Source code for granary.atom

"""Convert between ActivityStreams 1 and Atom.

Atom spec: (RIP
import collections
import mimetypes
import re
import urllib.parse
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import xml.sax.saxutils

import jinja2
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util

from . import as1
from . import microformats2
from .source import Source

CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8'
FEED_TEMPLATE = 'user_feed.atom'
ENTRY_TEMPLATE = 'entry.atom'
# stolen from django.utils.html
UNENCODED_AMPERSANDS_RE = re.compile(r'&(?!(\w+|#\d+);)')
  'activity': '',
  'atom': '',
  'georss': '',
  'thr': '',

jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(
  loader=jinja2.PackageLoader(__package__, 'templates'), autoescape=True)

def _encode_ampersands(text):
  return UNENCODED_AMPERSANDS_RE.sub('&', text)

def _tag(elem):
  """Removes the namespace from an ElementTree element tag."""
  return elem.tag.split('}')[-1]

def _text(elem, field=None):
  """Returns the text in an element or child element if it exists.

  For example, if field is ``name`` and elem contains ``<name>Ryan</name>``,
  returns ``Ryan``.

    elem (ElementTree.Element)
    field (str)

    str or None:
  if field:
    if ':' not in field:
      field = 'atom:' + field
    elem = elem.find(field, NAMESPACES)

  if elem is not None and elem.text:
    text = elem.text
    if not isinstance(elem.text, str):
      text = text.decode('utf-8')
    return text.strip()

def _as1_value(elem, field):
  """Returns an AS1 namespaced schema value if it exists.

  For example, returns ``like`` for field ``verb`` if elem contains::


    elem (ElementTree.Element)
    field (str)

    str or None:
  type = _text(elem, f'activity:{field}')
  if type:
    return type.split('/')[-1]

[docs] class Defaulter(collections.defaultdict): """Emulates Django template behavior that returns a special default value that can continue to be referenced when an attribute or item lookup fails. Helps avoid conditionals in the template itself. """
[docs] def __init__(self, init={}): super().__init__(Defaulter, {k: self.__defaulter(v) for k, v in init.items()})
@classmethod def __defaulter(cls, obj): if isinstance(obj, dict): return Defaulter(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (tuple, list, set)): return obj.__class__(cls.__defaulter(elem) for elem in obj) else: return obj def __str__(self): return str(super()) if self else '' __eq__ = collections.defaultdict.__eq__ def __hash__(self): return super().__hash__() if self else None.__hash__()
[docs] def activities_to_atom(activities, actor, title=None, request_url=None, host_url=None, xml_base=None, rels=None, reader=True): """Converts ActivityStreams 1 activities to an Atom feed. Args: activities (list of dict): ActivityStreams activities actor (dict): ActivityStreams actor, the author of the feed title (str): the feed <title> element. Defaults to ``User feed for [NAME]`` request_url (str): URL of this Atom feed, if any. Used in a link rel="self". host_url (str): home URL for this Atom feed, if any. Used in the top-level feed ``<id>`` element. xml_base (str): base URL, if any. Used in the top-level ``xml:base`` attribute. rels (dict): rel links to include. Keys are string ``rel``s, values are string URLs. reader (bool): whether the output will be rendered in a feed reader. Currently just includes location if True, not otherwise. Returns: str: Atom XML """ # Strip query params from URLs so that we don't include access tokens, etc host_url = (_remove_query_params(host_url) if host_url else '') if request_url is None: request_url = host_url _prepare_actor(actor) for a in activities: _prepare_activity(a, reader=reader) updated = (as1.get_object(activities[0]).get('published', '') if activities else '') if actor is None: actor = {} return jinja_env.get_template(FEED_TEMPLATE).render( actor=Defaulter(actor), host_url=host_url, items=[Defaulter(a) for a in activities], mimetypes=mimetypes, rels=rels or {}, request_url=request_url, title=title or 'User feed for ' + as1.actor_name(actor), updated=updated, VERBS_WITH_OBJECT=as1.VERBS_WITH_OBJECT, xml_base=xml_base, as1=as1, )
[docs] def activity_to_atom(activity, xml_base=None, reader=True): """Converts a single ActivityStreams 1 activity to an Atom entry. Kwargs are passed through to :func:`activities_to_atom`. Args: xml_base (str): the base URL, if any. Used in the top-level ``xml:base`` attribute. reader (bool): whether the output will be rendered in a feed reader. Currently just includes location if True, not otherwise. Returns: str: Atom XML """ _prepare_activity(activity, reader=reader) return jinja_env.get_template(ENTRY_TEMPLATE).render( activity=Defaulter(activity), mimetypes=mimetypes, VERBS_WITH_OBJECT=as1.VERBS_WITH_OBJECT, xml_base=xml_base, as1=as1, )
[docs] def atom_to_activities(atom): """Converts an Atom feed to ActivityStreams 1 activities. Args: atom (str): Atom document with top-level ``<feed>`` element Returns: list of dict: ActivityStreams activities """ assert isinstance(atom, str) parser = ElementTree.XMLParser(encoding='UTF-8') top = ElementTree.XML(atom.encode('utf-8'), parser=parser) if _tag(top) == 'feed': author = _author_to_actor(top) return [_atom_to_activity(elem, feed_author=author) for elem in top if _tag(elem) == 'entry'] elif _tag(top) == 'entry': return [_atom_to_activity(top)] raise ValueError(f'Expected root feed or entry tag; got {top.tag}')
[docs] def atom_to_activity(atom): """Converts an Atom entry to an ActivityStreams 1 activity. Args: atom (str): Atom document with top-level ``<entry>`` element Returns: dict: ActivityStreams activity """ got = atom_to_activities(atom) if got: return got[0]
def _atom_to_activity(entry, feed_author=None): """Converts an internal Atom entry element to an ActivityStreams 1 activity. Args: entry (ElementTree.Element) feed_author (dict): optional, AS1 representation of feed author Returns: dict: ActivityStreams activity """ # default object data from entry. override with data inside activity:object. obj_elem = entry.find('activity:object', NAMESPACES) obj = _atom_to_object(obj_elem if obj_elem is not None else entry, feed_author=feed_author) content = entry.find('atom:content', NAMESPACES) if content is not None: # TODO: use 'html' instead of 'text' to include HTML tags. the problem is, # if there's an embedded XML namespace, it prefixes *every* tag with that # namespace. breaks on e.g. the <div xmlns=""> # that our Atom templates wrap HTML content in. text = ElementTree.tostring(content, 'utf-8', 'text').decode('utf-8') obj['content'] = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text.strip()) point = _text(entry, 'georss:point') if point: lat, long = point.split(' ') obj['location'].update({ 'latitude': float(lat), 'longitude': float(long), }) a = { 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': _as1_value(entry, 'verb') or 'post', 'id': _text(entry, 'id') or (obj['id'] if obj_elem is None else None), 'url': _text(entry, 'uri') or (obj['url'] if obj_elem is None else None), 'object': obj, 'actor': _author_to_actor(entry, feed_author=feed_author), 'inReplyTo': obj.get('inReplyTo'), } return Source.postprocess_activity(a, mentions=True) def _atom_to_object(elem, feed_author=None): """Converts an Atom entry to an ActivityStreams 1 object. Args: elem (ElementTree.Element) feed_author (dict): optional, AS1 representation of feed author Returns: dict: ActivityStreams object """ self_links = [link for link in elem.iterfind('atom:link', NAMESPACES) if link.get('rel') in ('self', 'alternate', None) and link.get('type', '').split(';')[0] in ('text/html', '')] uri = (_text(elem, 'uri') or (self_links[0].get('href') if self_links else None) or _text(elem)) title = _text(elem, 'title') return { 'objectType': _as1_value(elem, 'object-type') or 'article' if title else 'note', 'id': _text(elem, 'id') or uri, 'author': _author_to_actor(elem, feed_author=feed_author), 'url': uri, 'displayName': title, 'published': _text(elem, 'published'), 'updated': _text(elem, 'updated'), 'inReplyTo': [{ 'id': r.attrib.get('ref') or _text(r), 'url': r.attrib.get('href') or _text(r), } for r in elem.findall('thr:in-reply-to', NAMESPACES)], 'location': { 'displayName': _text(elem, 'georss:featureName'), } } def _author_to_actor(elem, feed_author=None): """Converts an Atom ``<author>`` element to an ActivityStreams 1 actor. Looks for ``<author>`` *inside* elem. Args: elem (ElementTree.Element) feed_author (dict): optional, AS1 representation of feed author Returns: dict: ActivityStreams actor object """ actor = {} author = elem.find('atom:author', NAMESPACES) if author is not None: actor = { 'objectType': _as1_value(author, 'object-type'), 'id': _text(author, 'id'), 'url': _text(author, 'uri'), 'displayName': _text(author, 'name'), 'email': _text(author, 'email'), } if feed_author: for field in 'id', 'url': # can't setdefault because actor has None values for id and url if not actor.get(field): actor[field] = feed_author.get(field) return actor
[docs] def html_to_atom(html, url=None, fetch_author=False, reader=True): """Converts microformats2 HTML to an Atom feed. Args: html (str) url (str): URL html came from, optional fetch_author (bool): whether to make HTTP request to fetch ``rel-author`` link reader (bool): whether the output will be rendered in a feed reader. Currently just includes location if True, not otherwise. Returns: str: Atom XML """ if fetch_author: assert url, 'fetch_author=True requires url!' parsed = util.parse_mf2(html, url=url) actor = microformats2.find_author(parsed, fetch_mf2_func=util.fetch_mf2) return activities_to_atom( microformats2.html_to_activities(html, url, actor), actor, title=microformats2.get_title(parsed), xml_base=util.base_url(url), host_url=url, reader=reader)
def _prepare_activity(a, reader=True): """Preprocesses an activity to prepare it to be rendered as Atom. Modifies ``a`` in place. Args: a (dict): ActivityStreams 1 activity reader (bool): whether the output will be rendered in a feed reader. Currently just includes location if True, not otherwise. Returns: ``None`` """ act_type = as1.object_type(a) obj = as1.get_object(a) or a primary = obj if (not act_type or act_type == 'post') else a # Render content as HTML; escape &s obj['rendered_content'] = _encode_ampersands(microformats2.render_content( primary, include_location=reader, render_attachments=True, # Readers often obey CSS white-space: pre strictly and don't even line wrap, # so don't use it. # white_space_pre=False)) # Make sure every activity has displayName, since Atom <entry> requires the # title element. and strip HTML tags, the Atom spec says title is plain text: # display_name = (a.get('displayName') or a.get('content') or obj.get('title') or obj.get('displayName') or obj.get('content') or 'Untitled') a['displayName'] = util.ellipsize(xml.sax.saxutils.escape( util.parse_html(display_name).get_text(''))) children = [] image_urls_seen = set() image_atts = [] # normalize actors for elem in a, obj: for field in 'actor', 'author': elem[field] = as1.get_object(elem, field) _prepare_actor(elem[field]) # normalize attachments, render attached notes/articles attachments = a.get('attachments') or obj.get('attachments') or [] for att in attachments: att['stream'] = util.get_first(att, 'stream') type = att.get('objectType') if type == 'image': att['image'] = util.get_first(att, 'image') image_atts.append(as1.get_object(att, 'image') or att) continue if type in ('note', 'article', 'comment', 'service'): # only render this attachment's images if at least one is new images = set(util.get_urls(att, 'image')) render_image = bool(images - image_urls_seen) image_urls_seen |= images html = microformats2.render_content( att, include_location=reader, render_attachments=True, render_image=render_image, white_space_pre=False) author = att.get('author') if author: name = microformats2.maybe_linked_name( microformats2.object_to_json(author).get('properties') or {}) html = f'{name.strip()}: {html}' children.append(html) # render image(s) that we haven't already seen for image in image_atts + as1.get_objects(obj, 'image'): if not image: continue url = image.get('url') or image.get('id') if not url: continue parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) rest = urllib.parse.urlunparse(('', '') + parsed[2:]) img_src_re = re.compile(r"""src *= *['"] *((https?:)?//%s)?%s *['"]""" % (re.escape(parsed.netloc), _encode_ampersands(re.escape(rest)))) if (url not in image_urls_seen and not['rendered_content'])): children.append(microformats2.img(url)) image_urls_seen.add(url) obj['rendered_children'] = [_encode_ampersands(child) for child in children] # make sure published and updated are strict RFC 3339 timestamps for prop in 'published', 'updated': val = obj.get(prop) if val: obj[prop] = util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(val) # Atom timestamps are even stricter than RFC 3339: they can't be naive ie # time zone unaware. They must have either an offset or the Z suffix. # if not[prop]): obj[prop] += 'Z' def _prepare_actor(actor): """Preprocesses an AS1 actor to prepare it to be rendered as Atom. Modifies actor in place. Args: actor (dict): ActivityStreams 1 actor """ if not actor: return actor['image'] = util.get_first(actor, 'image') actor.setdefault('displayName', actor.get('username')) def _remove_query_params(url): parsed = list(urllib.parse.urlparse(url)) parsed[4] = '' return urllib.parse.urlunparse(parsed)
[docs] def extract_entries(atom): """Extracts ``<entry>`` elements into their own separate XML documents. Args: atom (str): Atom document with top-level ``<feed>`` or ``<entry>`` element Returns: list of str: Atom documents with top-level ``<entry>`` element for each entry """ assert isinstance(atom, str), atom.__class__ ElementTree.register_namespace('', '') parser = ElementTree.XMLParser(encoding='UTF-8') top = ElementTree.XML(atom.encode('utf-8'), parser=parser) if _tag(top) == 'feed': entries = [elem for elem in top if _tag(elem) == 'entry'] elif _tag(top) == 'entry': entries = [top] else: raise ValueError(f'Expected root feed or entry tag; got {top.tag}') header = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' return [header + ElementTree.tostring(e, encoding='unicode') for e in entries]