Source code for granary.instagram

"""Instagram source class.

Instagram's API doesn't tell you if a user has marked their account private or
not, so the Audience Targeting 'to' field is currently always set to @public.!topic/instagram-api-developers/DAO7OriVFsw!searchin/instagram-api-developers/private

__author__ = ['Ryan Barrett <>']

import datetime
import itertools
import json
import logging
import operator
import re
import string
import urllib
import urllib2
import urlparse
import xml.sax.saxutils

import appengine_config
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
import requests
import source

# Maps Instagram media type to ActivityStreams objectType.
OBJECT_TYPES = {'image': 'photo', 'video': 'video'}


HTML_BASE_URL = ('instagram_scrape_base') or

# URL-safe base64 encoding. used in Instagram.id_to_shortcode()
BASE64 = string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + '-_'

MENTION_RE = re.compile(r'@([A-Za-z0-9._]+)')

[docs]class Instagram(source.Source): """Instagram source class. See file docstring and Source class for details.""" DOMAIN = '' BASE_URL = '' NAME = 'Instagram' FRONT_PAGE_TEMPLATE = 'templates/instagram_index.html' RESPONSE_CACHE_TIME = 60 * 60 # 60m EMBED_POST = """ <script async defer src="//"></script> <blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="4" style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100%%"> <p><a href="%(url)s" target="_top">%(content)s</a></p> </blockquote> """
[docs] def __init__(self, access_token=None, allow_comment_creation=False, scrape=False): """Constructor. If an OAuth access token is provided, it will be passed on to Instagram. This will be necessary for some people and contact details, based on their privacy settings. Args: access_token: string, optional OAuth access token allow_comment_creation: boolean, optionally disable comment creation, useful if the app is not approved to create comments. scrape: boolean, whether to scrape's HTML (True) or use the API (False) """ self.access_token = access_token self.allow_comment_creation = allow_comment_creation self.scrape = scrape
[docs] def urlopen(self, url, **kwargs): """Wraps :func:`urllib2.urlopen()` and passes through the access token.""" log_url = url if self.access_token: # TODO add access_token to the data parameter for POST requests url = util.add_query_params(url, [('access_token', self.access_token)]) resp = util.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url, **kwargs)) return (resp if kwargs.get('data') else source.load_json(, url).get('data'))
@classmethod def user_url(cls, username): return '%s%s/' % (cls.BASE_URL, username) @classmethod def media_url(cls, shortcode): return '%sp/%s/' % (cls.BASE_URL, shortcode)
[docs] def get_actor(self, user_id=None): """Returns a user as a JSON ActivityStreams actor dict. Args: user_id: string id or username. Defaults to 'self', ie the current user. Raises: InstagramAPIError """ if user_id is None: assert self.scrape is False, 'get_actor() requires user_id when scraping' user_id = 'self' if self.scrape: return self.get_activities_response(group_id=source.SELF, user_id=user_id ).get('actor') else: return self.user_to_actor(util.trim_nulls( self.urlopen(API_USER_URL % user_id) or {}))
[docs] def get_activities_response(self, user_id=None, group_id=None, app_id=None, activity_id=None, start_index=0, count=0, etag=None, min_id=None, cache=None, fetch_replies=False, fetch_likes=False, fetch_shares=False, fetch_events=False, fetch_mentions=False, search_query=None, scrape=False, cookie=None, **kwargs): """Fetches posts and converts them to ActivityStreams activities. See method docstring in for details. app_id is ignored. Supports min_id, but not ETag, since Instagram doesn't support it. Likes are always included, regardless of the fetch_likes kwarg. They come bundled in the 'likes' field of the API Media object: Mentions are never fetched or included because the API doesn't support searching for them. Shares are never fetched included since there is no share feature. Instagram only supports search over hashtags, so if search_query is set, it must begin with #. May populate a custom 'ig_like_count' property in media objects. (Currently only when scraping.) Args: scrape: if True, scrapes HTML from instead of using the API. Populates the user's actor object in the 'actor' response field. Useful for apps that haven't yet been approved in the new permissions approval process. Currently only supports group_id=SELF. Also supports passing a shortcode as activity_id as well as the internal API id. cookie: string, only used if scrape=True **: see :meth:`Source.get_activities_reponse` Raises: InstagramAPIError """ if group_id is None: group_id = source.FRIENDS if scrape or self.scrape: if not (activity_id or (group_id == source.SELF and user_id) or (group_id == source.FRIENDS and cookie)): raise NotImplementedError( 'Scraping only supports activity_id, user_id and group_id=@self, or cookie and group_id=@friends.') return self._scrape( user_id=user_id, group_id=group_id, activity_id=activity_id, cookie=cookie, fetch_extras=fetch_replies or fetch_likes, cache=cache) if user_id is None: user_id = 'self' if search_query: if search_query.startswith('#'): search_query = search_query[1:] else: raise ValueError( 'Instagram only supports search over hashtags, so search_query must ' 'begin with the # character.') # TODO: paging media = [] kwargs = {} if min_id is not None: kwargs['min_id'] = min_id activities = [] try: media_url = (API_MEDIA_URL % activity_id if activity_id else API_USER_MEDIA_URL % user_id if group_id == source.SELF else API_MEDIA_POPULAR_URL if group_id == source.ALL else API_MEDIA_SEARCH_URL % search_query if group_id == source.SEARCH else API_USER_FEED_URL if group_id == source.FRIENDS else None) assert media_url media = self.urlopen(util.add_query_params(media_url, kwargs)) if media: if activity_id: media = [media] activities += [self.media_to_activity(m) for m in util.trim_nulls(media)] if group_id == source.SELF and fetch_likes: # add the user's own likes liked = self.urlopen( util.add_query_params(API_USER_LIKES_URL % user_id, kwargs)) if liked: user = self.urlopen(API_USER_URL % user_id) activities += [self.like_to_object(user, l['id'], l['link']) for l in liked] except urllib2.HTTPError, e: code, body = util.interpret_http_exception(e) # instagram api should give us back a json block describing the # error. but if it's an error for some other reason, it probably won't # be properly formatted json. try: body_obj = json.loads(body) if body else {} except ValueError: body_obj = {} if body_obj.get('meta', {}).get('error_type') == 'APINotFoundError': logging.exception(body_obj.get('meta', {}).get('error_message')) else: raise e return self.make_activities_base_response(activities)
def _scrape(self, user_id=None, group_id=None, activity_id=None, cookie=None, fetch_extras=False, cache=None, shortcode=None): """Scrapes a user's profile or feed and converts the media to activities. Args: user_id: string activity_id: string, e.g. '1020355224898358984_654594' fetch_extras: boolean cookie: string shortcode: string, e.g. '4pB6vEx87I' Returns: dict activities API response """ assert user_id or activity_id or shortcode or cookie assert not (activity_id and shortcode) if not shortcode: shortcode = self.id_to_shortcode(activity_id) url = (HTML_MEDIA % shortcode if shortcode else HTML_PROFILE % user_id if user_id and group_id == source.SELF else HTML_BASE_URL) kwargs = {} if cookie: if not cookie.startswith('sessionid='): cookie = 'sessionid=' + cookie kwargs = {'headers': {'Cookie': cookie}} resp = util.requests_get(url, allow_redirects=False, **kwargs) if ((cookie and 'not-logged-in' in resp.text) or (resp.status_code in (301, 302) and '/accounts/login' in resp.headers.get('Location', ''))): resp.status_code = 401 raise requests.HTTPError('401 Unauthorized', response=resp) elif resp.status_code == 404: if activity_id: return self._scrape(shortcode=activity_id, cookie=cookie) # otherwise not found, fall through and return empty response else: resp.raise_for_status() activities, actor = self.html_to_activities(resp.text) if fetch_extras and not activity_id: # batch get cached counts of comments and likes for all activities cached = {} # don't update the cache until the end, in case we hit an error before cache_updates = {} if cache is not None: keys = [] for activity in activities: _, id = util.parse_tag_uri(activity['id']) keys.extend(['AIL ' + id, 'AIC ' + id]) cached = cache.get_multi(keys) for i, activity in enumerate(activities): obj = activity['object'] _, id = util.parse_tag_uri(activity['id']) likes = obj.get('ig_like_count') or 0 comments = obj.get('replies', {}).get('totalItems') or 0 likes_key = 'AIL %s' % id comments_key = 'AIC %s' % id if (likes and likes != cached.get(likes_key) or comments and comments != cached.get(comments_key)): url = activity['url'].replace(self.BASE_URL, HTML_BASE_URL) resp = util.requests_get(url) resp.raise_for_status() full_activity, _ = self.html_to_activities(resp.text) if full_activity: activities[i] = full_activity[0] cache_updates.update({likes_key: likes, comments_key: comments}) if cache_updates and cache is not None: cache.set_multi(cache_updates) resp = self.make_activities_base_response(activities) resp['actor'] = actor return resp
[docs] def get_comment(self, comment_id, activity_id=None, activity_author_id=None, activity=None): """Returns an ActivityStreams comment object. Args: comment_id: string comment id activity_id: string activity id, required activity_author_id: string activity author id. Ignored. activity: activity object, optional. Avoids fetching the activity. """ if not activity: activity = self._get_activity(None, activity_id) if activity: tag_id = self.tag_uri(comment_id) for reply in activity.get('object', {}).get('replies', {}).get('items', []): if reply.get('id') == tag_id: return reply
[docs] def get_share(self, activity_user_id, activity_id, share_id, activity=None): """Not implemented. Returns None. Resharing isn't a feature of Instagram. """ return None
[docs] def create(self, obj, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Creates a new comment or like. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object include_link: string ignore_formatting: boolean Returns: a CreationResult. if successful, content will have and 'id' and 'url' keys for the newly created Instagram object """ return self._create(obj, include_link=include_link, preview=False, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting)
[docs] def preview_create(self, obj, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Preview a new comment or like. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object include_link: string ignore_formatting: boolean Returns: a CreationResult. if successful, content and description will describe the new instagram object. """ return self._create(obj, include_link=include_link, preview=True, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting)
def _create(self, obj, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, preview=None, ignore_formatting=False): """Creates a new comment or like. The OAuth access token must have been created with scope=comments+likes (or just one, respectively). To comment, you need to apply for access: Args: obj: ActivityStreams object include_link: string preview: boolean Returns: a CreationResult. if successful, content will have and 'id' and 'url' keys for the newly created Instagram object """ # TODO: validation, error handling type = obj.get('objectType') verb = obj.get('verb') base_obj = self.base_object(obj) base_id = base_obj.get('id') base_url = base_obj.get('url') logging.debug( 'instagram create request with type=%s, verb=%s, id=%s, url=%s', type, verb, base_id, base_url) if type == 'comment': # most applications are not approved by instagram to create comments; # better to give a useful error message than try and fail. if not self.allow_comment_creation: return source.creation_result( abort=True, error_plain='Cannot publish comments on Instagram', error_html='<a href="">Cannot publish comments</a> on Instagram. The Instagram API technically supports creating comments, but <a href="">anecdotal</a> <a href="">evidence</a> suggests they are very selective about which applications they approve to do so.') content = self._content_for_create(obj).encode('utf-8') if preview: return source.creation_result( content=content, description='<span class="verb">comment</span> on <a href="%s">' 'this post</a>:\n%s' % (base_url, self.embed_post(base_obj))) self.urlopen(API_COMMENT_URL % base_id, data=urllib.urlencode({ 'access_token': self.access_token, 'text': content, })) # response will be empty even on success, see # # TODO where can we get the comment id? obj = self.comment_to_object({}, base_id, None) return source.creation_result(obj) elif type == 'activity' and verb == 'like': if not base_url: return source.creation_result( abort=True, error_plain='Could not find an Instagram post to like.', error_html='Could not find an Instagram post to <a href="">like</a>. ' 'Check that your post has a like-of link to an Instagram URL or to an original post that publishes a ' '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Instagram.') if preview: return source.creation_result( description='<span class="verb">like</span> <a href="%s">' 'this post</a>:\n%s' % (base_url, self.embed_post(base_obj))) if not base_id: shortcode = self.post_id(base_url) logging.debug('looking up media by shortcode %s', shortcode) media_entry = self.urlopen(API_MEDIA_SHORTCODE_URL % shortcode) or {} base_id = media_entry.get('id') base_url = media_entry.get('link')'posting like for media id id=%s, url=%s', base_id, base_url) # no response other than success/failure self.urlopen(API_MEDIA_LIKES_URL % base_id, data=urllib.urlencode({ 'access_token': self.access_token })) # TODO use the stored user_json rather than looking it up each time. # oauth-dropins auth_entities should have the user_json. me = self.urlopen(API_USER_URL % 'self') return source.creation_result( self.like_to_object(me, base_id, base_url)) return source.creation_result( abort=True, error_plain='Cannot publish this post on Instagram. Instagram does not support posting photos or videos from 3rd party applications.', error_html='Cannot publish this post on Instagram. Instagram <a href="">does not support</a> posting photos or videos from 3rd party applications.')
[docs] def media_to_activity(self, media): """Converts a media to an activity. Args: media: JSON object retrieved from the Instagram API Returns: an ActivityStreams activity dict, ready to be JSON-encoded """ # Instagram timestamps are evidently all PST. # object = self.media_to_object(media) activity = { 'verb': 'post', 'published': object.get('published'), 'id': object['id'], 'url': object.get('url'), 'actor': object.get('author'), 'object': object, } return self.postprocess_activity(activity)
[docs] def media_to_object(self, media): """Converts a media to an object. Args: media: JSON object retrieved from the Instagram API Returns: an ActivityStreams object dict, ready to be JSON-encoded """ id = media.get('id') user = media.get('user', {}) content = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(media.get('caption', {}).get('text', '')) object = { 'id': self.tag_uri(id), # TODO: detect videos. (the type field is in the JSON respose but not # propagated into the Media object.) 'objectType': OBJECT_TYPES.get(media.get('type', 'image'), 'photo'), 'published': util.maybe_timestamp_to_rfc3339(media.get('created_time')), 'author': self.user_to_actor(user), 'content': content, 'url': media.get('link'), 'to': [{ 'objectType': 'group', 'alias': '@private' if user.get('is_private') else '@public', }], 'attachments': [{ 'objectType': 'video' if 'videos' in media else 'image', 'url': media.get('link'), # ActivityStreams 2.0 allows image to be a JSON array. # 'image': sorted( media.get('images', {}).values(), # sort by size, descending, since # uses the first image in the list. key=operator.itemgetter('width'), reverse=True), # video object defined in # 'stream': sorted( media.get('videos', {}).values(), key=operator.itemgetter('width'), reverse=True), }], # comments go in the replies field, according to the "Responses for # Activity Streams" extension spec: # 'replies': { 'items': [self.comment_to_object(c, id, media.get('link')) for c in media.get('comments', {}).get('data', [])], 'totalItems': media.get('comments', {}).get('count'), }, 'tags': [{ 'objectType': 'hashtag', 'id': self.tag_uri(tag), 'displayName': tag, # TODO: url } for tag in media.get('tags', [])] + [self.user_to_actor(user.get('user')) for user in media.get('users_in_photo', [])] + [self.like_to_object(user, id, media.get('link')) for user in media.get('likes', {}).get('data', [])] + [{ 'objectType': 'person', 'id': self.tag_uri(, 'displayName':, 'url': self.user_url(, 'startIndex': mention.start(), 'length': mention.end() - mention.start(), } for mention in MENTION_RE.finditer(content)], } for version in ('standard_resolution', 'low_resolution', 'thumbnail'): image = media.get('images', {}).get(version) if image: object['image'] = {'url': image.get('url')} break for version in ('standard_resolution', 'low_resolution', 'low_bandwidth'): video = media.get('videos', {}).get(version) if video: object['stream'] = {'url': video.get('url')} break # if 'location' in media: media_loc = media.get('location', {}) object['location'] = { 'id': self.tag_uri(media_loc.get('id')), 'displayName': media_loc.get('name'), 'latitude': media_loc.get('point', {}).get('latitude'), 'longitude': media_loc.get('point', {}).get('longitude'), 'address': {'formatted': media_loc.get('street_address')}, 'url': (media_loc.get('id') and '' % media_loc.get('id')), } return self.postprocess_object(object)
[docs] def comment_to_object(self, comment, media_id, media_url): """Converts a comment to an object. Args: comment: JSON object retrieved from the Instagram API media_id: string media_url: string Returns: an ActivityStreams object dict, ready to be JSON-encoded """ return self.postprocess_object({ 'objectType': 'comment', 'id': self.tag_uri(comment.get('id')), 'inReplyTo': [{'id': self.tag_uri(media_id)}], 'url': '%s#comment-%s' % (media_url, comment.get('id')) if media_url else None, # TODO: add PST time zone 'published': util.maybe_timestamp_to_rfc3339(comment.get('created_time')), 'content': comment.get('text'), 'author': self.user_to_actor(comment.get('from')), 'to': [{'objectType': 'group', 'alias': '@public'}], })
[docs] def like_to_object(self, liker, media_id, media_url): """Converts a like to an object. Args: liker: JSON object from the Instagram API, the user who does the liking media_id: string media_url: string Returns: an ActivityStreams object dict, ready to be JSON-encoded """ return self.postprocess_object({ 'id': self.tag_uri('%s_liked_by_%s' % (media_id, liker.get('id'))), 'url': '%s#liked-by-%s' % (media_url, liker.get('id')) if media_url else None, 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': 'like', 'object': {'url': media_url}, 'author': self.user_to_actor(liker), })
[docs] def user_to_actor(self, user): """Converts a user to an actor. Args: user: JSON object from the Instagram API Returns: an ActivityStreams actor dict, ready to be JSON-encoded """ if not user: return {} id = user.get('id') username = user.get('username') actor = { 'id': self.tag_uri(id or username), 'username': username, 'objectType': 'person', } if not id or not username: return actor urls = sum((util.extract_links(user.get(field)) for field in ('website', 'bio')), []) if urls: actor['url'] = urls[0] if len(urls) > 1: actor['urls'] = [{'value': u} for u in urls] else: actor['url'] = self.user_url(username) actor.update({ 'displayName': user.get('full_name') or username, 'image': {'url': user.get('profile_picture')}, 'description': user.get('bio') }) return util.trim_nulls(actor)
[docs] def base_object(self, obj): """Extends the default base_object() to avoid using shortcodes as object ids. """ base_obj = super(Instagram, self).base_object(obj) base_id = base_obj.get('id') if base_id and not base_id.replace('_', '').isdigit(): # this isn't id. it's probably a shortcode. del base_obj['id'] id = obj.get('id') if id: parsed = util.parse_tag_uri(id) if parsed and '_' in parsed[1]: base_obj['id'] = parsed[1].split('_')[0] return base_obj
[docs] def id_to_shortcode(id): """Converts a media id to the shortcode used in its URL. Based on , which determined that shortcodes are just URL-safe base64 encoded ids. """ if not id: return None if isinstance(id, basestring): parts = id.split('_') if not util.is_int(parts[0]): return id id = int(parts[0]) A = ord('A') chars = [] while id > 0: id, rem = divmod(id, 64) chars.append(BASE64[rem]) return ''.join(reversed(chars))
[docs] def html_to_activities(self, html): """Converts Instagram HTML to ActivityStreams activities. The input HTML may be from: * a user's feed, eg while logged in * a user's profile, eg * a photo or video, eg Args: html: unicode string Returns: tuple, ([ActivityStreams activities], ActivityStreams viewer actor) """ # extract JSON data blob script_start = '<script type="text/javascript">window._sharedData = ' start = html.find(script_start) if start == -1: # Instagram sometimes returns 200 with incomplete HTML. often it stops at # the end of one of the <style> tags inside <head>. not sure why. logging.warning('JSON script tag not found!') return [], None # App Engine's Python 2.7.5 json module doesn't support unpaired surrogate # Unicode chars, so it chokes on some JSON docs. Monkey patch in simplejson # to fix that. # # try: import simplejson json_module = simplejson except ImportError: json_module = json start += len(script_start) end = html.find(';</script>', start) if end == -1: # as mentioned above, Instagram sometimes returns 200 with incomplete HTML logging.warning('JSON script close tag not found!') return [], None data = util.trim_nulls(json_module.loads(html[start:end])) entry_data = data.get('entry_data', {}) activities = [] # find media medias = [] profile_user = None # home page ie news feed for page in entry_data.get('FeedPage', []): # old schema medias.extend(page.get('feed', {}).get('media', {}).get('nodes', [])) # new schema edges = page.get('graphql', {}).get('user', {})\ .get('edge_web_feed_timeline', {}).get('edges', []) medias.extend(e.get('node') for e in edges if e.get('node', {}).get('__typename') not in ('GraphSuggestedUserFeedUnit',)) # profiles for page in entry_data.get('ProfilePage', []): profile_user = page.get('user', {}) medias.extend(profile_user.get('media', {}).get('nodes', [])) # individual photo/video permalinks for page in entry_data.get('PostPage', []): media = (page.get('media') # old schema or page.get('graphql', {}).get('shortcode_media')) # new schema if media: medias.append(media) for media in util.trim_nulls(medias): activities.append(self._json_media_node_to_activity(media)) actor = None viewer = data.get('config', {}).get('viewer') or profile_user or None if viewer: profile = viewer.get('profile_pic_url') if profile: viewer['profile_picture'] = profile.replace('\/', '/') website = viewer.get('external_url') if website: viewer['website'] = website.replace('\/', '/') viewer.setdefault('bio', viewer.get('biography')) actor = self.user_to_actor(viewer) if viewer.get('is_private'): actor['to'] = [{'objectType':'group', 'alias':'@private'}] return activities, actor
def _json_media_node_to_activity(self, media): """Converts Instagram HTML JSON media node to ActivityStreams activity. Args: media: dict, subset of Instagram HTML JSON representing a single photo or video Returns: dict, ActivityStreams activity """ # preprocess to make its field names match the API's dims = media.get('dimensions', {}) owner = media.get('owner', {}) image_url = media.get('display_src') or media.get('display_url') or '' media.update({ 'link': self.media_url(media.get('code') or media.get('shortcode')), 'user': owner, 'created_time': media.get('date') or media.get('taken_at_timestamp'), 'caption': {'text': media.get('caption') or # old schema media.get('edge_media_to_caption', {}) # new schema .get('edges', [{}])[0].get('node', {}).get('text', '')}, 'images': {'standard_resolution': { 'url': image_url.replace('\/', '/'), 'width': dims.get('width'), 'height': dims.get('height'), }}, 'users_in_photo': (media.get('usertags', {}).get('nodes', []) + [e.get('node', {}) for e in media.get('edge_media_to_tagged_user', {}).get('edges', [])]), }) id = media.get('id') owner_id = owner.get('id') if id and owner_id: media['id'] = '%s_%s' % (id, owner_id) comments = media.get('comments') or media.get('edge_media_to_comment') or {} media['comments'] = { 'data': (comments.get('nodes') or # old schema [c.get('node') for c in comments.get('edges', [])]), # new schema 'count': comments.get('count'), } likes = media.get('likes') or media.get('edge_media_preview_like') or {} media['likes'] = { 'data': [l.get('user') for l in likes.get('nodes', [])] or # old schema [l.get('node') for l in likes.get('edges', [])], # new schema 'count': likes.get('count'), } for obj in [media] + media['comments']['data'] + media['likes']['data']: obj.setdefault('user', obj.get('owner') or {}) user = obj['user'] or obj user['profile_picture'] = user.get('profile_pic_url', '').replace('\/', '/') for c in media['comments']['data']: c['from'] = c['user'] c['created_time'] = c['created_at'] if media.get('is_video'): media.update({ 'type': 'video', 'videos': {'standard_resolution': { 'url': media.get('video_url', '').replace('\/', '/'), 'width': dims.get('width'), 'height': dims.get('height'), }}, }) activity = self.media_to_activity(util.trim_nulls(media)) obj = activity['object'] obj['ig_like_count'] = media['likes'].get('count', 0) # multi-photo children = media.get('edge_sidecar_to_children', {}).get('edges', []) if children: obj['attachments'] = list(itertools.chain(*( self._json_media_node_to_activity(child.get('node'))['object']['attachments'] for child in children))) self.postprocess_object(obj) return super(Instagram, self).postprocess_activity(activity)