parser instead of # the default html5lib since html.parser is stricter and expects actual # HTML tags. # is_html = (bool(BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser').find()) or if is_html and not ignore_formatting: content = html_to_text(content, **self.HTML2TEXT_OPTIONS) elif not is_html and ignore_formatting: content = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', content) return summary or ( (name or content) if prefer_name else (content or name) ) or ''
[docs] def truncate(self, content, url, include_link, type=None, quote_url=None): """Shorten text content to fit within a character limit. Character limit and URL character length are taken from the TRUNCATE_TEXT_LENGTH and TRUNCATE_URL_LENGTH class constants Args: content: string url: string include_link: string type: string, optional: 'article', 'note', etc. quote_url: string URL, optional. If provided, it will be appended to the content, *after* truncating. Return: string, the possibly shortened and ellipsized text """ kwargs = {} if quote_url: kwargs['target_length'] = ( (self.TRUNCATE_TEXT_LENGTH or brevity.WEIGHTS['maxWeightedTweetLength']) - (self.TRUNCATE_URL_LENGTH or brevity.WEIGHTS['transformedURLLength']) - 1) elif self.TRUNCATE_TEXT_LENGTH is not None: kwargs['target_length'] = self.TRUNCATE_TEXT_LENGTH if self.TRUNCATE_URL_LENGTH is not None: kwargs['link_length'] = self.TRUNCATE_URL_LENGTH if include_link != OMIT_LINK: kwargs['permalink'] = url # only include when text is truncated if include_link == INCLUDE_LINK: kwargs['permashortlink'] = url # always include if type == 'article': kwargs['format'] = brevity.FORMAT_ARTICLE truncated = brevity.shorten(content, **kwargs) if quote_url: truncated += ' ' + quote_url return truncated