Source code for granary.atom

"""Convert ActivityStreams to Atom.

Atom spec:

import collections
import os
import re
import urlparse
import xml.sax.saxutils

import jinja2
import mf2py
import mf2util
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util

import microformats2
import source

ATOM_TEMPLATE_FILE = 'user_feed.atom'
# stolen from django.utils.html
UNENCODED_AMPERSANDS_RE = re.compile(r'&(?!(\w+|#\d+);)')

def _encode_ampersands(text):
  return UNENCODED_AMPERSANDS_RE.sub('&', text)

[docs]def activities_to_atom(activities, actor, title=None, request_url=None, host_url=None, xml_base=None, rels=None): """Converts ActivityStreams activites to an Atom feed. Args: activities: list of ActivityStreams activity dicts actor: ActivityStreams actor dict, the author of the feed title: string, the feed <title> element. Defaults to 'User feed for [NAME]' request_url: the URL of this Atom feed, if any. Used in a link rel="self". host_url: the home URL for this Atom feed, if any. Used in the top-level feed <id> element. xml_base: the base URL, if any. Used in the top-level xml:base attribute. rels: rel links to include. dict mapping string rel value to string URL. Returns: unicode string with Atom XML """ # Strip query params from URLs so that we don't include access tokens, etc host_url = (_remove_query_params(host_url) if host_url else '') if request_url is None: request_url = host_url for a in activities: act_type = source.object_type(a) if not act_type or act_type == 'post': primary = a.get('object', {}) else: primary = a obj = a.setdefault('object', {}) # Render content as HTML; escape &s obj['rendered_content'] = _encode_ampersands(microformats2.render_content(primary)) # Make sure every activity has the title field, since Atom <entry> requires # the title element. if not a.get('title'): a['title'] = util.ellipsize(_encode_ampersands( a.get('displayName') or a.get('content') or obj.get('title') or obj.get('displayName') or obj.get('content') or 'Untitled')) # strip HTML tags. the Atom spec says title is plain text: # a['title'] = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(source.strip_html_tags(a['title'])) # Normalize attachments.image to always be a list. attachments = a.get('attachments') or obj.get('attachments') or [] for att in attachments: att['image'] = util.get_list(att, 'image') obj['rendered_children'] = [ _encode_ampersands(microformats2.render_content(att)) for att in attachments if att.get('objectType') in ('note', 'article')] # Emulate Django template behavior that returns a special default value that # can continue to be referenced when an attribute or item lookup fails. Helps # avoid conditionals in the template itself. # class Defaulter(collections.defaultdict): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Defaulter, self).__init__(Defaulter, **{ k: (Defaulter(**v) if isinstance(v, dict) else v) for k, v in kwargs.items()}) def __unicode__(self): return super(Defaulter, self).__unicode__() if self else u'' env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.PackageLoader(__package__, 'templates'), autoescape=True) if actor is None: actor = {} return env.get_template(ATOM_TEMPLATE_FILE).render( items=[Defaulter(**a) for a in activities], host_url=host_url, request_url=request_url, xml_base=xml_base, title=title or 'User feed for ' + source.Source.actor_name(actor), updated=activities[0]['object'].get('published', '') if activities else '', actor=Defaulter(**actor), rels=rels or {}, )
[docs]def html_to_atom(html, url=None, fetch_author=False): """Converts microformats2 HTML to an Atom feed. Args: html: string url: string URL html came from, optional fetch_author: boolean, whether to make HTTP request to fetch rel-author link Returns: unicode string with Atom XML """ if fetch_author: assert url, 'fetch_author=True requires url!' parsed = mf2py.parse(doc=html, url=url) actor = microformats2.find_author( parsed, fetch_mf2_func=lambda url: mf2py.parse(url=url)) return activities_to_atom( microformats2.html_to_activities(html, url, actor), actor, title=mf2util.interpret_feed(parsed, url).get('name'), xml_base=util.base_url(url), host_url=url)
def _remove_query_params(url): parsed = list(urlparse.urlparse(url)) parsed[4] = '' return urlparse.urlunparse(parsed)