Source code for granary.microformats2

"""Convert ActivityStreams to microformats2 HTML and JSON.

Microformats2 specs:
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from future import standard_library
from builtins import str
from past.builtins import basestring

from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import copy
import itertools
import logging
import urllib.parse
import string
import re
import xml.sax.saxutils

import mf2py
import mf2util
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import (

from . import source

HENTRY = string.Template("""\
<article class="$types">
  <span class="p-uid">$uid</span>
  <div class="$content_classes">
HCARD = string.Template("""\
  <span class="$types">
IN_REPLY_TO = string.Template('  <a class="u-in-reply-to" href="$url"></a>')
  'event': ['h-event'],
  'person': ['h-card'],
  'place': ['h-card', 'p-location'],
  'article': ('article', None),
  'event': ('event', None),
  'invite': ('activity', 'invite'),
  'like': ('activity', 'like'),
  'location': ('place', None),
  'note': ('note', None),
  'person': ('person', None),
  'reply': ('comment', None),
  'repost': ('activity', 'share'),
  'rsvp': ('activity', None),  # json_to_object() will generate verb from rsvp
# ISO 6709 location string.
ISO_6709_RE = re.compile(r'^([-+][0-9.]+)([-+][0-9.]+).*/$')

[docs]def get_string_urls(objs): """Extracts string URLs from a list of either string URLs or mf2 dicts. Many mf2 properties can contain either string URLs or full mf2 objects, e.g. h-cites. in-reply-to is the most commonly used example: Args: objs: sequence of either string URLs or embedded mf2 objects Returns: list of string URLs """ if not objs: return [] urls = [] for item in objs: if isinstance(item, basestring): urls.append(item) else: itemtype = [x for x in item.get('type', []) if x.startswith('h-')] if itemtype: item = item.get('properties') or item urls.extend(get_string_urls(item.get('url', []))) return urls
[docs]def get_html(val): """Returns a string value that may have HTML markup. Args: value: mf2 property value, either string or {'html': '<p>str</p>', 'value': 'str'} dict Returns: string or None """ if isinstance(val, dict) and val.get('html'): # this came from e-content, so newlines aren't meaningful. drop them so that # we don't replace them with <br>s in render_content(). # # html = val['html'] return html.strip() return get_text(val)
[docs]def get_text(val): """Returns a plain text string value. See get_html.""" if isinstance(val, dict): val = val.get('value') return val.strip() if val else ''
[docs]def activity_to_json(activity, **kwargs): """Converts an ActivityStreams activity to microformats2 JSON. Args: activity: dict, a decoded JSON ActivityStreams activity kwargs: passed to object_to_json Returns: dict, decoded microformats2 JSON """ return object_to_json(_activity_or_object(activity), **kwargs)
def _activity_or_object(activity): """Returns the base item we care about, activity or activity['object']. Used in :func:`activity_to_json()` and :func:`activities_to_html()`. """ if activity.get('object') and activity.get('verb') not in source.VERBS_WITH_OBJECT: return activity['object'] return activity
[docs]def object_to_json(obj, trim_nulls=True, entry_class='h-entry', default_object_type=None, synthesize_content=True): """Converts an ActivityStreams object to microformats2 JSON. Args: obj: dict, a decoded JSON ActivityStreams object trim_nulls: boolean, whether to remove elements with null or empty values entry_class: string or sequence, the mf2 class(es) that entries should be given (e.g. 'h-cite' when parsing a reference to a foreign entry). defaults to 'h-entry' default_object_type: string, the ActivityStreams objectType to use if one is not present. defaults to None synthesize_content: whether to generate synthetic content if the object doesn't have its own, e.g. 'likes this.' or 'shared this.' Returns: dict, decoded microformats2 JSON """ if not obj or not isinstance(obj, dict): return {} obj_type = source.object_type(obj) or default_object_type # if the activity type is a post, then it's really just a conduit # for the object. for other verbs, the activity itself is the # interesting thing if obj_type == 'post': primary = obj.get('object', {}) obj_type = source.object_type(primary) or default_object_type else: primary = obj # TODO: extract snippet name = primary.get('displayName', primary.get('title')) summary = primary.get('summary') author = obj.get('author', obj.get('actor', {})) in_reply_tos = obj.get( 'inReplyTo', obj.get('context', {}).get('inReplyTo', [])) is_rsvp = obj_type in ('rsvp-yes', 'rsvp-no', 'rsvp-maybe') if (is_rsvp or obj_type == 'react') and obj.get('object'): objs = obj['object'] in_reply_tos.extend(objs if isinstance(objs, list) else [objs]) # maps objectType to list of objects attachments = defaultdict(list) for prop in 'attachments', 'tags': for elem in get_list(primary, prop): attachments[elem.get('objectType')].append(elem) # construct mf2! ret = { 'type': (AS_TO_MF2_TYPE.get(obj_type) or [entry_class] if isinstance(entry_class, basestring) else list(entry_class)), 'properties': { 'uid': [obj.get('id') or ''], 'numeric-id': [obj.get('numeric_id') or ''], 'name': [name], 'nickname': [obj.get('username') or ''], 'summary': [summary], 'url': (list(object_urls(obj) or object_urls(primary)) + obj.get('upstreamDuplicates', [])), 'photo': dedupe_urls(get_urls(attachments, 'image', 'image') + get_urls(primary, 'image')), 'video': dedupe_urls(get_urls(attachments, 'video', 'stream') + get_urls(primary, 'stream')), 'audio': get_urls(attachments, 'audio', 'stream'), 'published': [obj.get('published', primary.get('published', ''))], 'updated': [obj.get('updated', primary.get('updated', ''))], 'content': [{ 'value': xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(primary.get('content', '')), 'html': render_content(primary, include_location=False, synthesize_content=synthesize_content), }], 'in-reply-to': util.trim_nulls([o.get('url') for o in in_reply_tos]), 'author': [object_to_json( author, trim_nulls=False, default_object_type='person')], 'location': [object_to_json( primary.get('location', {}), trim_nulls=False, default_object_type='place')], 'comment': [object_to_json(c, trim_nulls=False, entry_class='h-cite') for c in obj.get('replies', {}).get('items', [])], 'start': [primary.get('startTime')], 'end': [primary.get('endTime')], }, 'children': [object_to_json(a, trim_nulls=False, entry_class=['u-quotation-of', 'h-cite']) for a in attachments['note'] + attachments['article']] } # hashtags and person tags tags = obj.get('tags', []) or get_first(obj, 'object', {}).get('tags', []) ret['properties']['category'] = [] for tag in tags: if tag.get('objectType') == 'person': ret['properties']['category'].append( object_to_json(tag, entry_class='u-category h-card')) elif tag.get('objectType') == 'hashtag': name = tag.get('displayName') if name: ret['properties']['category'].append(name) # rsvp if is_rsvp: ret['properties']['rsvp'] = [obj_type[len('rsvp-'):]] elif obj_type == 'invite': invitee = object_to_json(obj.get('object'), trim_nulls=False, default_object_type='person') ret['properties']['invitee'] = [invitee] # like and repost mentions for type, prop in ('favorite', 'like'), ('like', 'like'), ('share', 'repost'): if obj_type == type: # The ActivityStreams spec says the object property should always be a # single object, but it's useful to let it be a list, e.g. when a like has # multiple targets, e.g. a like of a post with original post URLs in it, # which does. objs = get_list(obj, 'object') ret['properties'][prop + '-of'] = [ # flatten contexts that are just a url o['url'] if 'url' in o and set(o.keys()) <= set(['url', 'objectType']) else object_to_json(o, trim_nulls=False, entry_class='h-cite') for o in objs] else: # received likes and reposts ret['properties'][prop] = [ object_to_json(t, trim_nulls=False, entry_class='h-cite') for t in tags if source.object_type(t) == type] # latitude & longitude lat = long = None position = ISO_6709_RE.match(primary.get('position') or '') if position: lat, long = position.groups() if not lat: lat = primary.get('latitude') if not long: long = primary.get('longitude') if lat: ret['properties']['latitude'] = [str(lat)] if long: ret['properties']['longitude'] = [str(long)] if trim_nulls: ret = util.trim_nulls(ret) return ret
[docs]def json_to_object(mf2, actor=None, fetch_mf2=False): """Converts microformats2 JSON to an ActivityStreams object. Args: mf2: dict, decoded JSON microformats2 object actor: optional author AS actor object. usually comes from a rel="author" link. if mf2 has its own author, that will override this. fetch_mf2: boolean, whether to fetch additional pages via HTTP if necessary, e.g. to determine authorship: Returns: dict, ActivityStreams object """ if not mf2 or not isinstance(mf2, dict): return {} mf2 = copy.copy(mf2) props = mf2.setdefault('properties', {}) prop = first_props(props) rsvp = prop.get('rsvp') # convert author mf2_author = prop.get('author') if mf2_author and isinstance(mf2_author, dict): author = json_to_object(mf2_author) else: # the author h-card may be on another page. run full authorship algorithm: # def fetch(url): return mf2py.parse(util.requests_get(url).text, url=url) author = mf2util.find_author( {'items': [mf2]}, hentry=mf2, fetch_mf2_func=fetch if fetch_mf2 else None) if author: author = { 'objectType': 'person', 'url': author.get('url'), 'displayName': author.get('name'), 'image': [{'url': author.get('photo')}], } if not author: author = actor mf2_types = mf2.get('type') or [] if 'h-geo' in mf2_types or 'p-location' in mf2_types: mf2_type = 'location' else: # mf2 'photo' type is a note or article *with* a photo, but AS 'photo' type # *is* a photo. so, special case photo type to fall through to underlying # mf2 type without photo. # without_photo = copy.deepcopy(mf2) without_photo.get('properties', {}).pop('photo', None) mf2_type = mf2util.post_type_discovery(without_photo) as_type, as_verb = MF2_TO_AS_TYPE_VERB.get(mf2_type, (None, None)) if rsvp: as_verb = 'rsvp-%s' % rsvp # special case GitHub issues that are in-reply-to the repo or its issues URL in_reply_tos = get_string_urls(props.get('in-reply-to', [])) for url in in_reply_tos: if re.match(r'^https?://[^/]+/[^/]+(/issues)?/?$', url): as_type = 'issue' def absolute_urls(prop): return [url for url in get_string_urls(props.get(prop, [])) # filter out relative and invalid URLs (mf2py gives absolute urls) if urllib.parse.urlparse(url).netloc] urls = props.get('url') and get_string_urls(props.get('url')) # quotations: attachments = [ json_to_object(quote) for quote in mf2.get('children', []) + props.get('quotation-of', []) if isinstance(quote, dict) and 'h-cite' in set(quote.get('type', []))] # audio and video for type in 'audio', 'video': attachments.extend({'objectType': type, 'stream': {'url': url}} for url in get_string_urls(props.get(type, []))) obj = { 'id': prop.get('uid'), 'objectType': as_type, 'verb': as_verb, 'published': prop.get('published', ''), 'updated': prop.get('updated', ''), 'startTime': prop.get('start'), 'endTime': prop.get('end'), 'displayName': get_text(prop.get('name')), 'summary': get_text(prop.get('summary')), 'content': get_html(prop.get('content')), 'url': urls[0] if urls else None, 'urls': [{'value': u} for u in urls] if urls and len(urls) > 1 else None, 'image': [{'url': url} for url in dedupe_urls(absolute_urls('photo') + absolute_urls('featured'))], 'stream': [{'url': url} for url in absolute_urls('video')], 'location': json_to_object(prop.get('location')), 'replies': {'items': [json_to_object(c) for c in props.get('comment', [])]}, 'tags': [{'objectType': 'hashtag', 'displayName': cat} if isinstance(cat, basestring) else json_to_object(cat) for cat in props.get('category', [])], 'attachments': attachments, } # mf2util uses the indieweb/mf2 location algorithm to collect location properties. interpreted = mf2util.interpret({'items': [mf2]}, None) if interpreted: loc = interpreted.get('location') if loc: obj['location']['objectType'] = 'place' lat, lng = loc.get('latitude'), loc.get('longitude') if lat and lng: try: obj['location'].update({ 'latitude': float(lat), 'longitude': float(lng), }) except ValueError: logging.warn( 'Could not convert latitude/longitude (%s, %s) to decimal', lat, lng) if as_type == 'activity': objects = [] for target in itertools.chain.from_iterable( props.get(field, []) for field in ( 'like', 'like-of', 'repost', 'repost-of', 'in-reply-to', 'invitee')): t = json_to_object(target) if isinstance(target, dict) else {'url': target} # eliminate duplicates from redundant backcompat properties if t not in objects: objects.append(t) obj.update({ 'object': objects[0] if len(objects) == 1 else objects, 'actor': author, }) else: obj.update({ 'inReplyTo': [{'url': url} for url in in_reply_tos], 'author': author, }) return source.Source.postprocess_object(obj)
[docs]def html_to_activities(html, url=None, actor=None): """Converts a microformats2 HTML h-feed to ActivityStreams activities. Args: html: string HTML url: optional string URL that HTML came from actor: optional author AS actor object for all activities. usually comes from a rel="author" link. Returns: list of ActivityStreams activity dicts """ parsed = mf2py.parse(doc=html, url=url) hfeed = mf2util.find_first_entry(parsed, ['h-feed']) items = hfeed.get('children', []) if hfeed else parsed.get('items', []) activities = [] for item in items: obj = json_to_object(item, actor=actor) obj['content_is_html'] = True activities.append({'object': obj}) return activities
[docs]def activities_to_html(activities): """Converts ActivityStreams activities to a microformats2 HTML h-feed. Args: obj: dict, a decoded JSON ActivityStreams object Returns: string, the content field in obj with the tags in the tags field converted to links if they have startIndex and length, otherwise added to the end. """ return """\ <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><meta charset="utf-8"></head> <body> %s </body> </html> """ % '\n'.join(object_to_html(_activity_or_object(a)) for a in activities)
[docs]def object_to_html(obj, parent_props=None, synthesize_content=True): """Converts an ActivityStreams object to microformats2 HTML. Features: * linkifies embedded tags and adds links for other tags * linkifies embedded URLs * adds links, summaries, and thumbnails for attachments and checkins * adds a "via SOURCE" postscript Args: obj: dict, a decoded JSON ActivityStreams object parent_props: list of strings, the properties of the parent object where this object is embedded, e.g. ['u-repost-of'] synthesize_content: whether to generate synthetic content if the object doesn't have its own, e.g. 'likes this.' or 'shared this.' Returns: string, the content field in obj with the tags in the tags field converted to links if they have startIndex and length, otherwise added to the end. """ return json_to_html(object_to_json(obj, synthesize_content=synthesize_content), parent_props=parent_props)
[docs]def json_to_html(obj, parent_props=None): """Converts a microformats2 JSON object to microformats2 HTML. See object_to_html for details. Args: obj: dict, a decoded microformats2 JSON object parent_props: list of strings, the properties of the parent object where this object is embedded, e.g. 'u-repost-of' Returns: string HTML """ if not obj: return '' if not parent_props: parent_props = [] types = obj.get('type', []) if 'h-card' in types: return hcard_to_html(obj, parent_props) props = copy.copy(obj.get('properties', {})) in_reply_tos = '\n'.join(IN_REPLY_TO.substitute(url=url) for url in get_string_urls(props.get('in-reply-to', []))) prop = first_props(props) prop.setdefault('uid', '') author = prop.get('author') # if this post is an rsvp, populate its data element. if it's an invite, give # it a default name. # do this *before* content since it sets props['name'] if necessary. rsvp = prop.get('rsvp') if rsvp: if not props.get('name'): props['name'] = [{'yes': 'is attending.', 'no': 'is not attending.', 'maybe': 'might attend.'}.get(rsvp)] props['name'][0] = '<data class="p-rsvp" value="%s">%s</data>' % ( rsvp, props['name'][0]) elif props.get('invitee') and not props.get('name'): props['name'] = ['invited'] children = [] # if this post is itself a like or repost, link to its target(s). for mftype in ['like', 'repost']: # having like-of or repost-of makes this a like or repost. for target in props.get(mftype + '-of', []): if isinstance(target, basestring): children.append('<a class="u-%s-of" href="%s"></a>' % (mftype, target)) else: children.append(json_to_html(target, ['u-' + mftype + '-of'])) # set up content and name content_html = get_html(prop.get('content', {})) content_classes = [] if content_html: content_classes.append('e-content') if not props.get('name'): content_classes.append('p-name') else: # if content is empty, set explicit blank name to prevent bad (old) # microformats2 implied p-name handling. # if not props.get('name'): props['name'] = [''] summary = ('<div class="p-summary">%s</div>' % prop.get('summary') if prop.get('summary') else '') # render attachments # TODO: use photo alt property as alt text once mf2py handles that. # attachments = [] for name, fn in ('photo', img), ('video', vid), ('audio', aud): attachments.extend(fn(val) for val in props.get(name, [])) cats = props.get('category', []) people = [ hcard_to_html(cat, ['u-category', 'h-card']) for cat in cats if isinstance(cat, dict) and 'h-card' in cat.get('type') and not cat.get('startIndex')] # mentions are already linkified in content tags = ['<span class="u-category">%s</span>' % cat for cat in cats if isinstance(cat, basestring)] # comments # # comments_html = '\n'.join(json_to_html(c, ['p-comment']) for c in props.get('comment', [])) # embedded likes and reposts of this post #, for verb in 'like', 'repost': # including u-like and u-repost for backcompat means that we must ignore # these properties when converting a post that is itself a like or repost if verb + '-of' not in props: vals = props.get(verb, []) if vals and isinstance(vals[0], dict): children += [json_to_html(v, ['u-' + verb]) for v in vals] # embedded children of this post children += [json_to_html(c) for c in obj.get('children', [])] # location; make sure it's an object location = prop.get('location') if isinstance(location, basestring): location = {'properties': {'name': [location]}} # event times event_times = [] start = props.get('start', []) end = props.get('end', []) event_times += [' <time class="dt-start">%s</time>' % time for time in start] if start and end: event_times.append(' to') event_times += [' <time class="dt-end">%s</time>' % time for time in end] return HENTRY.substitute( prop, published=maybe_datetime(prop.get('published'), 'dt-published'), updated=maybe_datetime(prop.get('updated'), 'dt-updated'), types=' '.join(parent_props + types), author=hcard_to_html(author, ['p-author']), location=hcard_to_html(location, ['p-location']), categories='\n'.join(people + tags), attachments='\n'.join(attachments), in_reply_tos=in_reply_tos, invitees='\n'.join([hcard_to_html(i, ['p-invitee']) for i in props.get('invitee', [])]), content=content_html, content_classes=' '.join(content_classes), comments=comments_html, children='\n'.join(children), linked_name=maybe_linked_name(props), summary=summary, event_times='\n'.join(event_times))
[docs]def hcard_to_html(hcard, parent_props=None): """Renders an h-card as HTML. Args: hcard: dict, decoded JSON h-card parent_props: list of strings, the properties of the parent object where this object is embedded, e.g. ['p-author'] Returns: string, rendered HTML """ if not hcard: return '' if not parent_props: parent_props = [] # extract first value from multiply valued properties props = hcard.get('properties', {}) prop = first_props(props) if not prop: return '' return HCARD.substitute( types=' '.join(uniquify(parent_props + hcard.get('type', []))), ids='\n'.join(['<data class="p-uid" value="%s"></data>' % uid for uid in props.get('uid', []) if uid] + ['<data class="p-numeric-id" value="%s"></data>' % nid for nid in props.get('numeric-id', []) if nid]), linked_name=maybe_linked_name(props), nicknames='\n'.join('<span class="p-nickname">%s</span>' % nick for nick in props.get('nickname', []) if nick), photos='\n'.join(img(photo) for photo in props.get('photo', []) if photo), )
[docs]def render_content(obj, include_location=True, synthesize_content=True, render_attachments=False): """Renders the content of an ActivityStreams object as HTML. Includes tags, mentions, and non-note/article attachments. (Note/article attachments are converted to mf2 children in object_to_json and then rendered in json_to_html.) Note that the returned HTML is included in Atom as well as HTML documents, so it *must* be HTML4 / XHTML, not HTML5! All tags must be closed, etc. Args: obj: decoded JSON ActivityStreams object include_location: whether to render location, if provided synthesize_content: whether to generate synthetic content if the object doesn't have its own, e.g. 'likes this.' or 'shared this.' Returns: string, rendered HTML """ content = obj.get('content', '') # extract tags. preserve order but de-dupe, ie don't include a tag more than # once. seen_ids = set() mentions = [] tags = {} # maps string objectType to list of tag objects for t in obj.get('tags', []): id = t.get('id') if id and id in seen_ids: continue seen_ids.add(id) if 'startIndex' in t and 'length' in t: mentions.append(t) else: tags.setdefault(source.object_type(t), []).append(t) # linkify embedded mention tags inside content. if mentions: mentions.sort(key=lambda t: t['startIndex']) last_end = 0 orig = util.WideUnicode(content) content = util.WideUnicode('') for tag in mentions: start = tag['startIndex'] end = start + tag['length'] content = util.WideUnicode('%s%s<a href="%s">%s</a>' % ( content, orig[last_end:start], tag['url'], orig[start:end])) last_end = end content += orig[last_end:] if not obj.get('content_is_html'): # convert newlines to <br>s # do this *after* linkifying tags so we don't have to shuffle indices over content = content.replace('\n', '<br />\n') # linkify embedded links. ignore the "mention" tags that we added ourselves. # TODO: fix the bug in test_linkify_broken() in webutil/, then # uncomment this. # if content: # content = util.linkify(content) # attachments, e.g. links (aka articles) # TODO: use oEmbed? , if render_attachments: atts = [a for a in obj.get('attachments', []) if a.get('objectType') not in ('note', 'article')] content += _render_attachments(atts + tags.pop('article', []), obj) # generate share/like contexts if the activity does not have content # of its own obj_type = source.object_type(obj) for as_type, verb in ( ('favorite', 'Favorites'), ('like', 'Likes'), ('share', 'Shared')): if (not synthesize_content or obj_type != as_type or 'object' not in obj or 'content' in obj): continue targets = get_list(obj, 'object') if not targets: continue for target in targets: # sometimes likes don't have enough content to render anything # interesting if 'url' in target and set(target) <= set(['url', 'objectType']): content += '<a href="%s">%s this.</a>' % ( target.get('url'), verb.lower()) else: author = target.get('author', target.get('actor', {})) # special case for twitter RT's if obj_type == 'share' and 'url' in obj and '^https?://(?:www\.|mobile\.)?twitter\.com/', obj.get('url')): content += 'RT <a href="%s">@%s</a> ' % ( target.get('url', '#'), author.get('username')) else: # image looks bad in the simplified rendering author = {k: v for k, v in author.items() if k != 'image'} content += '%s <a href="%s">%s</a> by %s' % ( verb, target.get('url', '#'), target.get('displayName', target.get('title', 'a post')), hcard_to_html(object_to_json(author, default_object_type='person')), ) content += render_content(target, include_location=include_location, synthesize_content=synthesize_content) # only include the first context in the content (if there are # others, they'll be included as separate properties) break break if render_attachments and obj.get('verb') == 'share': atts = [a for a in obj.get('object', {}).get('attachments', []) if a.get('objectType') not in ('note', 'article')] content += _render_attachments(atts, obj) # location loc = obj.get('location') if include_location and loc: content += '\n<p>%s</p>' % hcard_to_html( object_to_json(loc, default_object_type='place'), parent_props=['p-location']) # these are rendered manually in json_to_html() for type in 'like', 'share', 'react', 'person': tags.pop(type, None) # render the rest content += tags_to_html(tags.pop('hashtag', []), 'p-category') content += tags_to_html(tags.pop('mention', []), 'u-mention') content += tags_to_html(sum(tags.values(), []), 'tag') return content
def _render_attachments(attachments, obj): """Renders ActivityStreams attachments (or tags etc) as HTML. Note that the returned HTML is included in Atom as well as HTML documents, so it *must* be HTML4 / XHTML, not HTML5! All tags must be closed, etc. Args: attachments: sequence of decoded JSON ActivityStreams objects obj: top-level decoded JSON ActivityStreams object Returns: string, rendered HTML """ content = '' for att in attachments: name = att.get('displayName', '') stream = get_first(att, 'stream', {}).get('url') or '' image = get_first(att, 'image', {}).get('url') or '' open_a_tag = False content += '\n<p>' if att.get('objectType') == 'video': if stream: content += vid(stream, poster=image) elif att.get('objectType') == 'audio': if stream: content += aud(stream) else: url = att.get('url') or obj.get('url') if url: content += '\n<a class="link" href="%s">' % url open_a_tag = True if image: content += '\n' + img(image, name) if name: content += '\n<span class="name">%s</span>' % name if open_a_tag: content += '\n</a>' summary = att.get('summary') if summary and summary != name: content += '\n<span class="summary">%s</span>' % summary content += '\n</p>' return content
[docs]def find_author(parsed, **kwargs): """Returns the author of a page as a ActivityStreams actor dict. Args: parsed: return value from mf2py.parse() kwargs: passed through to mf2util.find_author() """ author = mf2util.find_author(parsed, 'http://123', **kwargs) if author: return { 'displayName': author.get('name'), 'url': author.get('url'), 'image': {'url': author.get('photo')}, }
[docs]def first_props(props): """Converts a multiply-valued dict to singly valued. Args: props: dict of properties, where each value is a sequence Returns: corresponding dict with just the first value of each sequence, or '' if the sequence is empty """ return {k: get_first(props, k, '') for k in props} if props else {}
[docs]def tags_to_html(tags, classname): """Returns an HTML string with links to the given tag objects. Args: tags: decoded JSON ActivityStreams objects. classname: class for span to enclose tags in """ urls = {} # stores (url, displayName) tuples for tag in tags: name = tag.get('displayName') or '' # loop through individually instead of using update() so that order is # preserved. for url in object_urls(tag): urls[url, name] = None return ''.join('\n<a class="%s" href="%s">%s</a>' % (classname, url, name) for url, name in sorted(urls.keys()))
[docs]def object_urls(obj): """Returns an object's unique URLs, preserving order. """ if isinstance(obj, basestring): return obj return uniquify(util.trim_nulls( [obj.get('url')] + [u.get('value') for u in obj.get('urls', [])]))
[docs]def author_display_name(hcard): """Returns a human-readable string display name for an h-card object.""" name = None if hcard: prop = first_props(hcard.get('properties')) name = prop.get('name') or prop.get('uid') return name if name else 'Unknown'
[docs]def maybe_linked_name(props): """Returns the HTML for a p-name with an optional u-url inside. Args: props: *multiply-valued* properties dict Returns: string HTML """ prop = first_props(props) name = prop.get('name') url = prop.get('url') if name is not None: html = maybe_linked(name, url, linked_classname='p-name u-url', unlinked_classname='p-name') else: html = maybe_linked(url or '', url, linked_classname='u-url') extra_urls = props.get('url', [])[1:] if extra_urls: html += '\n' + '\n'.join(maybe_linked('', url, linked_classname='u-url') for url in extra_urls) return html
[docs]def img(src, alt=''): """Returns an <img> string with the given src, class, and alt. Args: src: string, url of the image alt: string, alt attribute value, or None Returns: string """ return '<img class="u-photo" src="%s" alt=%s />' % ( src, xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr(alt or ''))
[docs]def vid(src, poster=''): """Returns an <video> string with the given src and class Args: src: string, url of the video poster: sring, optional. url of the poster or preview image Returns: string """ poster_img = '<img src="%s" />' % poster if poster else '' # include ="controls" value since this HTML is also used in the Atom # template, which has to validate as XML. return '<video class="u-video" src="%s" controls="controls" poster="%s">Your browser does not support the video tag. <a href="%s">Click here to view directly. %s</a></video>' % ( src, poster, src, poster_img)
[docs]def aud(src): """Returns an <audio> string with the given src and class Args: src: string, url of the audio Returns: string """ return '<audio class="u-audio" src="%s" controls="controls">Your browser does not support the audio tag. <a href="%s">Click here to listen directly.</a></audio>' % (src, src)
[docs]def maybe_linked(text, url, linked_classname=None, unlinked_classname=None): """Wraps text in an <a href=...> iff a non-empty url is provided. Args: text: string url: string or None linked_classname: string, optional class attribute to use if url unlinked_classname: string, optional class attribute to use if not url Returns: string """ if url: classname = ' class="%s"' % linked_classname if linked_classname else '' return '<a%s href="%s">%s</a>' % (classname, url, text) if unlinked_classname: return '<span class="%s">%s</span>' % (unlinked_classname, text) return text
[docs]def maybe_datetime(str, classname): """Returns a <time datetime=...> elem if str is non-empty. Args: str: string RFC339 datetime or None classname: string class name Returns: string """ if str: return '<time class="%s" datetime="%s">%s</time>' % (classname, str, str) else: return ''