Source code for granary.mastodon

"""Mastodon source class.

Mastodon is an ActivityPub implementation, but it also has a REST + OAuth 2 API
independent of AP. This class handles that API. API docs:

May also be used for services with Mastodon-compatible APIs, eg Pleroma:
import itertools
import logging
import re
import urllib.parse

from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
from oauth_dropins.webutil.testutil import requests_response
from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads
from requests import HTTPError, JSONDecodeError, RequestException

from . import as1
from . import source

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

API_ACCOUNT = '/api/v1/accounts/%s'
API_ACCOUNT_STATUSES = '/api/v1/accounts/%s/statuses'
API_BLOCKS = '/api/v1/blocks?limit=100'
API_CONTEXT = '/api/v1/statuses/%s/context'
API_FAVORITE = '/api/v1/statuses/%s/favourite'
API_FAVORITED_BY = '/api/v1/statuses/%s/favourited_by'
API_MEDIA = '/api/v1/media'
API_NOTIFICATIONS = '/api/v1/notifications'
API_REBLOG = '/api/v1/statuses/%s/reblog'
API_REBLOGGED_BY = '/api/v1/statuses/%s/reblogged_by'
API_SEARCH = '/api/v2/search'
API_STATUS = '/api/v1/statuses/%s'
API_STATUSES = '/api/v1/statuses'
API_TIMELINE = '/api/v1/timelines/home'
API_VERIFY_CREDENTIALS = '/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials'



# maps Mastodon media attachment type to AS1 objectType
  'image': 'image',
  'video': 'video',
  'gifv': 'video',
  'unknown': None,
# Not documented, but here's the Mastodon commit that added this limit:

# copied from Mastodon's source on 2019-10-21, then revised the lookbehind
USERNAME_RE = re.compile(r'[a-z0-9_]+([a-z0-9_\.-]+[a-z0-9_]+)?', re.IGNORECASE)
MENTION_RE  = re.compile(r'(?<![\/\w])@((' + USERNAME_RE.pattern +
                         r')(?:@[a-z0-9\.\-]+[a-z0-9]+)?)', re.IGNORECASE)

[docs] class Mastodon(source.Source): """Mastodon source class. See file docstring and Source class for details. Attributes: instance (str): base URL of Mastodon instance, eg ```` user_id (int): optional, current user's id (not username!) on this instance access_token (str): optional, OAuth access token """ DOMAIN = 'N/A' BASE_URL = 'N/A' NAME = 'Mastodon' TYPE_LABELS = { 'post': 'toot', 'comment': 'reply', 'repost': 'boost', 'like': 'favorite', } # TRUNCATE_TEXT_LENGTH is set in the constructor TRUNCATE_URL_LENGTH = 23
[docs] def __init__(self, instance, access_token, user_id=None, truncate_text_length=None): """Constructor. If ``user_id`` is not provided, it will be fetched via the API. Args: instance (str): base URL of Mastodon instance, eg user_id: (str or int): optional, current user's id (not username!) on this instance access_token (str): optional OAuth access token truncate_text_length (int): optional character limit for toots, overrides the default of 500 """ assert instance self.instance = self.BASE_URL = instance assert access_token self.access_token = access_token self.TRUNCATE_TEXT_LENGTH = ( truncate_text_length if truncate_text_length is not None else DEFAULT_TRUNCATE_TEXT_LENGTH) self.DOMAIN = util.domain_from_link(instance) if user_id: self.user_id = user_id else: creds = self._get(API_VERIFY_CREDENTIALS) self.user_id = creds['id']
[docs] def user_url(self, username): return urllib.parse.urljoin(self.instance, '@' + username)
def _get(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._api(util.requests_get, *args, **kwargs) def _post(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._api(util.requests_post, *args, **kwargs) def _delete(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._api(util.requests_delete, *args, **kwargs) def _api(self, fn, path, return_json=True, *args, **kwargs): headers = kwargs.setdefault('headers', {}) headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + self.access_token url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.instance, path) resp = fn(url, *args, **kwargs) try: resp.raise_for_status() except BaseException as e: util.interpret_http_exception(e) raise if not return_json: return resp if fn == util.requests_delete: return {} content_type = resp.headers.get('Content-Type', '') if content_type.split(';')[0] != 'application/json': # Truth Social returns text/plain;charset=UTF-8 logging.warning(f'Content-Type {content_type} is not application/json!') try: body = resp.json() except JSONDecodeError as e: resp.status_code = 502 raise HTTPError(e, response=resp) if isinstance(body, dict) and body.get('error'): code = body['error'].get('code') or '' resp.status_code = 401 if code == 'AUTHENTICATION_FAILED' else 400 raise HTTPError(None, str(body['error']), response=resp) return body
[docs] @classmethod def embed_post(cls, obj): """Returns the HTML for embedding a toot. Args: obj (dict): AS1 object with at least url, and optionally also content. Returns: str: HTML """ return f""" <script src="{urllib.parse.urljoin(obj['url'], '/embed.js')}" async="async"></script> <br> <iframe src="{obj['url']}/embed" class="{cls.NAME.lower()}-embed shadow" style="max-width: 100%; border: 0" width="400" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"> </iframe> """
[docs] def get_activities_response(self, user_id=None, group_id=None, app_id=None, activity_id=None, fetch_replies=False, fetch_likes=False, fetch_shares=False, include_shares=True, fetch_events=False, fetch_mentions=False, search_query=None, start_index=0, count=0, cache=None, **kwargs): """Fetches toots and converts them to ActivityStreams activities. See :meth:`Source.get_activities_response` for details. """ if user_id and group_id in (source.FRIENDS, source.ALL): raise ValueError(f"{self.NAME} doesn't support group_id {group_id} with user_id") if not user_id: user_id = self.user_id if fetch_events: raise NotImplementedError() params = {} if count: params['limit'] = count + start_index if activity_id: statuses = [self._get(API_STATUS % activity_id)] elif group_id in (None, source.FRIENDS): statuses = self._get(API_TIMELINE, params=params) elif group_id == source.SEARCH: if not search_query: raise ValueError('search requires search_query parameter') statuses = self._get(API_SEARCH, params={ 'q': search_query, 'resolve': True, 'offset': start_index, **params, }).get('statuses', []) else: # eg group_id SELF statuses = self._get(API_ACCOUNT_STATUSES % user_id, params=params) activities = [] if cache is None: # for convenience, throwaway object just for this method cache = {} # fetch extras if necessary for status in statuses[start_index:]: if not include_shares and status.get('reblog'): continue activity = self.postprocess_activity(self.status_to_activity(status)) activities.append(activity) id = status.get('id') if not id: continue obj = activity['object'] count = status.get('replies_count') if fetch_replies and count and count != cache.get('AMRE ' + id): context = self._get(API_CONTEXT % id) obj['replies'] = { 'items': [self.status_to_activity(reply) for reply in context.get('descendants', [])] } cache['AMRE ' + id] = count tags = obj.setdefault('tags', []) count = status.get('favourites_count') if fetch_likes and count and count != cache.get('AMF ' + id): likers = self._get(API_FAVORITED_BY % id) tags.extend(self._make_like(status, l) for l in likers) cache['AMF ' + id] = count count = status.get('reblogs_count') if fetch_shares and count and count != cache.get('AMRB ' + id): sharers = self._get(API_REBLOGGED_BY % id) tags.extend(self._make_share(status, s) for s in sharers) cache['AMRB ' + id] = count if fetch_mentions: # # use array notation for the query parameter for compatibility w/Pleroma # notifs = self._get(API_NOTIFICATIONS, params={ 'exclude_types[]': ['follow', 'favourite', 'reblog'], }) activities.extend(self.status_to_activity(n['status']) for n in notifs if n.get('status') and n.get('type') == 'mention') resp = self.make_activities_base_response(util.trim_nulls(activities)) return resp
[docs] def get_actor(self, user_id=None): """Fetches and returns an account. Args: user_id (str): defaults to current account Returns: dict: ActivityStreams actor object """ if user_id is None: user_id = self.user_id return self.user_to_actor(self._get(API_ACCOUNT % user_id))
[docs] def get_comment(self, comment_id, **kwargs): """Fetches and returns a comment. Args: comment_id (str): status id kwargs: unused Returns: dict: ActivityStreams object Raises: ValueError: if comment_id is invalid """ return self.status_to_object(self._get(API_STATUS % comment_id))
[docs] def status_to_activity(self, status): """Converts a status to an activity. Args: status (dict): a decoded JSON status Returns: dict: ActivityStreams activity """ obj = self.status_to_object(status) activity = { 'verb': 'post', 'published': obj.get('published'), 'id': obj.get('id'), 'url': obj.get('url'), 'actor': obj.get('author'), 'object': obj, 'context': {'inReplyTo': obj.get('inReplyTo')}, } reblogged = status.get('reblog') if reblogged: activity.update({ 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': 'share', 'object': self.status_to_object(reblogged), }) app = status.get('application') if app: activity['generator'] = { 'displayName': app.get('name'), 'url': app.get('website'), } return self.postprocess_activity(activity)
[docs] def status_to_object(self, status): """Converts a status to an object. Args: status (dict): a decoded JSON status Returns: dict: ActivityStreams object """ id = status.get('id') if not id: return {} obj = { 'objectType': 'note', 'id': self.tag_uri(id), 'url': status.get('url'), 'published': status.get('created_at'), 'author': self.user_to_actor(status.get('account') or {}), 'attachments': [], } reblog = status.get('reblog') base_status = reblog or status # media! into attachments. for media in status.get('media_attachments', []): type = media.get('type') desc = media.get('description') att = { 'id': self.tag_uri(media.get('id')), 'objectType': MEDIA_TYPES.get(type), 'displayName': desc, } url = media.get('remote_url') or media.get('url') if type == 'image': att['image'] = { 'url': url, 'displayName': desc, } elif type in ('gifv', 'video'): att.update({ 'stream': {'url': url}, 'image': {'url': media.get('preview_url')}, }) obj['attachments'].append(att) if obj['attachments']: first = obj['attachments'][0] if first['objectType'] == 'video': obj['stream'] = first.get('stream') else: obj['image'] = first.get('image') # tags obj['tags'] = [{ 'objectType': 'person', 'id': self.tag_uri(t.get('id')), 'url': t.get('url'), 'displayName': t.get('username'), } for t in status.get('mentions', [])] + [{ 'objectType': 'hashtag', 'url': t.get('url'), 'displayName': t.get('name'), } for t in status.get('tags', [])] card = status.get('card') if card: obj['tags'].append({ 'objectType': 'article', 'url': card.get('url'), 'displayName': card.get('title'), 'content': card.get('description'), 'image': {'url': card.get('image')}, }) # content: insert images for custom emoji # content = base_status.get('content') or '' for emoji in base_status.get('emojis', []): shortcode = emoji.get('shortcode') url = emoji.get('url') if shortcode and url: content = re.sub( r'(^|[^\w]):%s:([^\w]|$)' % shortcode, r'\1<img alt="%s" src="%s" style="height: 1em">\2' % (shortcode, url), content) # content: add 'Boosted @username:' prefix for reblogs if reblog and reblog.get('content'): reblog_account = reblog.get('account') content = f"Boosted <a href=\"{reblog_account.get('url')}\">@{reblog_account.get('username')}</a>: " + content obj['content'] = util.WideUnicode(content) # inReplyTo reply_to_id = status.get('in_reply_to_id') if reply_to_id: obj['inReplyTo'] = [{ 'id': self.tag_uri(reply_to_id), # Mastodon's in_reply_to_id is str, Pixelfed's is int. 'url': urllib.parse.urljoin(self.instance, '/web/statuses/' + str(reply_to_id)), }] # to (ie visibility) visibility = status.get('visibility') if visibility: obj['to'] = [{ 'objectType': 'group', 'alias': '@' + visibility, }] return self.postprocess_object(obj)
[docs] def user_to_actor(self, account): """Converts a Mastodon account to an AS1 actor. Args: account (dict): Mastodon account Returns: dict: AS1 actor """ domain = self.DOMAIN username = account.get('username') # parse acct. it's just username for local accounts but fully qualified # address for remote accounts, eg acct = account.get('acct') or '' split = acct.split('@') if len(split) in (2, 3): acct_username, acct_domain = split[-2:] if acct_domain: domain = acct_domain if not username: username = acct[-2] elif acct_username and username != acct_username: raise ValueError(f'username {username} and acct {acct} conflict!') if not username: return {} url = account.get('url') # mastodon's 'Web site' fields are HTML links, so extract their URLs web_sites = sum((util.extract_links(f.get('value')) for f in (account.get('fields') or [])), []) # account.created_at is string ISO8601 in Mastodon, int timestamp in Pixelfed published = account.get('created_at') if util.is_int(published) or util.is_float(published): published = util.maybe_timestamp_to_iso8601(published) return util.trim_nulls({ 'objectType': 'person', 'id': util.tag_uri(domain, username), 'numeric_id': account.get('id'), 'username': username, 'displayName': account.get('display_name') or acct or username, 'url': url, 'urls': [{'value': u} for u in [url] + web_sites], 'image': {'url': account.get('avatar')}, 'published': published, 'description': account.get('note'), })
def _make_like(self, status, account): return self._make_like_or_share(status, account, 'like') def _make_share(self, status, account): return self._make_like_or_share(status, account, 'share') def _make_like_or_share(self, status, account, verb): """Generates and returns a ActivityStreams like object. Args: status (dict): Mastodon status account (dict): Mastodon account verb (str): ``like`` or ``share`` Returns: dict: AS1 like activity """ assert verb in ('like', 'share') label = 'favorited' if verb == 'like' else 'reblogged' url = status.get('url') account_id = account.get('id') return { 'id': self.tag_uri(f"{status.get('id')}_{label}_by_{account_id}"), 'url': f'{url}#{label}-by-{account_id}', 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': verb, 'object': {'url': url}, 'author': self.user_to_actor(account), }
[docs] def create(self, obj, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Creates a status (aka toot), reply, boost (aka reblog), or favorite. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object include_link (str) ignore_formatting (bool) Returns: CreationResult: whose content will be a dict with ``id``, ``url``, and ``type`` keys (all optional) for the newly created object (or None) """ return self._create(obj, preview=False, include_link=include_link, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting)
[docs] def preview_create(self, obj, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Preview creating a status (aka toot), reply, boost (aka reblog), or favorite. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object include_link (str) ignore_formatting (bool) Returns: CreationResult: content will be a str HTML snippet or None """ return self._create(obj, preview=True, include_link=include_link, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting)
def _create(self, obj, preview=None, include_link=source.OMIT_LINK, ignore_formatting=False): """Creates or previews a status (aka toot), reply, boost (aka reblog), or favorite. Based on :meth:`Twitter._create`. Args: obj: ActivityStreams object preview: bool include_link: str ignore_formatting: bool Returns: CreationResult. If preview is True, the content will be an HTML snippet. If False, it will be a dict with ``id`` and ``url`` keys for the newly created object. """ assert preview in (False, True) type = obj.get('objectType') verb = obj.get('verb') base_obj = self.base_object(obj) base_id = base_obj.get('id') base_url = base_obj.get('url') is_reply = type == 'comment' or obj.get('inReplyTo') is_rsvp = (verb and verb.startswith('rsvp-')) or verb == 'invite' atts = obj.get('attachments', []) images = util.dedupe_urls(util.get_list(obj, 'image') + [a for a in atts if a.get('objectType') == 'image']) videos = util.dedupe_urls([obj] + [a for a in atts if a.get('objectType') == 'video'], key='stream') has_media = (images or videos) and (type in ('note', 'article') or is_reply) # prefer displayName over content for articles # # TODO: handle activities as well as objects? ie pull out ['object'] here if # necessary? prefer_content = type == 'note' or (base_url and is_reply) preview_description = '' content = self._content_for_create( obj, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting, prefer_name=not prefer_content) if not content: if type == 'activity' and not is_rsvp: content = verb elif has_media: content = '' else: return source.creation_result( abort=False, # keep looking for things to publish, error_plain='No content text found.', error_html='No content text found.') # truncate and ellipsize content if necessary # TODO: don't count domains in remote mentions. # content = self.truncate(content, obj.get('url'), include_link, type) # linkify user mentions def linkify_mention(match): split ='@') username = split[0] instance = ('https://' + split[1]) if len(split) > 1 else self.instance url = urllib.parse.urljoin(instance, '/@' + username) return f'<a href="{url}">@{username}</a>' preview_content = MENTION_RE.sub(linkify_mention, content) # linkify (defaults to twitter's behavior) preview_content = util.linkify(preview_content, pretty=True, skip_bare_cc_tlds=True) tags_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.instance, '/tags') # if we ever need to revise this hashtag regexp, we could use Mastodon's: # preview_content = as1.HASHTAG_RE.sub(r'\1<a href="%s/\2">#\2</a>' % tags_url, preview_content) post_label = f"{self.NAME} {self.TYPE_LABELS['post']}" # switch on activity type if type == 'activity' and verb in ('like', 'favorite'): if not base_url: return source.creation_result( abort=True, error_plain=f"Could not find a {post_label} to {self.TYPE_LABELS['like']}.", error_html=f"Could not find a {post_label} to <a href=\"\">{self.TYPE_LABELS['like']}</a>. Check that your post has the right <a href=\"\">u-like-of link</a>.") if preview: preview_description += f"<span class=\"verb\">{self.TYPE_LABELS['like']}</span> <a href=\"{base_url}\">this {self.TYPE_LABELS['post']}</a>: {self.embed_post(base_obj)}" return source.creation_result(description=preview_description) else: resp = self._post(API_FAVORITE % base_id) resp['url'] += f'#favorited-by-{self.user_id}' resp['type'] = 'like' elif type == 'activity' and verb == 'share': if not base_url: return source.creation_result( abort=True, error_plain=f"Could not find a {post_label} to {self.TYPE_LABELS['repost']}.", error_html=f"Could not find a {post_label} to <a href=\"\">{self.TYPE_LABELS['repost']}</a>. Check that your post has the right <a href=\"\">repost-of</a> link.") if preview: preview_description += f"<span class=\"verb\">{self.TYPE_LABELS['repost']}</span> <a href=\"{base_url}\">this {self.TYPE_LABELS['post']}</a>: {self.embed_post(base_obj)}" return source.creation_result(description=preview_description) else: resp = self._post(API_REBLOG % base_id) resp['type'] = 'repost' elif (type in ('note', 'article') or is_reply or is_rsvp or (type == 'activity' and verb == 'post')): # probably a bookmark data = {'status': content} if is_reply and base_url: preview_description += f"<span class=\"verb\">{self.TYPE_LABELS['comment']}</span> to <a href=\"{base_url}\">this {self.TYPE_LABELS['post']}</a>: {self.embed_post(base_obj)}" data['in_reply_to_id'] = base_id else: preview_description += f"<span class=\"verb\">{self.TYPE_LABELS['post']}</span>:" num_media = len(videos) + len(images) if num_media > MAX_MEDIA: videos = videos[:MAX_MEDIA] images = images[:max(MAX_MEDIA - len(videos), 0)] logger.warning(f'Found {num_media} media! Only using the first {MAX_MEDIA}: {videos + images!r}') if preview: media_previews = [ f"<video controls src=\"{util.get_url(vid, key='stream')}\"><a href=\"{util.get_url(vid, key='stream')}\">{vid.get('displayName') or 'this video'}</a></video>" for vid in videos ] + [ f"<img src=\"{util.get_url(img)}\" alt=\"{img.get('displayName') or ''}\" />" for img in images ] if media_previews: preview_content += '<br /><br />' + ' &nbsp; '.join(media_previews) return source.creation_result(content=preview_content, description=preview_description) else: ids = self.upload_media(videos + images) if ids: data['media_ids'] = ids resp = self._post(API_STATUSES, json=data) else: return source.creation_result( abort=False, error_plain=f'Cannot publish type={type}, verb={verb} to Mastodon', error_html=f'Cannot publish type={type}, verb={verb} to Mastodon') if 'url' not in resp: resp['url'] = base_url return source.creation_result(resp)
[docs] def base_object(self, obj): """Returns the "base" Mastodon object that an object operates on. If the object is a reply, boost, or favorite of a Mastodon post - on any instance - this returns that post object. The id in the returned object is the id of that remote post *on the local instance*. (As a Mastodon style id, ie an int in a string, *not* a tag URI.) Uses Mastodon's search API on the local instance to determine whether a URL is a Mastodon post, and if it is, to find or generate an id for it on the local instance. Discovered via Args: obj (dict): ActivityStreams object Returns: dict: minimal ActivityStreams object. Usually has at least ``id``; may also have ``url``, ``author``, etc. """ for field in ('inReplyTo', 'object', 'target'): for base in util.get_list(obj, field): url = util.get_url(base) if not url: return {} # first, check if it's on local instance if url.startswith(self.instance): return self._postprocess_base_object(base) # nope; try mastodon's search API try: results = self._get(API_SEARCH, params={'q': url, 'resolve': True}) except RequestException:"{field} URL {url} doesn't look like Mastodon:") continue for status in results.get('statuses', []): if url in (status.get('url'), status.get('uri')): # found it! base = self.status_to_object(status) base['id'] = status['id'] return self._postprocess_base_object(base) return {}
[docs] def status_url(self, id): """Returns the local instance URL for a status with a given id.""" return urllib.parse.urljoin(self.instance, f'/web/statuses/{id}')
[docs] def upload_media(self, media): """Uploads one or more images or videos from web URLs. * * Args: media (sequence of dict): AS image or stream objects, eg: ``[{'url': 'http://picture', 'displayName': 'a thing'}, ...]`` Returns: list of str: media ids for uploaded files """ uploaded = set() # URLs uploaded so far; for de-duping ids = [] for obj in media: url = util.get_url(obj, key='stream') or util.get_url(obj) if not url or url in uploaded: continue data = {} alt = obj.get('displayName') if alt: data['description'] = util.ellipsize(alt, chars=MAX_ALT_LENGTH) # TODO: mime type check? with util.requests_get(url, stream=True) as fetch: fetch.raise_for_status() upload = self._post(API_MEDIA, files={'file': fetch.raw}, data=data)'Got: {upload}') media_id = upload['id'] ids.append(media_id) uploaded.add(url) return ids
[docs] def delete(self, id): """Deletes a toot. The authenticated user must have authored it. Args: id (int or str): toot id (on local instance) to delete Returns: CreationResult: content is dict with ``url`` and ``id`` fields """ self._delete(API_STATUS % id) return source.creation_result({'url': self.status_url(id)})
[docs] def preview_delete(self, id): """Previews deleting a toot. Args: id (int or str): toot id (on local instance) to delete Returns: CreationResult: """ # can't embed right now because embeds require standalone URL, eg #, and we don't have the username here. return source.creation_result( description=f'<span class="verb">delete</span> <a href="{self.status_url(id)}">this toot</a>.')
[docs] def get_blocklist_ids(self): """Returns the current user's block list as a list of int account ids. May make multiple API calls to fully fetch large block lists. Returns: sequence of int: Mastodon account ids on the current instance """ ids = [] url = API_BLOCKS while True: resp = self._get(url, return_json=False) ids.extend(util.trim_nulls([rel.get('id') for rel in resp.json()])) url = resp.links.get('next', {}).get('url') if not url: break return ids