Source code for

# coding=utf-8
"""Flickr source class.

Uses Flickr's REST API

TODO: Fetching feeds with comments and/or favorites is very request
intensive right now. It would be ideal to find a way to batch
requests, make requests asynchronously, or make better calls to the
API itself. Maybe use flickr.activity.userPhotos
when group_id=SELF.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from future import standard_library
from future.moves.urllib import error as urllib_error
from builtins import next, str
from past.builtins import basestring

import copy
import datetime
import functools
import itertools
import json
import logging
import requests
import sys
import mf2py
import mf2util
import urllib.parse

from . import appengine_config

from apiclient.errors import HttpError
from apiclient.http import BatchHttpRequest
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
from oauth_dropins import flickr_auth

from . import source

[docs]class Flickr(source.Source): """Flickr source class. See file docstring and Source class for details.""" DOMAIN = '' BASE_URL = '' NAME = 'Flickr' API_EXTRAS = ','.join(('date_upload', 'date_taken', 'views', 'media', 'description', 'tags', 'machine_tags', 'geo', 'path_alias'))
[docs] def __init__(self, access_token_key, access_token_secret, user_id=None, path_alias=None): """Constructor. If they are not provided, user_id and path_alias will be looked up via the API on first use. Args: access_token_key: string, OAuth access token key access_token_secret: string, OAuth access token secret user_id: string, the logged in user's Flickr nsid. (optional) path_alias: string, the logged in user's path_alias, replaces user_id in canonical profile and photo urls (optional) """ self.access_token_key = access_token_key self.access_token_secret = access_token_secret self._user_id = user_id self._path_alias = path_alias
[docs] def call_api_method(self, method, params=None): """Call a Flickr API method. """ return flickr_auth.call_api_method( method, params or {}, self.access_token_key, self.access_token_secret)
[docs] def upload(self, params, file): """Upload a photo or video via the Flickr API. """ return flickr_auth.upload( params, file, self.access_token_key, self.access_token_secret)
[docs] def create(self, obj, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Creates a photo, comment, or favorite. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object include_link: string ignore_formatting: boolean Returns: a CreationResult whose content will be a dict with 'id', 'url', and 'type' keys (all optional) for the newly created Flickr object (or None) """ return self._create(obj, preview=False, include_link=include_link, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting)
[docs] def preview_create(self, obj, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Preview creation of a photo, comment, or favorite. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object include_link: string ignore_formatting: boolean Returns: a CreationResult whose description will be an HTML summary of what publishing will do, and whose content will be an HTML preview of the result (or None) """ return self._create(obj, preview=True, include_link=include_link, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting)
def _create(self, obj, preview, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Creates or previews creating for the previous two methods. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object preview: boolean include_link: string ignore_formatting: boolean Return: a CreationResult """ # photo, comment, or like type = source.object_type(obj) logging.debug('publishing object type %s to Flickr', type) link_text = '(Originally published at: %s)' % obj.get('url') image_url = util.get_first(obj, 'image', {}).get('url') video_url = util.get_first(obj, 'stream', {}).get('url') content = self._content_for_create(obj, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting, strip_first_video_tag=bool(video_url)) if (video_url or image_url) and type in ('note', 'article'): name = obj.get('displayName') people = self._get_person_tags(obj) hashtags = [t.get('displayName') for t in obj.get('tags', []) if t.get('objectType') == 'hashtag' and t.get('displayName')] lat = obj.get('location', {}).get('latitude') lng = obj.get('location', {}).get('longitude') # if name does not represent an explicit title, then we'll just # use it as the title and wipe out the content if name and content and not mf2util.is_name_a_title(name, content): name = content content = None # add original post link if include_link == source.INCLUDE_LINK: content = ((content + '\n\n') if content else '') + link_text if preview: preview_content = '' if name: preview_content += '<h4>%s</h4>' % name if content: preview_content += '<div>%s</div>' % content if hashtags: preview_content += '<div> %s</div>' % ' '.join('#' + t for t in hashtags) if people: preview_content += '<div> with %s</div>' % ', '.join( ('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % ( p.get('url'), p.get('displayName') or 'User %s' % p.get('id')) for p in people)) if lat and lng: preview_content += '<div> at <a href=",%s">%s, %s</a></div>' % (lat, lng, lat, lng) if video_url: preview_content += ('<video controls src="%s"><a href="%s">this video' '</a></video>' % (video_url, video_url)) else: preview_content += '<img src="%s" />' % image_url return source.creation_result(content=preview_content, description='post') params = [] if name: params.append(('title', name)) if content: params.append(('description', content.encode('utf-8'))) if hashtags: params.append(('tags', ','.join(('"%s"' % t if ' ' in t else t) for t in hashtags))) file = util.urlopen(video_url or image_url) try: resp = self.upload(params, file) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: if str(e.args[0]).startswith('Request exceeds 10 MiB limit'): msg = 'Sorry, photos and videos must be under 10MB.' return source.creation_result(error_plain=msg, error_html=msg) else: raise photo_id = resp.get('id') resp.update({ 'type': 'post', 'url': self.photo_url(self.path_alias() or self.user_id(), photo_id), }) if video_url: resp['granary_message'] = \ "Note that videos take time to process before they're visible." # add person tags for person_id in sorted(p.get('id') for p in people): self.call_api_method('', { 'photo_id': photo_id, 'user_id': person_id, }) # add location if lat and lng: self.call_api_method('', { 'photo_id': photo_id, 'lat': lat, 'lon': lng, }) return source.creation_result(resp) base_obj = self.base_object(obj) base_id = base_obj.get('id') base_url = base_obj.get('url') # maybe a comment on a flickr photo? if type == 'comment' or obj.get('inReplyTo'): if not base_id: return source.creation_result( abort=True, error_plain='Could not find a photo to comment on.', error_html='Could not find a photo to <a href="">comment on</a>. ' 'Check that your post has an <a href="">in-reply-to</a> ' 'link to a Flickr photo or to an original post that publishes a ' '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Flickr.') if include_link == source.INCLUDE_LINK: content += '\n\n' + link_text if preview: return source.creation_result( content=content, description='comment on <a href="%s">this photo</a>.' % base_url) resp = self.call_api_method('', { 'photo_id': base_id, 'comment_text': content.encode('utf-8'), }) resp = resp.get('comment', {}) resp.update({ 'type': 'comment', 'url': resp.get('permalink'), }) return source.creation_result(resp) if type == 'like': if not base_id: return source.creation_result( abort=True, error_plain='Could not find a photo to favorite.', error_html='Could not find a photo to <a href="">favorite</a>. ' 'Check that your post has an <a href="">like-of</a> ' 'link to a Flickr photo or to an original post that publishes a ' '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Flickr.') if preview: return source.creation_result( description='favorite <a href="%s">this photo</a>.' % base_url) # this method doesn't return any data self.call_api_method('flickr.favorites.add', { 'photo_id': base_id, }) # TODO should we canonicalize the base_url (e.g. removing trailing path # info like "/in/contacts/") return source.creation_result({ 'type': 'like', 'url': '%s#favorited-by-%s' % (base_url, self.user_id()), }) return source.creation_result( abort=False, error_plain='Cannot publish type=%s to Flickr.' % type, error_html='Cannot publish type=%s to Flickr.' % type) def _get_person_tags(self, obj): """Extract person tags that refer to Flickr users. Uses to find the NSID for a particular URL. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object that may contain person targets Returns: a sequence of ActivityStream person objects augmented with 'id' equal to the Flickr user's NSID """ people = {} # maps id to tag for tag in obj.get('tags', []): url = tag.get('url', '') if (util.domain_from_link(url) == '' and tag.get('objectType') == 'person'): resp = self.call_api_method('flickr.urls.lookupUser', {'url': url}) id = resp.get('user', {}).get('id') if id: tag = copy.copy(tag) tag['id'] = id people[id] = tag return list(people.values())
[docs] def get_activities_response(self, user_id=None, group_id=None, app_id=None, activity_id=None, start_index=0, count=0, etag=None, min_id=None, cache=None, fetch_replies=False, fetch_likes=False, fetch_shares=False, fetch_events=False, fetch_mentions=False, search_query=None, **kwargs): """Fetches Flickr photos and converts them to ActivityStreams activities. See method docstring in for details. Mentions are not fetched or included because they don't exist in Flickr. """ if user_id is None: user_id = 'me' if group_id is None: group_id = source.FRIENDS params = {} method = None if activity_id: params['photo_id'] = activity_id method = '' else: params['extras'] = self.API_EXTRAS params['per_page'] = 50 if group_id == source.SELF: params['user_id'] = user_id method = 'flickr.people.getPhotos' if group_id == source.FRIENDS: method = '' if group_id == source.ALL: method = '' if not method: raise NotImplementedError() photos_resp = self.call_api_method(method, params) result = {'items': []} if activity_id: photos = [photos_resp.get('photo', {})] else: photos = photos_resp.get('photos', {}).get('photo', []) for photo in photos: activity = self.photo_to_activity(photo) # TODO consider using 'flickr.activity.userPhotos' when group_id=@self, # gives all recent comments and faves, instead of hitting the API for # each photo if fetch_replies: replies = [] comments_resp = self.call_api_method('', { 'photo_id': photo.get('id'), }) for comment in comments_resp.get('comments', {}).get('comment', []): replies.append(self.comment_to_object(comment, photo.get('id'))) activity['object']['replies'] = { 'items': replies, 'totalItems': len(replies), } if fetch_likes: faves_resp = self.call_api_method('', { 'photo_id': photo.get('id'), }) for person in faves_resp.get('photo', {}).get('person', []): activity['object'].setdefault('tags', []).append( self.like_to_object(person, activity)) result['items'].append(activity) return util.trim_nulls(result)
[docs] def get_actor(self, user_id=None): """Get an ActivityStreams object of type 'person' given a Flickr user's nsid. If no user_id is provided, this method will make another API request to find out the currently logged in user's id. Args: user_id: string, optional Returns: dict, an ActivityStreams object """ resp = self.call_api_method('flickr.people.getInfo', { 'user_id': user_id or self.user_id(), }) return self.user_to_actor(resp)
[docs] def user_to_actor(self, resp): """Convert a Flickr user dict into an ActivityStreams actor. """ person = resp.get('person', {}) username = person.get('username', {}).get('_content') obj = util.trim_nulls({ 'objectType': 'person', 'displayName': person.get('realname', {}).get('_content') or username, 'image': { 'url': self.get_user_image(person.get('iconfarm'), person.get('iconserver'), person.get('nsid')), }, 'id': self.tag_uri(username), # numeric_id is our own custom field that always has the source's numeric # user id, if available. 'numeric_id': person.get('nsid'), 'location': { 'displayName': person.get('location', {}).get('_content'), }, 'username': username, 'description': person.get('description', {}).get('_content'), }) # fetch profile page to get url(s) profile_url = person.get('profileurl', {}).get('_content') if profile_url: try: resp = util.urlopen(profile_url) profile_json = mf2py.parse(doc=resp, url=profile_url) # personal site is likely the first non-flickr url urls = profile_json.get('rels', {}).get('me', []) obj['urls'] = [{'value': u} for u in urls] obj['url'] = next( (u for u in urls if not u.startswith('')), None) except urllib_error.URLError as e: logging.warning('could not fetch user homepage %s', profile_url) return self.postprocess_object(obj)
[docs] def get_comment(self, comment_id, activity_id, activity_author_id=None, activity=None): """Returns an ActivityStreams comment object. Args: comment_id: string comment id activity_id: string activity id, required activity_author_id: string activity author id, ignored activity: activity object (optional) """ resp = self.call_api_method('', { 'photo_id': activity_id, }) for comment in resp.get('comments', {}).get('comment', []): logging.debug('checking comment id %s', comment.get('id')) # comment id is the in form ###-postid-commentid if (comment.get('id') == comment_id or comment.get('id').split('-')[-1] == comment_id): logging.debug('found comment matching %s', comment_id) return self.comment_to_object(comment, activity_id)
[docs] def photo_to_activity(self, photo): """Convert a Flickr photo to an ActivityStreams object. Takes either data in the expanded form returned by or the abbreviated form returned by flickr.people.getPhotos. Args: photo: dict response from Flickr Returns: dict, an ActivityStreams object """ owner = photo.get('owner') if isinstance(owner, dict): owner_id = owner.get('nsid') path_alias = owner.get('path_alias') else: owner_id = owner path_alias = photo.get('pathalias') created = photo.get('dates', {}).get('taken') or photo.get('datetaken') published = util.maybe_timestamp_to_rfc3339( photo.get('dates', {}).get('posted') or photo.get('dateupload')) # TODO replace owner_id with path_alias? photo_permalink = self.photo_url(path_alias or owner_id, photo.get('id')) title = photo.get('title') if isinstance(title, dict): title = title.get('_content', '') public = (photo.get('visibility') or photo).get('ispublic') activity = { 'id': self.tag_uri(photo.get('id')), 'flickr_id': photo.get('id'), 'url': photo_permalink, 'actor': { 'numeric_id': owner_id, }, 'object': { 'displayName': title, 'url': photo_permalink, 'id': self.tag_uri(photo.get('id')), 'image': { 'url': 'https://farm{}{}/{}_{}_{}.jpg'.format( photo.get('farm'), photo.get('server'), photo.get('id'), photo.get('secret'), 'b'), }, 'content': '\n'.join(( title, photo.get('description', {}).get('_content', ''))), 'objectType': 'photo', 'created': created, 'published': published, 'to': [{'objectType': 'group', 'alias': '@public' if public else '@private'}], }, 'verb': 'post', 'created': created, 'published': published, } if isinstance(owner, dict): username = owner.get('username') # Flickr API is evidently inconsistent in what it puts in realname vs # username vs path_alias. if username has spaces, it's probably actually # real name, so use path alias instead. # # if not username or ' ' in username: username = owner.get('path_alias') activity['object']['author'] = { 'objectType': 'person', 'displayName': owner.get('realname') or username, 'username': username, 'id': self.tag_uri(username), 'image': { 'url': self.get_user_image(owner.get('iconfarm'), owner.get('iconserver'), owner.get('nsid')), }, } if isinstance(photo.get('tags'), dict): activity['object']['tags'] = [{ 'objectType': 'hashtag', 'id': self.tag_uri(tag.get('id')), 'url': '{}'.format( tag.get('_content')), 'displayName': tag.get('raw'), } for tag in photo.get('tags', {}).get('tag', [])] elif isinstance(photo.get('tags'), basestring): activity['object']['tags'] = [{ 'objectType': 'hashtag', 'url': '{}'.format( tag.strip()), 'displayName': tag.strip(), } for tag in photo.get('tags').split(' ') if tag.strip()] # location is represented differently in a list of photos vs a # single photo info lat = photo.get('latitude') or photo.get('location', {}).get('latitude') lng = photo.get('longitude') or photo.get('location', {}).get('longitude') if lat and lng and float(lat) != 0 and float(lng) != 0: activity['object']['location'] = { 'objectType': 'place', 'latitude': float(lat), 'longitude': float(lng), } self.postprocess_object(activity['object']) self.postprocess_activity(activity) return activity
[docs] def like_to_object(self, person, photo_activity): """Convert a Flickr favorite into an ActivityStreams like tag. Args: person: dict, the person object from Flickr photo_activity: dict, the ActivityStreams object representing the photo this like belongs to Returns: dict, an ActivityStreams object """ return { 'author': { 'objectType': 'person', 'displayName': person.get('realname') or person.get('username'), 'username': person.get('username'), 'id': self.tag_uri(person.get('nsid')), 'image': { 'url': self.get_user_image(person.get('iconfarm'), person.get('iconserver'), person.get('nsid')), }, }, 'created': util.maybe_timestamp_to_rfc3339(photo_activity.get('favedate')), 'url': '{}#liked-by-{}'.format( photo_activity.get('url'), person.get('nsid')), 'object': {'url': photo_activity.get('url')}, 'id': self.tag_uri('{}_liked_by_{}'.format( photo_activity.get('flickr_id'), person.get('nsid'))), 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': 'like', }
[docs] def comment_to_object(self, comment, photo_id): """Convert a Flickr comment json object to an ActivityStreams comment. Args: comment: dict, the comment object from Flickr photo_id: string, the Flickr ID of the photo that this comment belongs to Returns: dict, an ActivityStreams object """ obj = { 'objectType': 'comment', 'url': comment.get('permalink'), 'id': self.tag_uri(comment.get('id')), 'inReplyTo': [{'id': self.tag_uri(photo_id)}], 'content': comment.get('_content', ''), 'published': util.maybe_timestamp_to_rfc3339(comment.get('datecreate')), 'updated': util.maybe_timestamp_to_rfc3339(comment.get('datecreate')), 'author': { 'objectType': 'person', 'displayName': comment.get('realname') or comment.get('authorname'), 'username': comment.get('authorname'), 'id': self.tag_uri(comment.get('author')), 'url': self.user_url(comment.get('path_alias') or comment.get('author')), 'image': { 'url': self.get_user_image(comment.get('iconfarm'), comment.get('iconserver'), comment.get('author')), }, } } self.postprocess_object(obj) return obj
[docs] def get_user_image(self, farm, server, author): """Convert fields from a typical Flickr response into the buddy icon URL. ref: """ if server == 0: return '' return 'https://farm{}{}/buddyicons/{}.jpg'.format( farm, server, author)
[docs] def user_id(self): """Get the nsid of the currently authorized user. The first time this is called, it will invoke the flickr.people.getLimits api method. Return: a string """ if not self._user_id: resp = self.call_api_method('flickr.people.getLimits') self._user_id = resp.get('person', {}).get('nsid') return self._user_id
[docs] def path_alias(self): """Get the path_alias of the currently authorized user. The first time this is called, it will invoke the flickr.people.getInfo api method. Return: a string """ if not self._path_alias: resp = self.call_api_method('flickr.people.getInfo', { 'user_id': self.user_id(), }) self._path_alias = resp.get('person', {}).get('path_alias') return self._path_alias
[docs] def user_url(self, user_id): """Convert a user's path_alias to their Flickr profile page URL. Args: user_id (string): user's alphanumeric nsid or path alias Returns: string, a profile URL """ return user_id and '' % user_id
[docs] def photo_url(self, user_id, photo_id): """Construct a url for a photo given user id and the photo id Args: user_id (string): alphanumeric user ID or path alias photo_id (string): numeric photo ID Returns: string, the photo URL """ return '' % (user_id, photo_id)
[docs] @classmethod def base_id(cls, url): """Used when publishing comments or favorites. Flickr photo ID is the 3rd path component rather than the first. """ parts = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path.split('/') if len(parts) >= 4 and parts[1] == 'photos': return parts[3]